The international conference

The international conference

The international conference


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University of Craiova,<br />

Romania<br />

<strong>The</strong> International Conference<br />




May 14th – 15th, 2010<br />

Craiova, Romania

Scientific Committee<br />

Prof. Ion VLADIMIRESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Ion ROŞCA,PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest<br />

Prof. Ioan TALPOȘ, PhD, West University of Timișoara<br />

Prof. Lucian BUŞE, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Sergio ALESSANDRINI, PhD, University of Modena<br />

Assoc. Prof. George BLANAS, PhD, Technological Educational Institute of Larissa<br />

Prof. Marijan CINGULA, PhD, University of Zagreb<br />

Prof. Dumitru CONSTANTINESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Eric DAVOINE, PhD, University of Fribourg<br />

Prof. Vasile GEORGESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Paddy GRAY, PhD, University of Ulster<br />

Prof. Constanţa IACOB, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Luca IANDOLI, PhD, University Federico II of Naples<br />

Prof. Jaques IGALENS, PhD, University of Social Sciences from Toulouse<br />

Acad. Constantin IONETE, PhD, Romanian Academy<br />

Prof. Himayatullah KHAN, PhD, University of Peshawar<br />

Prof. Mehmet C. KOCAKÜLAH, PhD, University of Southern Indiana<br />

Prof. Conway LACKMAN, PhD, Duquesne University of Pittsburg<br />

Prof. Elena LOLESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Magdalena MIHAI, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof.Ana MORARIU, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest<br />

Prof. Mihaela MUNTEAN, PhD, West University of Timișoara<br />

Prof. Tudor NISTORESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Marin OPRIŢESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Gheorghe PÎRVU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Conceição PEREIRA RAMOS, University of Porto<br />

Assoc. Prof. Diana POCIOVALISTEANU, PhD, Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu<br />

Prof. Josep ROLLER, PhD, Robert Schuman University of Strasbourg<br />

Prof. Ion ROŞU HAMZESCU, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Nicolae SICHIGEA, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Ion STANCU, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest<br />

Prof. Eleftherios THALASSINOS, PhD, University of Piraeus<br />

Assoc. Prof. Ekrem TUFAN, PhD, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University<br />

Prof. Timothy WOODS, PhD, University of Kentucky

Organising Committee<br />

Prof. Aleksi Danchev, PhD, Fatih University<br />

Prof. Sorin Domnişoru, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Chris van Hjdonk, PhD, Radboud University of Nijmegen<br />

Prof. Cerasela Pîrvu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Prof. Marian Siminică, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Dorel Berceanu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Valeriu Brabete, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Liviu Ciora, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Liviu Crăciun, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Raluca Drăcea, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Laura Giurcă Vasilescu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Ramona Gruescu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Costel Ionaşcu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Sorin Popa, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc. Prof. Cătălina Sitnikov, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Lect. Oana Gherghinescu, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Lect. Radu Ogarcă, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Conference Secretariat:<br />

Assoc.Prof. Anca BANDOI, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc.Prof. Mirela CRISTEA, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Assoc.Prof. Amelia BADICA, PhD, University of Craiova<br />

Dipl. Eng. Cristian ETEGAN, PhD Student, University of Craiova

<strong>The</strong> <strong>international</strong> <strong>conference</strong><br />



14th – 15th of May 2010<br />

Craiova, Romania

Conference Program<br />

Thursday, 13 th of May, 2010<br />

16 00 -20 30 Guest Arrival and Hotel Registration<br />

Friday,14 th of May, 2010<br />

9 00 -10 00 Registration of Conference Participants Blue Hall<br />

Central Building<br />

13, A.I. Cuza str.<br />


- Blue Hall -<br />

Official Opening Ceremony<br />

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,<br />

Prof. Lucian BUŞE, PhD.<br />

10 00 -13 00 Welcome Message from the Rector of the University of Craiova,<br />

Prof. Ion VLADIMIRESCU, PhD.<br />

Welcome Message from Dan MANOLESCU, vicepresident of the Chamber of Fiscal<br />

Consultans from Romania<br />

Welcome Message from Prof. Marijan CINGULA, PhD, University of Zagreb, Science &<br />

Education Foundation, Bourgas, Bulgaria<br />

„Agent-Based Virtual Organization”, Prof. Marcin PAPRZYCKI, PhD and Prof. Maria<br />

