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said so" or "Because I gave birth to you."<br />

Childrens' tantrums do not present much of a problem for the INTJ parent. They instinctively<br />

realize that if they reward such behavior by giving in to the child's demands or providing extra<br />

attention in an attempt to quell the tantrum, it will only cause more tantrums later. Instead, they<br />

merely observe the tantrum, perhaps deriving internal amusement from the spectacle, then proceed<br />

to ignore it completely. The INTJ's children quickly learn that explosions are a waste of time. (For<br />

all INTJs who worry that if they had children, said offspring would end up behaving like the<br />

screaming brats at the store, don't worry.)<br />

Bowditch furnishes us with several excellent examples of both discipline and positive<br />

reinforcement. Here is what one of his kids had to say about him:<br />

A model for the imitation of all parents, he avoided every thing calculated to interrupt the mutual<br />

confidence and familiarity which existed between him and his family. Though readily granting any<br />

reasonable favor, he was never weakly indulgent. Inculcating by precept and example the most valuable<br />

lessons of life, affection ever prompted and directed his admonitions, and a sound judgment always<br />

controlled the impulses of affection.<br />

Weak indulgence is the last thing an INTJ parent will be accused of. They temper "the impulses of<br />

affection" with "sound judgment" to avoiding spoiling their children or breeding bad habits.<br />

He also cultivated in his children the INTJ value of total truthfulness:<br />

...many years ago, in Salem, one of his sons, at a female school, being in an apartment with one other boy,<br />

threw a ball which broke a mirror; and his comrade advised concealment. He was so much pleased when<br />

his son told the truth immediately about the affair, that, though he was then obliged to live with rigid<br />

economy, and the payment was really inconvenient to him, he bought a new mirror, and expressed far<br />

more pleasure at the son's performance of so high a duty as telling the truth, than he did at his<br />

carelessness.<br />

In this situation, many parents will think first of the mirror and neighbors' opinion of them. This<br />

INTJ was focused on reinforcing moral principles and teaching his son about the long-term value of<br />

honesty.<br />

Compliments and praise do not come easily to Rationals; therefore one disciplinary skill that INTJs<br />

may need to practice is giving rewards for good behavior. And of course, there's nothing like using<br />

star formations as a reward for good behavior:<br />

...the influence of his [Bowditch's astronomical] studies was felt by his children, whose greatest reward<br />

was to receive from him, in token of his approbation, the drawings of various constellations upon their<br />

arms or forehead. It was a sad day for them, when they did not receive from his pen the representation of<br />

the Belt of Orion, or of some other beautiful appearance in the heavens.<br />

Only a Rational parent would think of out constellations as a reward. Actually, however, the idea of<br />

giving a daily reward simply for being good is not something that an INTJ is likely to see as<br />

valuable; they tend to believe that only above average efforts should be rewarded, while daily<br />

maintenance is taken for granted. This is one area in which INTJ parents can study to improve.<br />

Special Challenges<br />

EF children can be an especial challenge for INTJ parents because the INTJ does not have EF needs<br />

and therefore may not really understand why their child seems to want more overt, verbal attention<br />

and affection than the INTJ themselves would require, i.e. a relatively low amount compared to<br />

other types. (This is something that happens to parents of every type: they try to treat the child like

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