LIS 704 03 - Dominican University

LIS 704 03 - Dominican University

LIS 704 03 - Dominican University


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<strong>LIS</strong> <strong>704</strong> Reference & Online Services<br />

Fall 2011<br />

Mary Pat Fallon, Assistant Professor<br />

(708) 524-6602<br />

Crown 334<br />

mpfallon@dom.edu<br />

Office hours: W/Th 4-5<br />

and by appointment<br />

Course Description:<br />

An introduction to effective reference service in an electronic age. The course deals with the selection,<br />

evaluation and use of general reference sources in both hard copy (print) and digital formats; nature<br />

development, functions and management of reference and online services; the reference interview;<br />

concepts principles and problems of online bibliographic organization and control. Prerequisite or corequisite:701<br />

Learning Objectives<br />

To develop an understanding of the philosophy of reference service and the dynamics of the<br />

reference process in various environments.<br />

To develop the expertise and judgment necessary to select materials to meet the diverse<br />

information needs of users.<br />

To know the function and arrangement of several types of reference works regardless of format,<br />

through physical inspection, reading, and use.<br />

To achieve the ability to analyze information queries and to establish logical manual and<br />

computerized search strategies for the successful fulfillment of users’ needs.<br />

To achieve the basic skills required for online searching using online databases and the Internet.<br />

To develop bibliographic instruction skills.<br />

To become aware of and develop informed opinions on issues and trends which have an impact<br />

on libraries and information provision.<br />

Textbook:<br />

Reference & Information Services in the 21st Century by Kay Ann Cassell and Uma Hiremath. Neal<br />

Schuman Publishers, 2nd edition Revised, 2011.<br />

General Requirements: 25%<br />

Students are expected to participate in discussions and class activities. You are expected to have read<br />

the assigned material and come to class prepared to discuss and critique these readings.

Postings for readings (chapters and articles) must be placed on the class wiki before 4:00 pm on the<br />

assigned date. Postings should include a reaction (not a summary) to some of the main ideas presented<br />

in the assigned readings.<br />

If you have questions pertaining to the readings, please post them at the end of your response. We will<br />

use these postings for discussion purposes during class time. You are always encouraged to bring<br />

additional literature to the attention of the class.<br />

Students are expected to attend all classes. Habitual lateness and/or absences will affect your class<br />

participation grade. Infrequent class participation will substantially lower your overall grade for this<br />

course.<br />

Service Reports: 20%<br />

Write three reports analyzing the type of service you receive from a non-library setting, bricks and<br />

mortar library, and electronic reference.<br />

Each report deals with a single current incident - but should identify multiple factors contributing to an<br />

evaluation of service as good or bad.<br />

Refer to class readings when writing your reports.<br />

In-class assignments: 25% Due: Throughout the semester<br />

These exercises will take place in class. Class work cannot be made up outside of class. Assignments<br />

include: Periodical Assessment & Review, Ready Reference, Business and Current Events, Library &<br />

Information Science sources, Health & Psychology Sources, Facts and Stats, Boolean Searching, Review<br />

Sources, etc.<br />

Subject Guide: 30%<br />

Create an online research guide that will serve the information needs of an undergraduate/ graduate<br />

researcher.<br />

Imagine that you are a reference librarian and a user asks for help with finding good resources in your<br />

subject area. Referring the user to the guide that you created should answer many of the questions that<br />

he/she might pose about a topic.<br />

Academic Honesty:

"All students of the GS<strong>LIS</strong> are expected to observe high standards of academic honesty and integrity. Any student<br />

whose conduct violates such standards may be subject to disciplinary action as determined by due process." (GS<strong>LIS</strong><br />

Bulletin)<br />

Plagiarism is unethical and unprofessional and will result in project failure. Each student is responsible for<br />

understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.<br />

<strong>Dominican</strong> <strong>University</strong> Bulletin 2010-2012: definitions of plagiarism, cheating, and academic dishonesty p. 29<br />

GS<strong>LIS</strong> DOMINICAN GRADING POLICY (Effective 12/15/2004)<br />

Grade Numeric Definition<br />

Equivalent<br />

A 4.0 Outstanding achievement. Student performance demonstrates full command of the<br />

course materials and evinces a high level of originality and/or creativity that far<br />

surpasses course expectations; nearly flawless work.<br />

A- 3.67 Excellent achievement. Student performance demonstrates thorough knowledge of<br />

the course materials and exceeds course expectations by completing all<br />

requirements in a superior manner.<br />

B+ 3.33 Good solid work. Student demonstrates strong comprehension of the course<br />

materials and exceeds course expectations on all tasks as defined in the course<br />

syllabus.<br />

B 3.0 Satisfactory acceptable work. Student performance meets designated course<br />

expectations, demonstrates understanding of the course materials and performs at<br />

an acceptable level.<br />

B- 2.67 Marginal work. Student performance demonstrates incomplete, substandard<br />

understanding of course materials, or absence of required work; indicates danger of<br />

falling below acceptable grading standard.<br />

C+ 2.33 Unsatisfactory work. Student performance demonstrates unsatisfactory<br />

understanding of course materials and inability to meet course requirements.<br />

C 2.0 Unacceptable work. Student performance demonstrates incomplete and<br />

inadequate understanding of course materials.<br />

C- 1.67 Poor work.<br />

F 0.0 Failing grade.<br />


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