GANZHA, PhD, Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw<br />

„<strong>The</strong> management and the crisis way out”, Prof. Ion VERBONCU, PhD, Academy of<br />

Economic Sciences, Bucharest<br />

„<strong>The</strong> Recent Financial Crisis: An Overview”, Prof. El. Thalassinos, PhD, University of<br />

Piraeus, Greece<br />

- Central Building, 13, A.I. Cuza str. -<br />

13 00 -15 00 Lunch Break - University Club, Central Building<br />


15 00 -17 00 Papers Presentation on the sections<br />

17 00 -17 15 Coffee Break<br />

17 15 -19 30 Papers Presentation on the sections<br />

20 00 -23 00 Festive Dinner –“Casa Universitarilor” Restaurant<br />

Saturday, 15 th of May, 2010<br />

10 00 -12 00 Papers Presentation on the sections<br />

12 00 -12 30 Official Closing of the Conference<br />

12 30 -15 00 Lunch University Club<br />


European Integration and International Business Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C401 room<br />

Moderators: Elena Lolescu<br />

Ramona Gruescu<br />

1. Andreea Avadanei, <strong>The</strong> Common Currency And Its Implications<br />

On <strong>The</strong> European Corporate Bond Market<br />

2. Dumitru Patriche, Virgil Romeo Tănăsescu, <strong>The</strong> Conceptual<br />

Delimitations Put Forward By <strong>The</strong> Eu’s Specialists With<br />

Regard To Trade And Distribution And <strong>The</strong>ir Place Within <strong>The</strong><br />

Eu Economy<br />

3. Alexandru Jivan, Teaching Principles And Realities<br />

4. Liana Son , Gratiela Georgiana Carica, Economic Crisis In Europe<br />

And Labour Market Impacts<br />

5. Ionel Sandu, Marinela Tanascovici, <strong>The</strong> Underground Economy<br />

And Money Laundering, Economically Destabilize Factors,<br />

Banking But Also Social<br />

6. Anca Tanasie, A Brief Evaluation Of Inflation Targeting In<br />

Romania Envisaging <strong>The</strong> Euro Adoption<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C403 room<br />

Moderators: Ion Roşu Hamzescu<br />

Cosmin Fratostiteanu<br />

1. Gheorghe Pirvu, Serban Ionut Octavian, Institutional<br />

Innovations And Procedural Reforms Of <strong>The</strong> Lisbon Treaty<br />

2. Adina Gabriela Dascalu, Selection Of Strategic Industries In<br />

Romanian Economy – An Important Step For Increasing Its<br />

Competiveness On <strong>The</strong> European Market<br />

3. Ramona Gruescu, Dan Tiberiu Epure, Bogdan Budica, Human<br />

Resource Management. Tourism Human Resources –<br />

Essential Component Of <strong>The</strong> Activity Of Economic Units In<br />

<strong>The</strong> Field<br />

4. Fratostiteanu Cosmin, A Brief Assessment Of Romania’s<br />

Competitive Level<br />

5. Rosu Hamzescu Ion, Economic Evolutions Towards <strong>The</strong><br />

European Monetary Integration<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C263 room<br />

Moderators: Gheorghe PIRVU<br />

Anca TĂNASIE<br />

1. Bratu Raducu Stefan, Bratu Stefan, <strong>The</strong> Evolution Of <strong>The</strong><br />

International Financial Crisis And Its Impact On <strong>The</strong> Capital<br />

Market In Romania<br />

2. Zaharia Ioana, Zaharia Constantin, Zaharia George-Cristinel, <strong>The</strong><br />

Study Regarding Of <strong>The</strong> Actual Situation Of <strong>The</strong> Vine-<br />

