Wedderburn book; a history of the Wedderburns in ... -

Wedderburn book; a history of the Wedderburns in ... - Wedderburn book; a history of the Wedderburns in ... -
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. ALEXANDER, SECOND OF KLNGENNIE. H3 any of «r other statute aote or constitntlou whatsoever which nmv 1... ,„tte,i.Ie.l i.i the conr*ct Part If trary or«„y ,,a.ne8or peaaltye. therein conteyue.i, and tluit yee di.,.eu.e a, ve w,ll .1.. u, acceptLble eptiUe service and Ch^p v-nap IV n. will aunswere the coutrarv. contrary. Oivpn Given «f at n,,- J,u^ , our «-i.:,.i..,i .1 :, pallace ot Whiu-hall the iiix of To our right trusty and well beloved Bubjectes the Cunniiissioiie«f< and deputve^ ;-; ; of our bruuglies of our contrey of Scotland. He was admitted burgess of Dtiiulee, -22 Sept. 1G09 (D.L.B. -AC), hv the privilege of his father, who, a year later, 6 Nov. 1610, granted to hiui, as his elde>t sou and lieir, a charter of Kuigeniiie, subject to the liferent of himself .ind his wife (.S.W. 1 7-.'). T|'„s charter was at once confirmed by the King's Advocate, 17 Nov , and .s:isiiie .^ivcn thereon 26 Nov (S.W. 17;!-T4). A similar charter of Wester Gourdio was grantcxfto iiini, so


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