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Guardians like giving and receiving presents more than Rationals do—specifically, they like<br />

sentimental presents, whereas Rationals do not. According to the MBTI Principle of Misplaced<br />

Empathy, each temperament tends to give the gifts that they themselves like to receive. Rationals<br />

like extravagant gifts the most, and will therefore purchase them on occasion, but SJs are the<br />

temperament that has the lowest appreciation for big, spendy items. A dichotomy to watch out for.<br />

Most Important Values<br />

Tieger and Barron-Tieger had each type list the characteristics in a partner that were most important<br />

to them. Some characteristics were universal; others were specific to temperament or type. A<br />

summary of the top seven characteristics that were most important to SJs is listed below. The<br />

number in [ ] brackets indicates the ranking that INTJs gave the trait in question. A "^" indicates<br />

that INTJs saw the trait as being less important to a relationship.<br />

• Fidelity All SJs chose this [1]<br />

• Mutual commitment All SJs chose this [3]<br />

• Mutual support All SJs chose this [2]<br />

• Companionship All SJs chose this<br />

• Shared values All SJs chose this [6]<br />

• Security STJs chose this ^<br />

• Having fun together ESJs chose this [7]<br />

• Being listened to All except ESTJs chose this [5]<br />

• Intimacy Only ISFJs chose this<br />

Least Important Values<br />

The researchers also examined the characteristics that were seen as having low importance to a<br />

relationship. An asterisk indicates that an item was also seen as having low importance to INTJs. A<br />

“^” indicates that INTJs viewed an item as important. Unmarked entries were seen as being of<br />

neither high nor low value to INTJs.<br />

• Similar parenting styles All SJs chose this*<br />

• Spiritual connection All SJs chose this*<br />

• Shared interests All SJs chose this<br />

• Shared religious beliefs All SJs chose this*<br />

• Sexual compatibility ESFJs and ISTJs chose this<br />

• Intellectual stimulation All except ISTJ chose this^<br />

Average Weight (1 – 7) Placed on Each Most Important Guardian Value<br />

The average “weight” (ranking preference) placed upon a characteristic is a rough measure of how<br />

much that particular characteristic was valued relative to other characteristics. A characteristic<br />

could be ranked in first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh place. Some characteristics<br />

were considered very important to all SJs, while other characteristics were considered important to<br />

only some SJs. Here is a summary of the average weight that SJs placed on each characteristic.<br />

The number in [ ] brackets indicates the weight (if any) placed upon that characteristic by INTJs.<br />

• Fidelity 1.5 [1]<br />

• Mutual commitment 2 [3]<br />

• Mutual support 3 [2]<br />

• Being listened to 3.33 [5] (ESTJs not counted)

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