Growing And Wine Market In <strong>The</strong> European Union<br />

3. Zaharia Constantin, Zaharia Ioana, Zaharia George-Cristinel, Some<br />

Considerations About <strong>The</strong> Communitarian And National<br />

Framework Of <strong>The</strong> Agricultural Business In Romania<br />

4. Tudor Elena Maria, Ciuteanu Alexandra Madalina, <strong>The</strong> Market Of<br />

Administrative Services In Romania In <strong>The</strong> Context Of<br />

European Integration<br />

5. Mitrache Daniel, Iordache Loredana, Criveanu Magda, <strong>The</strong><br />

European Standard For Quality In Education And Proffesional<br />

Training<br />

6. Oana Resceanu, Valuing the impact of synergies on public<br />

mergers/acqusitions in the pharmaceutical sector on the<br />

European capital market<br />

7. Rosu Hamzescu Ion, Economic Evolutions Towards the<br />

European Monetary Integration<br />

8. Mircea Laurentiu Simion and Oana Gheghinescu, Absorption of EU<br />

funds in Romania. 2010-the moment of truth<br />

9. Mircea Laurentiu Simion, Policy instruments for economic and<br />

social development of the European Union 2007-2013-<br />

opportunities for the development of Romania<br />

10. Dogaru Teodora, Aspironiu Andreea, "Using European Funds<br />

in the regional development"-convergence point between the<br />

educational system and the labor market<br />

11. Dricu Cosmin, Lupu-Visanescu Demetra, Concise<br />

Characterization Of <strong>The</strong> Evolution And Bearings<br />


Analysis and Evaluation of Organizations Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C270 room<br />

Moderators: Lucian BUŞE<br />

Ioan Pană<br />

1. Mihaela-Georgia Sima and Simona-Clara Barsan, SWOT Analysis<br />

and Action Plan within a Technological Audit - theoretical<br />

elements and practical example<br />

2. Cristina Andreescu and Mihaela-Georgia Sima, Profit Orientated<br />

or Cultural Protective? SC Electrecord SA- Case Study<br />

3. Ioan Pana and Viorica Pana, Diagnostic Analysis of the Cost per<br />

Unit of Product<br />

4. Ioan Pana and Viorica Pana, International Trade in Agricultural<br />

Food Products and Its Implications on the Economic<br />

Development of Romania<br />

5. Vasile Robu and Costin Ciora, Measuring Performance, Value<br />

Creation and Value-Based Management in the Context of<br />

Competitiveness and Globalization<br />

6. Simona Florentina Faurescu, <strong>The</strong> Importance of Cash Flow<br />

Analysis Based on Rates in the Financial Decision Making<br />

Process<br />

7. Mihaela Oancea Negescu And Loredana Popescu, Classical and<br />

Modern Tools for Assessing the Performance in Terms of<br />

Shareholders<br />

8. Lucian Buse, Mirela Ganea And Daniel Circiumaru, Using Linear<br />

Regression in the Analysis of Financial-Economic<br />

Performances<br />

9. Mirela GANEA, <strong>The</strong> Economic Rate of Return – Instrument for<br />

Measuring the Companies’ Financial-Economic Performance<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C233A room<br />

Moderators: Ioan POPA LALA<br />

Marian SIMINICĂ<br />

1. Ovidia Doinea, Old and New Configurations Regarding the<br />

Concept of Economic Performance<br />

2. Ioan Popa Lala, Cecilia Nicoleta Aniş, <strong>The</strong> Assessment of the<br />

Company Financial Performance<br />

3. Romeo Negrea, Ciprian Preda, Ioan Lala Popa, An Alternative<br />

Approach to Stochastic Calculus for Imperfect Financial<br />

Markets<br />

4. Monica Violeta Achim and Sorin Nicolae Borlea, Business<br />

Performances: Between Profitability, Return and Growth<br />


5. Mirela Oana Pintea and Monica-Violeta Achim, Performance – An<br />

Evolving Concept<br />

6. Mihai Varzaru and Anca Varzaru, Human Resources and Value<br />

Creation in Organization<br />

7. Daniel Circiumaru, Marian Siminica and Nicu Marcu, A Study on<br />

Return on Equity of Romanian Industrial Companies<br />

8. Cristina Beletu, System of Indicators Used for Analyzing<br />

Financial Balance at Dolj County Forestry Department<br />

9. Radu Catalin Criveanu and Oana Adriana Duta, Study on the<br />

Impact of Tax Regulations on a Company’s Financial<br />

Expenses<br />

10. Manate Daniel, <strong>The</strong> Role of Business Evaluation in the Value<br />

Based Management<br />


Globalization and Economic Growth<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C324 room<br />

