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• INTJs enjoy exercise more than average; INTPs can take it or leave it.<br />

• INTJs are less likely than average to watch 3 or more hours of TV per day. INTPs are<br />

average in this respect.<br />

Religion 68<br />

• INTJs are about twice as likely to be atheistic as INTPs.<br />

• INTJs are a bit more likely to be atheistic than agnostic; INTPs are a bit more likely to be<br />

agnostic than atheistic.<br />

Areas That Are Too Similar to be Used as Diagnostic Criteria<br />

• Marital satisfaction. 69<br />

• I.Q. 70<br />

• Argumentativeness 71<br />

• Love for computer gaming 72<br />

• Both INTJs and INTPs are confident in their ability to perform 1.) jobs that involve analysis,<br />

problem solving, and research and 2.) jobs that involve office work, performing work on a<br />

computer, accounting, filing, etc. 73<br />

• Both types have nearly the same likelihood of developing heart disease and hypertension. 74<br />

I Still Don’t Know My Type<br />

The INTJ/INTP confusion is exacerbated when nurture has heavily modified nature, or when the<br />

person in question sits riiiiight on the line between J and P.<br />

If you still aren’t certain what type you are—and you really care—then you should probably just<br />

hack up the money and take the MBTI. (I’m serious, you can’t trust those internet tests. The<br />

authors have not done studies on whether their test is affected by gender or cultural bias; nor have<br />

they done studies to verify whether the test is producing accurate results. Then too, they haven’t<br />

attempted specifically to address the issue of people who sit on the line. The MBTI, on the other<br />

hand, has addressed all of these areas over the course of several iterations.)<br />

Make sure that the testing organization will provide you with your continuous scores, i.e. whether<br />

you are a very clear or very slight Judger (see Appendix 1). If you have are confused about whether<br />

you are an INTJ or an INTP, then chances are you have a very slight J or P. Once you have your<br />

continuous scores, then you can verify for yourself exactly how close you are to the middle.<br />

If it turns out that you are a middle-of-the-roader, there is a special version of the MBTI test (called<br />

the MBTI Step II) which has been specially designed to disambiguate uncertain type. It also<br />

demonstrates exactly how a person is different from the “standard model” of their type, i.e. a person<br />

may have five out of the six usual “facets” (characteristics) of Extraversion, but behave like an<br />

68 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998<br />

69 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998<br />

70 McCaulley & Kainz; McCaulley & Natter; Myers & McCaulley in Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998<br />

71 Loffredo & Opt, 2006<br />

72 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998<br />

73 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998<br />

74 Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer, 1998

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