Rules and Regulations - Riverside Middle School

Rules and Regulations - Riverside Middle School

Rules and Regulations - Riverside Middle School


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<strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong> believes in the rights of individuals to study for scholastic<br />

achievement while conforming to st<strong>and</strong>ards of conduct <strong>and</strong> behavior that must be met by<br />

all students.<br />

Our purpose is not to punish but to develop within the student a sense of responsibility<br />

for education without interference from students who will not obey rules established for<br />

the good of the total student body.<br />

Most disciplinary problems should be h<strong>and</strong>led among the teacher, student <strong>and</strong> parent in a<br />

calm reasonable manner. Teachers may assign lunch detentions, after school detentions,<br />

time outs, group silent lunches <strong>and</strong> other discipline as he/she deems appropriate. This<br />

philosophy assumes that effective discipline leads to increased maturity <strong>and</strong> desirable<br />

behavior on the part of the student. Nevertheless, there are problems which necessitate<br />

rapid deterrent action if they affect the learning opportunities of other students. Students<br />

are expected to conduct themselves at all times <strong>and</strong> places in a manner that will be in the<br />

best interest of the school. When behavior gets out of line, discipline referrals are in<br />

order.<br />

After-<strong>School</strong> Detention is an after school opportunity for the student to read, study or<br />

prepare homework. The time <strong>and</strong> place will be determined by grade level. (Students will<br />

be given 48 hours notice to get transportation.)<br />

In <strong>School</strong> Suspension (ISS) is temporary removal of a student from his/her regular<br />

classes. The student will be isolated in an environment that does not allow interaction<br />

with other classmates during the day. Students will be required to do assigned work under<br />

the supervision of an in-school supervisor.<br />

Out-of-<strong>School</strong> Suspension (OSS) is the temporary removal of a student from school.<br />

Administration will notify in writing the parent/guardian, giving the reason for<br />

suspension. A conference shall be set. (If parent can’t meet, a telephone conference will<br />

be expected.) During OSS, the student will not be allowed on school grounds unless<br />

reporting for a scheduled conference with an administrator.<br />

Parents may appeal discipline decisions to the principal. After an appeal to the principal,<br />

parents may appeal to Dr. Lee D’Andrea at Anderson <strong>School</strong> District Four Office (403-<br />

2000).<br />

Level I: Disorderly Conduct<br />

Disorderly conduct is a disruption of the normal operation of a classroom. Teaching<br />

teams should deal with the situation, <strong>and</strong> have the authority to recommend ISS or OSS if<br />

approved by the administration.<br />

1. Disturbing the learning process/Failure to obey classroom rules<br />

Teacher Actions: Conference with the student, Notify the parents,<br />

Lunch detention, After-school detention,<br />

Assign ISS, Conference with student/parent<br />

2. Cheating

Teacher Action<br />

First Offense - take paper, give 0, notify parent<br />

Second Offense - Take paper, give 0, notify parent, give up to 3 detentions or up to 1 ISS<br />

Third Offense - take paper, give 0, parent conference, up to 5 detentions, or up to 2 days<br />

of ISS.<br />

3. Lying/Dishonesty/Forgery<br />

Teacher Action<br />

First Offense - student conference - 3 detentions<br />

Second Offense - Notify parents – 1-2 days of ISS<br />

Third Offense - Parent Conference – 3 days of ISS<br />

4. Obscene Gesture or Profanity (Verbal or Written)<br />

Teacher Action<br />

Student Conference - notify parent<br />

Up to 3 detentions or 2 ISS<br />

5. “Off Limits” Area of <strong>School</strong> Building<br />

Teacher Action<br />

First Offense - Student Conference<br />

Second Offense - Notify parent - 3 days detention<br />

Third Offense - Parent Conference - up to 2 days ISS<br />

6. Disrespect (Teacher, staff, school official)<br />

Teacher <strong>and</strong> Administrator Actions:<br />

Student Conference, notify parent, Up to 5 detentions, 2 ISS or OSS<br />

7. Public Display of Affection (holding h<strong>and</strong>s, continual hugging, kissing)<br />

Teacher Action<br />

First Offense - Student Conference<br />

Second Offense - Notify parents<br />

Third Offense – 2 days ISS<br />

8. Cell Phones<br />

Communication devices are not allowed on the school campus. The school principal or<br />

his designee will have the authority to limit or confiscate communication devices. A<br />

student who is in violation of this policy is subject to the following penalties:<br />

First Offense– Confiscation, return to parent whenever they can pick it up. Sign a cell<br />

phone contract.<br />

Second Offense– Confiscation, return to parent whenever they can pick it up. Student<br />

loses recess for 30 school days.<br />

Third Offense– Confiscation, return to parent whenever they can pick it up. Loss of<br />

recess for remainder of school year.<br />

Fourth Offense – Confisication, return to parent whenever they can pick it up. Loss of<br />

school priviliges for remainder of school year.

