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INTJs at Work<br />

Now might be a good time to remind you that the person writing this book has no qualifications to<br />

give you advice. A good descriptor of the author would be “Knows just enough to be dangerous.”<br />

It is to be hoped that you will not simply take my word for anything, but test it for yourself. Failing<br />

to do so could have unpleasant consequences, no?<br />

INTJ Careers<br />

A gentleman named Holland came up with a model to describe the different groups of occupations<br />

that jobs fall into. This model, now widely used, is described by the acronym RIASEC, which<br />

stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Briefly, these<br />

categories are as follows:<br />

1. Realistic – Hands on jobs without a lot of paperwork. Construction, maintenance, working<br />

with animals or plants, outdoor work, tool use, etc.<br />

2. Investigative – Researching, problem solving, analyzing complex issues, scientific pursuits.<br />

Engineering, statistics, programming, modeling, etc.<br />

3. Artistic – Appreciation, consumption, or production of music, dance, writing, art. Artistic,<br />

creative, design-oriented.<br />

4. Social – Oriented towards helping others or meeting their needs. Social workers, teachers,<br />

ministers, counselors, nurses. People-focused.<br />

5. Enterprising – Goal oriented; the emphasis is on marketing, raising money, persuading<br />

investors, taking risks for rewards, setting team goals, and leading others. Entrepreneurs,<br />

lobbyists, recruiters, managers.<br />

6. Conventional - Detail oriented. Working at a computer with standard software (Word,<br />

Excel, PowerPoint, Access), dealing with paperwork and files, balancing the books,<br />

following standard procedures to complete a task, desk work.<br />

But Holland didn’t stop at defining categories. He asked himself, “Suppose you have a person that<br />

is good at Conventional work, but hates it? Or suppose you have a person who is confident in their<br />

ability to perform Realistic work, but doesn’t actually perform it very often?”

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