MLA Works Cited/Bibliography Guide

MLA Works Cited/Bibliography Guide

MLA Works Cited/Bibliography Guide


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Genesee’s M. L. A. <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong>/ <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

The <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong> section or <strong>Bibliography</strong> section lists all of the sources you have cited in your paper. It is<br />

found at the end of your research paper. Begin your list on a new page (the next page after the text) and<br />

alphabetize your entries.<br />

<strong>Guide</strong>lines for <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong><br />

1. Center the title <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong> one inch for the top. Double-space before the first entry.<br />

2. Begin each entry flush with the left margin. If the entry runs more that one line, indent additional<br />

lines five spaces.<br />

3. Double-space each entry; also double-space between entries.<br />

4. List each entry alphabetically by the author‟s last name. If there is no author, use the first word of<br />

the title (disregard A, An, The).<br />

The Form for an Entry<br />

An entry generally has three main divisions: author, title, and publication information. A basic entry for a<br />

book would be as follows:<br />

Spitzer, Robert R. No Need for Hunger. Chicago: Interstate, 1981.<br />

(Double-space after the author and title. Single-space the publication information)<br />

A basic entry for a periodical (a magazine) would be as follows:<br />

Whitman, David. “Hope for the Homeless.” U.S. News and World Report 29 Feb. 1988: 26-35.<br />

(Double-space after the author and the title of the article. Single-space the rest of the entry).<br />

<strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong> Entries: Books<br />

The entries which follow illustrate the information needed to cite books, sections of a book, pamphlets, and<br />

government publications.<br />

One Author<br />

Spitzer, Robert R. No Need for Hunger. Chicago: Interstate, 1981.<br />

Two or Three Authors<br />

Ostrander, Sheila, and Lynn Schroeder. Superlearning. Seattle: Delacorte, 1979.<br />

More Than Three Authors<br />

Guerin, Wilfred L., et al. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. San Francisco:<br />

Harper, 1966.<br />

A Single Work for an Anthology<br />

Morris, William. “The Haystack in the Floods.” Nineteenth Century British Minor Poets. Ed.<br />

Richard Wilbur and W.H. Auden. New York: Dell, 1965. 265-79.<br />

Note: If you cite a complete anthology, begin the entry with the editors.<br />


Two or More Books by the same Author<br />

Von Oech, Roger, A Kick in the Seat of the Pants. New York: Perennial-Harper, 1986.<br />

---. Oh! A Whack on the Side of the Head. New York: Warner, 1983.<br />

Note: List the books alphabetically according to title. After the first entry, substitute three hyphens for the<br />

author‟s name.<br />

A Corporate (group) Author<br />

No Author<br />

Task Force on Education for Economic Growth. Action for Excellence. Washington: Education<br />

Commission of the States, 1983.<br />

The World Almanac and Book of Facts. New York: Newspaper Enterprise Assoc., 1985.<br />

One Volume of a Multivolume Work<br />

Ziegler, Alan. The Writing <strong>Works</strong>hop. Vol. 2. New York: Teachers and Writers, 1984.<br />

Note: If you cite two or more volumes in a multivolume work, give the total number of volumes after the<br />

title.<br />

An Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterword<br />

Callan, Edward. Introduction. Cry, the Beloved Country. By Alan Paton. New York Macmillan,<br />

1987. xv-xxvii.<br />

Note: Give only the author‟s last name after By if he is the author of the piece cited and the complete work.<br />

Cross-References<br />

Abbey, Edward. “The Most Beautiful Place on Earth.” Hall 225-41.<br />

Baldwin, James. “Notes of a Native Son.” Hall 164-83.<br />

Hall, Donald, ed. The Contemporary Essay. New York: Bedford-St. Martin‟s, 1984.<br />

Note: To avoid unnecessary repetition when citing two or more entries from a larger collection, you may<br />

cite the collection once with complete publication information (see Hall). The individual entries (see<br />

Abbey and Baldwin) can then be cross-referenced (listed) by author, title, last name of the editor of the<br />

collection, and page numbers.<br />

An “Edition”<br />

Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. Sylvan Barnet. New York: Signet-NAL, 1963.<br />