Fifth Offense – 2 days OSS (No OSS Camp)<br />

Communication devices will be allowed for field trips that extend beyond the school day.<br />

The sponsor will determine the rules <strong>and</strong> regulations for its use. In these instances, the<br />

student must keep the phone turned off <strong>and</strong> stored out of sight during normal school<br />

hours.<br />

<strong>School</strong> personnel <strong>and</strong>/or the school district are not responsible for the loss or<br />

damage of any communication device brought onto school property or for those<br />

confiscated.<br />

9. Dress Code Violation<br />

The basic responsibility for the appearance of the students at <strong>Riverside</strong> <strong>Middle</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

rests with the parents/guardians <strong>and</strong> the students themselves. Students are expected to<br />

dress neatly <strong>and</strong> appropriately at all times. Proper dress enhances student learning by<br />

avoiding possible disruptions caused by inappropriate clothing.<br />

In order for dress not to interfere with student learning, these guidelines must be<br />

followed:<br />

• Shoes must be worn at all times.<br />

• Hats <strong>and</strong> other head wear may not be worn in the building unless the principal has<br />

designated a special day.<br />

• Sunglasses are not allowed unless prescribed by a physician.<br />

• Bare midriffs, see-through garments, bare backs, pajamas spaghetti straps, halter tops,<br />

baggy armed sleeveless shirts, <strong>and</strong> tank tops are not allowed. (the top must touch the<br />

bottom)<br />

• The length of shorts, skirts <strong>and</strong> dresses must not be shorter than 4 inches from the knee<br />

(even if tights or leggings are worn underneath). The physical education teachers will<br />

determine appropriate shorts for PE classes.<br />

• No ”sagging” of pants or shorts will be allowed. The waist b<strong>and</strong> of pants <strong>and</strong> shorts<br />

must be worn on the waist.<br />

• Students must not wear any article of clothing bearing any words or phrases which are<br />

obscene, vulgar, or otherwise in bad taste which may cause a disruption to the<br />

learning process. Included are t-shirts <strong>and</strong> other items advertising or promoting<br />

products which are illegal for students to use or gang related attire.<br />

• Students’ hair must be of natural color.<br />

• No low cut or revealing tops.<br />

• No facial piercings (which includes nose, lip, brow or tongue)<br />

The administration reserves the right to modify the dress code throughout the year as<br />

needed.<br />

First, second, & third offense—Notify parent <strong>and</strong> make corrections to the dress code. If<br />

corrections can’t be make, student will stay in ISS.<br />

Fourth Offense—ISS<br />

Level II<br />

Will be dealt with by Administration.<br />

It is legal to search a person, their locker or book bag while on campus.

1. Fighting<br />

First Offense - 3-5 days of OSS<br />

Second Offense - 5 days of OSS/ Behavior Contract/ Guidance referral<br />

Third Offense - Recommendation for Expulsion<br />

Students involved in a fight will undergo 30 school days of anger management <strong>and</strong><br />

decision making training during recess time.<br />

2. Tobacco (possession)<br />

Students shall not be permitted to use or possess products or paraphernalia while on bus,<br />

school grounds or attending a school related function.<br />

First Offense - 2 OSS<br />

Second Offense - 3 OSS & Guidance referral<br />

Third Offense - 5 OSS / Behavior Contract<br />

Fourth Offense- Recommendation for Expulsion<br />

3. Distribution, possession, or use: of materials or substance unauthorized by<br />

Administrators (video games, CD players, I-Pods <strong>and</strong> laser lights)<br />

Materials will be confiscated, turned into to Office.<br />

First Offense - Warning/Confiscation/Parent Notification to pick up material<br />

Second Offense - 1 week recess detention/Parent Notification to pick up material<br />

4. Being in unauthorized area (outside of school building)<br />

First Offense - 1 days ISS<br />

Second Offense - 3 days ISS<br />

Third Offense – OSS Camp<br />

5. Threat Against Others<br />

Persons guilty of carrying messages between disagreeing students may be assigned<br />

