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name I can no longer recall was shocked when I gestured at him and referred to him as “what’s-hisname.”<br />

He exclaimed, “You’ve known me for years and you still don’t know my name?”<br />

So do INTs simply have bad memories? Is that why they can't remember names or personal<br />

information? Actually, they have great memories—for certain things. It was observed of an INTJ<br />

mathematician named Bowditch, who we'll meet him later, that, "he read through the whole of<br />

Chambers's Encyclopaedia, in four folio volumes, without omitting an article; and, as his memory,<br />

except as to persons and names, was wonderfully retentive, he in the manner acquired a fund of the<br />

most varied information." 7 [Emphasis mine.] An INTJ may know the speed of light or memorize pi<br />

to twelve digits, yet keep on forgetting the name of a person they see every day. They are designed<br />

to store and process information about ideas rather than information about people.<br />

Social Media<br />

Have you ever wondered if there's a relationship between type and Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn<br />

usage? A 2011 survey of 1,784 Americans found some interesting links between type and social<br />

media usage/attitudes (read here). 8 Generally speaking, EFs tend to use social media more than ITs.<br />

Despite this, 68% of INTJs reported that they had a Facebook account (the second most of all<br />

Rationals). They were actually ranked 7th out of 16 in terms of likelihood of having a Facebook<br />

account.<br />

Some would argue that social networking is a good way to meet new people. But only 14% of INTJ<br />

and INTPs believed this—the lowest of all types. In fact, 50% of INTJs said that it was not a good<br />

way to meet people. It would seem that INTJs are not the social networking type. Why is this?<br />

Could it be that INTJs see social media as a waste of time? Actually, half of them didn't. And,<br />

about 45% thought it was useful for professional use. So they don't necessarily perceive it as time<br />

lost. (It should be noted, however, that INTJs were the type second least likely to use Facebook for<br />

work-related purposes, with 72% not using it for this purpose at all. INTJs also were the type least<br />

likely to see Facebook as a useful tool for work.)<br />

~60% of INTJs thought that social networking was a good way to connect with people who shared a<br />

mutual interest. (~30% were neutral about the idea, and ~10% disagreed.) It seems that INTJs are<br />

therefore most likely to use social networks to pursue their interests and hobbies; for example, there<br />

are INTJ groups devoted to psychological type.<br />

Finally, there are those who use social networking as a way to get their news. INTJs do use social<br />

networks for this purpose, but they are the type most ambivalent about its utility in this regard.<br />

About 40% of INTJs (the most of all types) were neutral on the question of whether social<br />

networking is a good way to stay connected with what is going on in the world. A slightly larger<br />

amount (45%, the least of all types) did think that it was a good way to stay connected. INTJs, it<br />

would seem, are probably the type least likely to get their news from social media.<br />

If you'd like to meet other INTJs, you can of course check Facebook; there is also a forum devoted<br />

to INTJs here.<br />

Argumentation<br />

A study compared type and argumentativeness. Not surprisingly, the Rationals occupied the top<br />

four slots. The ENTJs were most argumentative, but the INTJs were second most argumentative<br />

7 Bowditch, 1939<br />

8 Schaubhut, Weber & Thompson, 2012

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