Note: An “edition” refers to the work of one person prepared by another person(s), an editor (Ed.)<br />

A Translation<br />

Vergil. The Aeneid. Trans. Patrick Dickinson. New York: Mentor-NAL, 1961.<br />


An Article in a Reference Book<br />

“Ethnocentrism.” Webster‟s New Universal Unabridged Dictionary. 2 nd ed. 1983.<br />

Smith, Harold. “Tides.” American Encyclopedia. 1985.<br />

Note: It is not necessary to give full publication information for familiar reference works (encyclopedias<br />

and dictionaries). If an article is initialed, check in the index of authors (in the section of each volume) for<br />

the author‟s full name.<br />

Signed Pamphlet (Treat pamphlets as you would a book.)<br />

Laird, Jean E. The Metrics Are Coming. Burlington: National Research Bureau, 1976.<br />

Government Publications<br />

United States. Congressional Quarterly Service. Congress and the Nation: A Review of<br />

Government in the Postwar Years. Washington: GPO, 1965.<br />

Note: State the name of the government (country, state, etc.) followed by the name of the agency.<br />

Pamphlet with No Author or Publication Information<br />

Pedestrian Safety. [United States]: n.p., n.d.<br />

Note: Give the series name and number (if any) before the publication information.<br />

A Book in a Series<br />

Bishop, Jack. Ralph Ellison. Black Americans of Achievement. New York: Chelsea House,<br />

1988.<br />

Note: Give the series name and number (if any) before the publication information.<br />

A Publisher’s Imprint<br />

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. Trans. Ralph Parker. New<br />

York: Signet-NAL, 1963.<br />

Note: The name of a publisher‟s imprint appears above the publisher‟s name on the title page. Give the<br />

imprint followed by a hyphen and the name of the publisher. (Signet-NAL)<br />

Special Note: If more than one city is listed for a publisher, list the first one.<br />

A Book with a Title within a Title<br />

Harte, Bret. “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” and Other Stories. New York: Signet-NAL, 1961.<br />

Note: If the title contains a title normally underlined, do not underline it in your entry.<br />


<strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong> Entries: Periodicals<br />

The entries which follow illustrate the information and arrangement needed to cite periodicals.<br />

Signed Article in a Magazine<br />

Matthews, Tom. “What Can Be Done?” Newsweek 21 Mar. 1988: 57-58.<br />

Unsigned Article in a Magazine<br />

“Then There‟s Rent Control.” The New Republic 11 Apr. 1988: 2.<br />

An Article in a Scholarly Journal<br />

Cameron, John. “A Proposed Model for Imagination and Creativity.”<br />

Wisconsin Academy Review 34.3 (1987): 33-36.<br />

Note: Journals are usually issued no more than four times a year: 34.3 refers to the volume and issue<br />

number. The issue number is not needed if the pagination in a volume continues from one issue to the next.<br />

Signed Newspaper Article<br />

Lee, Jessica. “Bush Plans to „Build on‟ Budget.” USA Today 10 Jan. 1989: 4A.<br />

Note: 4A refers to page four in section A of the newspaper. Cite the edition of a major daily newspaper (if<br />

given) after the date. (10 Jan. 1989, late ed.: 4A)<br />

Unsigned Newspaper Article<br />

“Some Better Ways to Curb Teen Drinking.” Editorial. Milwaukee Journal 17 June 1979, sec. 2:<br />

15.<br />

Note: For an unsigned story, omit editorial.<br />

A Letter to the Editor<br />

A Review<br />

Stassen, Harold E. Letter. Chicago Tribune 10 Jan. 1989, sec. 1: 16.<br />

Foote, Timothy. “The Eye of the Beholder.” Rev. of Testimony and Demeanor, by John Casey.<br />

Time 7 July 1979: 66.<br />

Note: If you cite the review of a work by an editor or translator, use ed. or trans. instead of by.<br />

Article or Quotation within an Article’s Title<br />

Merrill, Susan F. “‟Sunday Morning‟ Thoughts.” English Journal 76.6 (1987): 63.<br />