either ISS or OSS.<br />

6. Bullying or Harassing other students<br />

First Offense - Notify Parents, Guidance/Administrative referral<br />

Second Offense - 2 days ISS<br />

Third Offense – OSS <strong>and</strong> Behavior Contract<br />

Fourth Offense- Recommendation for Expulsion<br />

7. Abusive Language to Staff/Extreme Disrespect<br />

First Offense - Notify Parents/3 days OSS<br />

Second Offense - 5 days OSS, recommendation for Expulsion<br />

8. Refusal to obey <strong>School</strong> Personnel (Administration, teachers, chaperones,<br />

substitute teachers, staff)<br />

First Offense - Notify parents - 2 days OSS<br />

Second Offense - 3 days OSS<br />

Third Offense - 4 days OSS / Behavior Contract<br />

Fourth Offense - Recommendation for Expulsion

9. Cutting Class<br />

First Offense - Notify Parents - 1 day ISS<br />

Second Offense - 2 days ISS<br />

Third Offense – OSS Camp<br />

Cutting Class/Leaving Campus-OSS Camp<br />

10. Disrupting assemblies, classes or other school functions<br />

First Offense - Notify Parents –2 days loss of recess<br />

Second Offense - 1 day ISS<br />

Third Offense – OSS Camp<br />

11. Acts detrimental to welfare of the school , bullying, sexual, physical <strong>and</strong> verbal<br />

harassment<br />

Punishment will be based on the severity of the offense - Board policy will be strictly<br />

enforced. Allegations will be investigated according to Board Policy, those found<br />

guilty will be brought to the Board.<br />

First Offense-Parent notification/ ISS depending on severity<br />

Second Offense- ISS/ OSS depending on severity/ Behavior Contract<br />

Third Offense-OSS/ Recommendation for Expulsion<br />

12. Possession, Distribution or Use of Intoxicant<br />

Expulsion will be recommended<br />

13. V<strong>and</strong>alism<br />

Notify parent, Restitution ISS or OSS<br />

14. Stealing (theft)<br />

First Offense - Notify Parents - Restitution <strong>and</strong> 3 days ISS<br />

Second Offense - Restitution - <strong>and</strong> 3 days OSS<br />

Third Offense - Restitution - <strong>and</strong> 5 days OSS<br />

15. Biting<br />

Out-of-<strong>School</strong> Suspension<br />

Inappropriate use of internet or websites<br />

Notify parents, ISS or OSS <strong>and</strong> loss of internet privileges.<br />

Level III Criminal Conduct<br />

Criminal in nature that would cause immediate danger to students, faculty <strong>and</strong> staff.<br />

Intervention of law enforcement may be used. Expulsion from school will be more than<br />

likely recommended.<br />

Acts may include:<br />

1. Assault <strong>and</strong> battery<br />

2. Extortion<br />

3. Bomb Threat

4. Possession, use or transfer of dangerous weapons including knives.<br />

5. Major v<strong>and</strong>alism<br />

6. Arson<br />

7. Possession, use, or transfer of unauthorized substance (pills, medicine, alcohol).<br />

8. Verbal or physical assault toward any one<br />

9. Falsely pulling a fire alarm<br />

10. Violation of the District Drug Policy<br />

Students are not allowed to possess, use, transmit or be under the influence of any<br />

narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic<br />

beverages, or intoxicant:<br />

1. on school grounds<br />

2. at a school related activity<br />

Out of <strong>School</strong> Suspension<br />

Students under Out Of <strong>School</strong> Suspension are not allowed on school grounds except for<br />

prearranged conference with an administrator. Students will lose school privileges – pep<br />

rallies, field trips, field days, dances, block party, bingo party, etc.<br />

Make up Work for Suspension<br />

It is the student’s responsibility, upon return from suspension to make arrangements for<br />

make up work. Work missed must be made up within 10 school days or student will<br />

not receive credit for work missed.<br />

Eligibility Under Out of <strong>School</strong> Suspension<br />

Students under Out of <strong>School</strong> Suspension are<br />

not allowed to participate in any school related activity during their suspension <strong>and</strong><br />

lose school privileges for the rest of the year (pep rallies, field trips, field days,<br />

dances, etc). The only way to regain those school privileges is by successfully<br />

completing OSS camp.<br />

OSS Camp<br />

OSS camp began at RMS during the fall of 2003 as an alternative to out of school<br />

suspension. Over the years the number of students suspended during the school year has<br />

decreased dramatically. The<br />

camp is designed to give students who get out of school suspension an opportunity to<br />

keep up with their academic work <strong>and</strong> earn their school trust <strong>and</strong> privileges back. Each<br />

day in camp the student will be required to do physical fitness exercises, academic work,<br />

<strong>and</strong> community service work. The student will be isolated from the student body <strong>and</strong><br />

supervised by the school Resource Officer <strong>and</strong> the ISS supervisor.<br />

If a parent chooses to send their child to OSS camp, the following are the guidelines:<br />

All sessions will be for 5 consecutive days.<br />

Students will arrive <strong>and</strong> leave school like they would any other school day.<br />

Students may not participate in any after-school activities during the first 3 days of OSS<br />

camp.<br />

A dress code will be required.

Once a student successfully completes a session, all school privileges are reinstated.<br />

Students may only attend OSS camp for 2 sessions during the year.<br />

Any students not completing their session, will assume their previous OSS days <strong>and</strong> lose<br />

privileges for the remainder of the school year.<br />

The Administration reserves the right to adjust the disciplinary action for any<br />

behavior violation based upon extenuating circumstances.

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