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minutes for the task, and an additional seventeen minutes for Ensign Kim's usual<br />

conversational digressions. I am scheduled to take a nutritional supplement at fifteen<br />

hundred hours, engage in one hour of cardiovascular activity, then I intend to review a text<br />

the Doctor recommended entitled "A Christmas Carol." He believes it will have educational<br />

value. End log."<br />

• Frowned upon what she termed a "disorganized environment" (J)<br />

• Did not enjoy sharing quarters with a Perceiver (J)<br />

Seven: As a Borg, I was accustomed to cohabitating with thousands of other drones, but I<br />

find it significantly more difficult to live with a single human.<br />

Tuvok: In what way?<br />

Seven: Ensign Brooks is negligent. She leaves her equipment lying around the quarters and<br />

her clothing on the floor.<br />

Tuvok: Indeed. I have found that most humans are less than meticulous when it comes to<br />

their domestic habits.<br />

Seven: Indeed.<br />

• Impassive facial expression, body language (INTJs favored)<br />

• Emphasis on precision, exactitude, perfection (INTJs favored most of all NTs) 175<br />

Evidence Against INTJ<br />

• Disliked being alone, silence (E)<br />

"This drone is small now. Alone. One voice, one mind. The silence is unacceptable. We need<br />

the others!"<br />

---<br />

"So quiet. One voice."<br />

---<br />

"I am finding it difficult to spend so much time alone. I am unaccustomed to it. The hours do<br />

not pass quickly."<br />

• Did not feel the need to obey rules or procedures (INTJs not favored)<br />

"...Here's someone who's butted horns with you from the moment she came on board, who<br />

disregards authority and actively disobeys orders when she doesn't agree with them."<br />

There is little doubt about the NTJ aspects of Seven's personality. The real question comes down to<br />

whether she is an introvert or an extravert. And here we run into some very interesting problems.<br />

Let's first look at why Seven appears to be an introvert; then we'll look at why she has certain<br />

extraverted traits.<br />

90% of the time, Seven acts like an introvert. She uses minimal speech, displays muted body<br />

language, prefers to avoid socialization, and spends a good deal of time alone. Reserved and aloof,<br />

she only talked about herself with reluctance. If we looked simply at the obvious surface traits, it<br />

would be clear that she was an introvert.<br />

But then how do we account for Seven's claim that, "I cannot function alone"? As it turns out, this<br />

is an aspect of her Borg socialization. The Borg share a collective consciousness where each drone<br />

continually sends and receives thoughts from all the other members. (Think of it as having the<br />

entire internet whispering in your head all the time, but without funny pictures of cats.) In a sense,<br />

175 Thorne & Gough, 1991

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