Note: Use single quotation marks around the shorter title if it is a title normally punctuated with quotation<br />

marks.<br />


Other Print and Non-print Sources:<br />

Television and Radio Programs<br />

“An Interview with Sadat.” 60 Minutes. CBS. WITI, Milwaukee. 11 Nov. 1979.<br />

Note: If your reference is primarily to the work of an individual, cite that person before the title.<br />

Otherwise, other pertinent information (writer, director, producer, narrator, etc.) may be given after the<br />

main title of the program (underlined).<br />

Recording<br />

Guthrie, Woody. Woody Guthrie Sings Folk Songs. With Leadbelly, Cisco Houston, Sonny<br />

Terry, and Bess Hawes. Intro. By Pete Seeger. Folkways Records, FA 2483, 1962.<br />

Note: FA 2483 refers to the catalog number. A person cited first in a recording (the composer, conductor,<br />

performer, etc.) depends on the reason for the entry. If citing jacket notes, give the author‟s name, the title<br />

of the material (if given), and the words Jacket notes before the regular bibliographic information.<br />

Films<br />

Rebel without a Cause. Dir. Nicholas Ray. With James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, and<br />

Dennis Hopper. Warner, 1955.<br />

Filmstrips, Slide Programs, and Videotapes<br />

Going Back. A Return to Vietnam. Videocassette. Virginia Productions, 1982. 55 min.<br />

Note: Cite the medium (filmstrip, slide program, videocassette, etc.) after the title.<br />

Performances<br />

Les Miserables. By Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg. Dir. Trevor Nunn and John<br />

Caird. Broadway Theatre, New York. 5 Apr. 1988. Based on Victor Hugo‟s Les Miserables.<br />

Note: If you are citing the efforts of an individual, give the person‟s name first.<br />

Musical Compositions<br />

Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony no. 8 in F major, op. 93.<br />

Note: Do not underline a composition known only by form, number, and key.<br />

<strong>Works</strong> of Art<br />

Renior, Pierre-Augusta. Portrait of Claude Monet. Louvre, Paris. Plate 13 in Renoir. By Elda<br />

Fezzi. London: Thames and Hudson, 1968.<br />

Note: If you cite the original work, give the artist, title, and location of the work of art.<br />


Published Letters<br />

Bottomley, Edwin. “To Father.” 6 Dec. 1843. An English Settler in Pioneer Wisconsin: The<br />

Letters of Edwin Bottomley. Ed. Milo M. Qualfe. Madison: State Historical Society, 1918.<br />

60-62.<br />

Note: “To Father” and 6 Dec. 1843 refer to the cited letter. Letter Received by the Author (Yourself).<br />

Letter Received by the Author (Yourself)<br />

Thomas, Bob. Letter to the author. 10 Jan. 1989.<br />

Published or Recorded Interview<br />

Orbison, Roy. “Roy Orbison: 1938-1988.” By Steve Pond. Rolling Stone. 26 Jan. 1989: 22+.<br />

Note: Type the word Interview after the interviewee‟s name if the interview is untitled.<br />

Personal Interview<br />

Brooks, Sarah. Personal interview. 15 Oct. 1988.<br />

Note: If you spoke to your interviewee by phone, cite the entry as a Telephone interview.<br />

Maps and Charts<br />

Wisconsin Territory. Map. Madison: Wisconsin Trails, 1988.<br />

Lectures, Speeches, and Addresses<br />

Angelou, Maya. Address. Opening General Sess. NCTE Convention. St. Louis, 18 Nov. 1988.<br />

Note: If known, give the speech‟s title in quotation marks instead of Address, Lecture, or Speech.<br />

Cartoons<br />

Trudeau, Garry. “Doonesbury.” Cartoon. Chicago Tribune. 23 Dec. 1988, sec. 5:6.<br />

Angier, Natalie. “Chemists Learn Why Vegetables Are Good for You.” New York Times<br />

13 Apr. 1993, late ed.: New York Times Ondisc. CD-ROM. UMI-<br />

Proquest. Oct. 1993.<br />


Basic Forms for Electronic Sources<br />

The <strong>MLA</strong> Handbook for Writers of Research Papers provides extensive examples covering a wide variety<br />

of potential sources. If your particular case is not covered here, use the basic forms to determine the<br />

correct format, consult the <strong>MLA</strong> Handbook.<br />

If no author is given for a web page or electronic source, start with and alphabetize by the title of<br />

the piece and use a shortened version of the title for parenthetical citations.<br />