Moderators: Laurenţiu Dragomir<br />

Daniel Tobă<br />

1. Daniel Tobă, Laurenţiu Dragomir, Dysfunction of resource<br />

allocation by market mechanism and State intervention in<br />

corrections<br />

2. Laurenţiu Dragomir, Daniel Tobă, <strong>The</strong> influence of the<br />

competitive environment on the companies competitiveness<br />

3. Rohnean Diana Bercaru, Sustainable development and its role<br />

in balance ensuring- environment,economy and society<br />

4. Cristina Bolcas, Florica Badea, FORESIGHT - an adequate<br />

support for the knowledge economy based competitivity<br />

5. Davit Mkhitaryan, Clean Technologies and Sustainable<br />

Development<br />

6. Popa Lucia Ramona, Advantages and risks offered by Romanian<br />

to foreign investors<br />

7. Borsan Claudia Nicoleta, <strong>The</strong> Effects of Globalization on Young<br />

People<br />

8. Andra Găină, Luminiţa Vochiţa, <strong>The</strong> Genesis, <strong>The</strong>ories and<br />

Effects of Economic Globalization<br />

9. Luminiţa Vochiţa, Andra Găină, Andreea Ciobanu, A Study on the<br />

Importance of Aid for Trade<br />

10. Voicu Ioana-Iulica, Talmaciu Iuliana, <strong>The</strong> Influence of<br />

Globalization upon the International Economic Environment,<br />

Mainly the Asian One<br />

11. Iamandi Gheorghe Bucur, Commercial Negotiations<br />

Optimization Under Competitiveness Increasing Within <strong>The</strong><br />

Knowledge Based Economy<br />

12. Lolescu Elena, Zaharia Alina-Maria, <strong>The</strong> Impacts of the<br />

Current Crisis on the World Trade<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C414 room<br />

Moderators: Constantin Fota<br />

George Ciobanu<br />

1. George Ciobanu, Viorel Matei, Laura Ungureanu, Economic<br />

efficiency through dynamic models. <strong>The</strong> evolution of the<br />

firm’s capital<br />

2. George Ciobanu, Florin Teodor Buzatu, Bogdan Alexandru Buzatu,<br />

Main trends in highly skilled migration<br />


3. Alexandra Daea, Global Economy and Global Cooperation at<br />

International Level<br />

4. Ciuteanu Alexandra Madalina, <strong>The</strong> Capital Market - A Control<br />

Element of Economic Growth<br />

5. Mihai Parean, Maria Otil, Monica Boldea, Clusters – Romania’s<br />

real developement alternative?<br />

6. Laura Cismas, Andra Miculescu, Maria Otil, Income and<br />

expenditure of households in Romania<br />

7. Marius Constantin Apostoaie, Gheorghe Voinea, Requirements and<br />

Advantages of the current IMF’s Stand-By Arrangement with<br />

Romania<br />

8. Ileana Raluca Zorzoliu, <strong>The</strong> Romanian standard of living and<br />

the economic crisis<br />

9. Diana-Mihaela Pociovalisteanu, Liana Badea, Costin Octavian Sorici,<br />

Approaches of prosperity in the globalization Era<br />

10. Stanciu Marieta, Sperdea Natalita, Mangra Madalina, <strong>The</strong><br />

Economic Growth and Development and the Natural<br />

Environment<br />


Tourism and Services from the Perspective of Sustainable<br />

Development Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -16 00 , C353 room<br />

Moderators: Ion Stancu<br />

Mirela Mazilu<br />

1. Ion Stancu, Adriana Lazarescu. Mobility and Sustainable<br />

Development<br />

2. Mirela Mazilu. Tourism And Services From <strong>The</strong> Point Of View Of<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sustainable Development<br />

3. Liliana Popescu, Amalia Bădiţă, Sorin Avram. Tourism sector in<br />

Romania: main features<br />

4. Enea Constanta and Enea Constantin. Virtues of tourism in<br />

enhancing the quality of life<br />

5. Ionuț-Cosmin BĂLOI. Development analysis of tourist activity in<br />

Retezat National Park adopting the tourist area life cycle model<br />

6. Vatau Florela Daniela. Sustainable rural development in Romania:<br />

practicing organic farming and protecting natural habitats<br />


Experience and Vision in Management Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C325 room<br />