A web site<br />

Note: It is necessary to list your date of access because web postings are often updated, and<br />

information available at one date may no longer be available later. Be sure to include the complete<br />

address for the site. Also, note the use of angled brackets around the electronic address; <strong>MLA</strong> requires<br />

them for clarity.<br />

Author(s). Name of Page. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization<br />

affiliated with the site. Date of Access .<br />

Web site example<br />

Felluga, Dino. Undergraduate <strong>Guide</strong> to Literary Theory. 17 Dec. 1999. Purdue University.<br />

15 Nov. 2000 .<br />

An article on a web site<br />

Note: It is necessary to list your date of access because web postings are often updated, and information<br />

available at one date may no longer be available later. Be sure to include the complete address for the<br />

site. Also, note the use of angled brackets around the electronic address; <strong>MLA</strong> requires them for clarity.<br />

Author(s). “Title of Ariticle." Name of web site. Date of posting/revision. Name of<br />

institution/organization affiliated with site. Date of access .<br />

Article on a web site example<br />

Poland, Dave. "The Hot Button." Roughcut. 26 Oct. 1998. Turner Network Television.<br />

28 Oct. 1998 .<br />

An article in an online journal or magazine<br />

Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume. Issue (Year): Pages/Paragraphs.<br />

Date of Access .<br />

Note: Some electronic journals and magazines provide paragraph or page numbers; include<br />

them if available. This format is also appropriate to online magazines; as with a print version,<br />

you should provide a complete publication date rather than volume and issue number.<br />

Online journal article example<br />

Wheelis, Mark. "Investigating Disease Outbreaks Under a Protocol to the Biological<br />

and Toxin Weapons Convention." Emerging Infectious Diseases 6.6 (2000):<br />

33 pars. 5 Dec. 2000 .<br />


E-mail<br />

Author. "Title of the message (if any)" E-mail to the author. Date of the message.<br />

Note: This same format may be used for personal interviews or personal letters. These do not<br />

have titles, and the description should be appropriate. Instead of "Email to John Smith," you<br />

would have "Personal interview."<br />

Article in a reference database on CD-ROM example<br />

"World War II." Encarta. CD-ROM. Seattle: Microsoft, 1999.<br />

Article from a periodically published database on CD-ROM example<br />

Reed, William. "Whites and the Entertainment Industry." Tennessee Tribune<br />

25 Dec. 1996: 28. Ethnic NewsWatch. CD-ROM. Data Technologies. Feb. 1997.<br />


A Work from a Library Subscription Service (LiLI, for example)<br />

(using <strong>MLA</strong> Handbook, 6 th edition, 2003)<br />

General <strong>Guide</strong>lines: Author‟s last name, first name. “Title of article.” Publication<br />

Name date: pages. Database name. Service or host name. Subscribing library‟s name,<br />

City, State of library. Date accessed .<br />

Example of ProQuest‟s Cite This link at the bottom of the article:<br />

Citation style: <strong>MLA</strong>, Modern Language Association (http://www.mla.org/)<br />

Change citation style:<br />

<strong>MLA</strong><br />

Copy citation below & paste into your document:<br />

Mickey Gillmor. "The hazards of stereotyping. " International Journal of Childbirth Education<br />

1 Dec. 2000: 8. ProQuest Family Health. ProQuest. ***INSERT Library name or<br />

system, City, State***. 4 Feb. 2009 <br />


Ensure the accuracy and completeness of your bibliography by following these instructions. In<br />

particular, the formatting of author names and dates might need to be corrected and missing<br />

information may need to be filled in.<br />

Following the General <strong>Guide</strong>lines given above, your citation needs to look like this:<br />

Gillmor, Mickey. "The hazards of stereotyping. " International Journal of Childbirth Education<br />