Moderators: Dumitru Constantinescu<br />

Tudor Nistorescu<br />

1. Gheorghina Birladeanu, Dimensions of promoting image<br />

management in pre university education institutions<br />

2. Dumitru Constantinescu and Ion Ilinca, <strong>The</strong> Transversal<br />

Integrator – Essential Factor for a Successful Management<br />

Practice<br />

3. Elena Dumitrascu and Raluca Tomescu, Lifelong Learning<br />

Process in Organizations in the 21st Cent<br />

4. Enache Florin, Career management development<br />

5. Tudor Nistorescu and Eugen Radut, Training strategies of labour<br />

resources through preuniversity education for balancing the<br />

demand and supply on labor market<br />

6. Brindusa Andreea, Planning of the activities for the<br />

rehabilitation project of the thermoelectric coal blocks<br />

7. Ion Cochina, Links between governmental management and<br />

microeconomic management in crisis environment<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C233B room<br />

Moderators: Mirela Sirbu<br />

Radu Ogarca<br />

1. Mihaela Funaru. Toyota’s business strategies in <strong>international</strong><br />

markets<br />

2. Gheorghe Alexandru. Ensuring the Competitiveness<br />

Organizations Using Services Based on Knowledge<br />

Management<br />

3. Gheorghe Alexandru. Ensure the service organizations by using<br />

complex project management<br />

4. Ionica Holban and Florin Razvan Oncioiu. <strong>The</strong> public leadership in<br />

the new economy<br />

5. Adelina Iacob, Empowering organizations in the evaluative<br />

approach of social policies<br />

6. Mirela Sîrbu, Tomiţă Constantin Vasile, Doina Roşca. <strong>The</strong><br />

improvement of the organizational communication - „key”<br />

for the efficiency of management<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 10 -19 15 , C233A room<br />