1 Dec. 2000: 8. ProQuest Family Health. ProQuest. Idaho Commission for Libraries, Boise, ID. 4 Feb.<br />

2009 .<br />

NOTE that you must make these changes: author‟s name must be last, first. The red insert is<br />

replaced correctly. The complete citation ends with a period. In the example below, notice that<br />

periods are left out after initials in the name; be sure to add them. Basically, you will need to be<br />

more exact in following the M.L.A. format.<br />

Another example:<br />

The Cite This link looks like this:<br />

Allison G Harvey, Benjamin C Mullin, Stephen P Hinshaw. "Sleep and circadian rhythms in children<br />

and adolescents with bipolar disorder. " Development and Psychopathology<br />

18.4 (2006): 1147-1168. ProQuest Central. ProQuest. ***INSERT Library name or<br />

system, City, State***. 4 Feb. 2009 <br />


Your <strong>MLA</strong> citation should look like this when you copy, paste, and correct it in your <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong>:<br />

Harvey, Allison G., Benjamin C. Mullin, and Stephen P. Hinshaw. "Sleep and circadian rhythms in<br />

children and adolescents with bipolar disorder.” Development and Psychopathology<br />

18.4 (2006): 1147-1168. ProQuest Central. . ProQuest. Idaho Commission for Libraries, Boise,<br />

ID. 27 Jan. 2009 .<br />

An example of a scholarly journal:<br />

The source information at the top of the article looks like this:<br />

A Wake-Up Call on Sleep and Health<br />

Anonymous. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter. New York: Feb 2007. Vol. 24, Iss. 12;<br />

pg. 4A, 5 pgs<br />

Your <strong>MLA</strong> citation should look like this when you copy, paste, and correct it in your <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong>:<br />

"A Wake-Up Call on Sleep and Health. " Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter<br />

24.12 (2007): 4A,4B,4C,4D,5. Research Library. ProQuest. Idaho Commission for Libraries,<br />

Boise, ID. 27 Jan. 2009 .<br />

Another example from the Gale database:<br />

The source information at the top of the article looks like this:<br />

Title: Black Church Leaders and Civil Rights<br />

Source: American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi, Richard Layman, Tandy<br />

McConnell, and Vincent Tompkins. Vol. 6: 1950-1959. Detroit: Gale, 2001. p379-380.<br />

The Source Citation at the bottom should look like this when you copy, paste, and correct it in your <strong>Works</strong><br />

<strong>Cited</strong>:<br />

"Black Church Leaders and Civil Rights." American Decades. Ed. Judith S. Baughman, Victor Bondi,<br />

Richard Layman, Tandy McConnell, and Vincent Tompkins. Vol. 6: 1950-1959. Detroit: Gale,<br />

2001. 379-380. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Gale. Idaho Comm for Lib. 27 Jan. 2009<br />

.<br />

Page number tip: If the full text article is in PDF format, you should be able to list the full page range. If<br />

the service provides only the starting page number of an article‟s original print publication (e.g., “p. 192),<br />

give the number followed by a hyphen a space, and a period: “192-.”<br />

Rev. Feb. 09<br />


Sample <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong><br />

or <strong>Bibliography</strong><br />

One inch from top<br />

One inch from top<br />

Alphabetize entries<br />

by author‟s last name<br />

or by the first important<br />

word in the title of an<br />

anonymous work.<br />

Double-space<br />

everything in<br />

the <strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong>.<br />

Indent second<br />

and third lines<br />

five spaces<br />

(hanging indent).<br />

<strong>Works</strong> <strong>Cited</strong><br />

Allen, Thomas B. Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.:<br />

National Geographic Society, 1974.<br />

Anderson, Katie, et al. "Activity Of Post-Fledging Peregrine Falcons In<br />

Different Rearing And Habitat Conditions." Southeastern Naturalist 8.1<br />

(2009): 93-106. Academic Search Premier. Web. 6 Dec. 2011.<br />

Brandes, Kathleen, et al., eds. Vanishing Species. New York: Time-Life<br />

Books, 1976.<br />

“Falcon.” The Audubon Nature Encyclopedia. The Audubon Society.<br />

12 vols. Philadelphia: Cross, 1985.<br />

Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr. “Falcon and Falconry.” World Book<br />

Encyclopedia, 1980.<br />


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