Moderators: Adriana Burlea Schiopoiu<br />

Liviu Crăciun<br />

1. Dana Adriana Lupsa Tataru, Sanda Constantin. Entrepreneurship<br />

and creativity<br />

2. Silvia - Ştefania Mihalache. Aspects of SMALL BUSINESS ACT,<br />

the European SMEs Policy Initiative<br />

3. Elvira Nica. Knowledge-based society evolution priorities –<br />

support of capitalizing human capital<br />

4. Adina Popovici. <strong>The</strong> Influence of the Romanian Culture on the<br />

Organizational Culture of Romanian Companies<br />

5. Ion Stegăroiu, Magdalena Velciu, Codruţa Drăgoiu. Using diverse<br />

workforce in Romania, in the perspective of flexible work<br />

forms<br />

6. Rau Valentin, <strong>The</strong> need to implement a Quality management<br />

System<br />

7. Ionel Gone. Performance appraisal systems in public<br />

institutions<br />

Track 4 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C233B<br />

Moderators: Cătălin Barbu<br />

Claudiu Bocean<br />

1. Laurentiu Barcan. Change management in public organizations<br />

- socio-economic and administrative impact of their<br />

insolvency<br />

2. Laurentiu Barcan. Change management of organization in the<br />

knowledge economy<br />

3. Dorin Ion Bumbeneci. <strong>The</strong> influencing facts of career success<br />

4. Răzvan-Alexandru Călin. Communication competences training<br />

for managers through role-play activities<br />

5. Răzvan-Alexandru Călin. System of Competences of the<br />

Manager - Training Programs for Managers<br />

6. Alexandra Maria Fira. Performance assessment – a<br />

motivational factor for SMEs<br />


Track 5 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C269 room<br />

Moderators: Ina Sitnikov<br />

El. Thalassinos<br />

1. Marijan Cingula. Some Comments On Education For<br />

Entrepreneurship<br />

2. Jan Jonker, Angela Marberg. Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

Quo Vadis? A critical inquiry into a discursive struggle.<br />

3. Rodolphe Ocler. <strong>The</strong> Downsize of Downsizing: Using Research<br />

Action as Consulting Process<br />

4. Jasmina Grzinic, Martina Brajkovic. Development of tour<br />

operator specialists in the Croatian tourism;<br />

5. François Silva, For a socio-ecological transition: 21 st century<br />

organisations realign themselves around values<br />

6. Consuelo García de la Torre, <strong>The</strong> End-Customer’s Perception<br />

about the Electronic Product Code (EPC) at A Retailer<br />

Track 6 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C325 room<br />

Moderators: Ion Criveanu<br />

Mihai Vărzaru<br />

1. Lolescu Radu. Milton Friedman and His Arguments against CSR<br />

2. Cosmin Alexandru Spiridon. Innovation performance factor of<br />

economic entities<br />

3. Iordache Loredana and Criveanu Radu. New motivation<br />

approaches during the crisis<br />

4. Mihai Varzaru and Albu Nicolae. Management skills and<br />

knowledge production in the entreprise<br />

5. Ramona Petrescu. Organizational Change Process - steps to a<br />

successful change<br />

6. Popa Oana. <strong>The</strong> Social Responsibility of the Romanian<br />

Organizations in the Banking Sector<br />

7. Norina Popovici, Ion Criveanu, Irena Munteanu, Motivation in<br />

work<br />

8. Ion Criveanu, Norina Popovici, Irena Munteanu , A managerial<br />

model characterization in a business context<br />


Track 7 – Saturday, 15.05.2010, 10 00 -12 00 , C352 room<br />

Moderators: Catalina Sitnikov<br />

Claudiu Bocean<br />

1. Ogarca Radu, Some considerations regarding the quality of<br />

organizational decision making<br />

2. Gheorghe Dragomir. <strong>The</strong>oretical aspects on some laws<br />

regarding the establishment and operation of the strong and<br />

efficient working groups and their effects on the<br />

competitiveness of the company<br />

3. Catalina Soriana Sitnikov, Integrated management systems and<br />

ISO 26000<br />

4. Catalina Soriana Sitnikov, Model for Quality Management<br />

Implementation in Higher Education Institutions<br />

5. Lolescu Radu and Zaharia Alina-Maria, Performance Indicators in<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility<br />

6. Liviu Crăciun, <strong>The</strong> Relationship Between Operations Strategy<br />

And Business Model In <strong>The</strong> Process Of Value Creation<br />

7. Natalita Maria Sperdea, Matieta Stanciu, Madalina Giorgiana<br />

Mangra, Food Safety – Basic Conditions in Nourishment<br />

Track 8 – Saturday, 15.05.2010, 10 00 -12 00 , 233A room<br />

Moderators: Mihai Varzaru<br />

Radu Ogarca<br />

1. Claudiu George BOCEAN, Measuring Performance In Smes<br />

Using Skandia Navigator<br />

2. Claudiu George BOCEAN, SMEs clustering and<br />

<strong>international</strong>ization<br />

3. Popescu Daniela, Scriosteanu Adriana, Considerations on some<br />

management tools on the team level<br />

4. Silvia Puiu, Cristina Claudia Ploscaru, Strategic Option of Mobile<br />

Phone Operator Orange under Crisis Conditions<br />

5. Popa Cristina Liliana, Measuring Human Capital<br />

6. Mihai Varzaru and Anca Varzaru, Human resources and value<br />

creation in organization<br />

7. Anca Băndoi, Leonard Băndoi, Improving methods applied in<br />

project management<br />


Marketing and Communication Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C223 room<br />

Moderators : Gheorghe Meghişan<br />

Cătălin Barbu<br />

1. Gheorghe Meghisan, Simona Bodog, Georgeta-Madalina Meghisan,<br />

Mobile Telecommunications Market Analysis<br />

2. Gheorghe Meghisan, Georgeta-Madalina Meghisan, Dan Caprioara,<br />

Mariana Hopartean, Positioning Strategy – the Case of Elpreco<br />

Company<br />

3. Catalin Mihail Barbu - Revenues management in the marketing<br />

of services<br />

4. Oana Balintescu, Cristina Calin - Internal communication<br />

strategy<br />

5. Laura Dindire, Cristina Ganescu - Analysis of business promotion<br />

systems implementation within exporting Romanian<br />

companies<br />

6. Olimpia Oancea, Victoria Mihaela Brinzea, Marketing<br />

communications as a strategic function of marketing<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C224 room<br />

Moderators: Ilie Budică<br />

Sorina Gîrboveanu<br />

1. Ilie Budica and Bogdan Andrei Budica - <strong>The</strong> product life cycle and<br />

the emergence of a new concept: integrative logistics.<br />

2. Ilie Budica and Simona Radu - <strong>The</strong> air traffic in Europe – a<br />

barometer of the recovery from the economic crisis.<br />

3. Sorina Gîrboveanu – How to manage a public relations crisis.<br />

4. Elena Jianu - Collaboration and partenerships in supply<br />

chains.<br />

5. Silvia Puiu - Tendences regarding the demand for retailers’<br />

products and services.<br />

6. Mihaela-Daciana Bolos - Trademarks as power means in<br />

<strong>international</strong> relations.<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C324B room<br />

Moderators: Daniela Popescu<br />

Adriana Scrioşteanu<br />

1. Ion Stancu, Claudia Cristina Ploscaru - Analysis of consumer<br />

behaviour in self-service stores from Craiova.<br />

2. Adriana Scriosteanu, Daniela Popescu - Customer loyalty – the<br />

major goal of customer relationship management<br />

3. Filimon Stremţan, Silvia Mihalache - Ştefania - Considerations on<br />

Social Marketing in Romania.<br />

4. Laura Olteanu, Izabella Krajnik - Approaches as Concerns the<br />

Influencing Factors of Consumer Buying Behaviour<br />

5. Adriana Daniela Balan, Loredana Popescu - <strong>The</strong> role of culture in<br />

U.S. regarding consumer behavior.<br />

6. Emanuela Maria Avram, Cristina Neagoe, Remus Marian Avram -<br />

Quality and performance in academic education from the<br />

perspective of Strategic Marketing.<br />


Information Technology in Economics Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C3 room<br />

Moderators: Amelia Badica<br />

Maria Ganzha<br />

1. Grzegorz Frąckowiak, Sang Keun Rhee, Marcin Paprzycki, Michał<br />

Szymczak, Maria Ganzha, Myon Woong Park, Implementing the<br />

Duty Trip Support Application<br />

2. Sorin Ilie and Costin Badica, A Distributed Approach to Ant<br />

Colony Optimization<br />

3. Radu Burete, Amelia Badica and Costin Badica, Agent-Based E-<br />

Business Reputation Model with Forgiveness<br />

4. Eduard Edelhauser, Business Intelligence Software<br />

Implementation In the Romanian Companies<br />

5. Mihai Logofatu, Increasing the process-management efficiency<br />

by using an Integrated E-Learning Platform<br />

6. Ecaterina Paun and Narcis Paun, Do’s and Don'ts Title Tag<br />

Strategies for Top Ranking WebPages<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C4 room<br />

Moderators: Gheorghe Militaru<br />

Sorin Popa<br />

1. Gheorghe Militaru, A strategic value of the Internet broadband<br />

service and its impact on rural small businesses: An<br />

empirical study<br />

2. Alexandru Bajenaru, Using Wiki as a corporate knowledge<br />

sharing system<br />

3. Sorin Popa and Nicolaie Giurgiteanu, Intrusion Detection<br />

Systems. Techniques and Tools<br />

4. Marinela Tanascovici, Ionel Sandu and Olimpia Oancea, Identifying<br />

IT solutions on fraud in electronic transactions of funds from<br />

banking system<br />

5. Liviu Ciora and Ion Buligiu, Optimised Techniques used in<br />

Search Engine Marketing<br />

6. Adina Bălan, <strong>The</strong> Internet – means of communication and<br />

promotion of the virtual medical world<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C222 room<br />

Moderators: Valentin Litoiu<br />

Cristina Tenovici<br />

1. Tenovici Cristina Otilia, Radut Carmen and Soava Georgeta, IT<br />

solution for managing data in the database in a research<br />

laboratory<br />

2. Anca Mehedintu, Cerasela Pirvu and Cristian Etegan, Earned Value<br />

Management. Case study using Microsoft Project<br />

3. Valentin Litoiu, Vlad Litoiu and Mircea Litoiu, RFID and<br />

information systems in commerce<br />

4. Florin-Razvan Buse and Marian Siminica, e-Home, a Lifestyle and<br />

Comfortable Technology<br />

5. Nicolae Giurgiteanu and Ion Buligiu, Formalizing and solving<br />

some elementary problems<br />

6. Cristian Etegan, Anca Mehedinţu and Pirvu Cerasela, <strong>The</strong> role of<br />

Data Architecture as a part of Enterprise Architecture<br />

Track 4 – Saturday, 15.05.2010, 10 00 -12 00 , C3 room<br />

Moderators: Georgeta Soava<br />

Adina Balan<br />

1. Georgeta Soava and Mircea Alexandru Raduteanu, Business<br />

Intelligent Agents for Enterprise Application<br />

2. Adina Balan, Electronic Medical Record - success or failure in<br />

the medical decision from the Romanian health system?<br />

3. Amelia Badica, Adriana Schiopoiu and Carmen Radu, Knowledge<br />

Management for IT Projects<br />

4. Radu Bilba, Knowledge Management for Virtual Organizations<br />

5. Brezniceanu Andra Maria and Paun Ecaterina, Agreements for<br />

transfer of know-how and the effects on competition<br />


Managerial Accounting and Performance Measurement Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C268B room<br />

Moderators: Constanţa IACOB<br />

Ion IONESCU<br />

1. Doinea Ovidia, Old And New Configurations Regarding <strong>The</strong><br />

Concept Of Economic Performance<br />

2. Catană Paulina, Delimitations Of <strong>The</strong> Costsand Results And<br />

Performance Measurements<br />

3. Dumitrescu Adelina, Managerial Accounting - An Instrument<br />

For Measuring Performance In Public Institutions<br />

4. Ţaicu Marian, Management Accounting – Company<br />

Performance Measurement And Managemet Tool<br />

5. Delia Manea, <strong>The</strong> Standard Cost Method – Modern Method Of<br />

Financial Accounting And Cost Calculation<br />

6. Vărzaru Anca, Iacob Constanţa, Social Control And Management<br />

Of Wages Fund Variations<br />

7. Ion Popa-Lala, Cecilia - Nicoleta Anis, <strong>The</strong> Assessment Of <strong>The</strong><br />

Company Financial Performances<br />

8. Ionescu Ion, Goagără Daniel, Current Criteria And Tendencies<br />

Oncerning <strong>The</strong> Cost Management<br />

9. Goagără Daniel,Ionescu Ion, National And International<br />

Changes And Tendencies Concerning <strong>The</strong> Group Of Entities<br />


Statistics and Forecasting Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C256 room<br />

Moderators: Radu Carmen<br />

Ionaşcu Costel<br />

1. Popa Victoria, <strong>The</strong> level and the dynamics of arrivals at the 2-<br />

daisy classified rural boarding houses in Alba County<br />

between the years 2000-2007<br />

2. Gheorghe Savoiu, Victoria Firescu and Mariana Banuta, Some<br />

aspects of statistical and accounting costs and effectiveness<br />

of the traditional sheepfold's products<br />

3. Costel Ionascu and Carmen Radu, Statistical analysis of the<br />

companies main characteristics from manufacturing sector at<br />

level of E.U.<br />

4. Ion Enea-Smarandache, Ilie Murăriţa, Florin Cristian Ciurlău, <strong>The</strong><br />

educational system in Romania. Trends and developments in<br />

the early twenty-first century<br />

5. Ilie Murarita , Constantin Ciurlău, Andreea Maria Ciobanu, <strong>The</strong><br />

educational system in Romania and Europe - comparative<br />

study<br />

Modeling and Simulating Economic Processes Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 30 -19 30 , C256 room<br />

Moderators: Scarlat Emil<br />

Popescu Liviu<br />

1. Emil Scarlat and Iulia Maries, Knowledge Development within<br />

Communities of Practice using Organizational Learning<br />

2. Emil Scarlat, Virginia Maracine and Camelia Delcea, Establishing<br />

the Most Influencing Causes of Companies’ Financial Health<br />

and Performance - A Grey-Fuzzy Approach<br />

3. Liviu Popescu, Metric nonlinear connections on Lie algebroids<br />

4. Liviu Popescu, Lagrange-Hamilton model for control affine<br />

systems with positive homogeneous costs<br />


Financial Accounting in the European<br />

and International Context Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C263 room<br />

Moderators: Staicu Constantin<br />

Dănescu Tatiana<br />

1. Dănescu Tatiana, Şandru Raluca, Muntean Anca, Corporate<br />

Governance in Romanian Banking Organizations: Providing<br />

Guidance for Risk Based Internal Audit of Operational Risks<br />

2. Attila Tamas Szora, Adela Socol, Audit of the Consolidated<br />

Financial Statements - Intricate Aspects based on Romanian<br />

Regulatory Requirements<br />

3. Ungureanu Gabriela, Audit of European Union Funds<br />

4. Horhota Luminita. Accounting, Regression Analysis And<br />

Financial Management<br />

5. Oncioiu Ionica Holban, Oncioiu Florin Razvan, <strong>The</strong> Impact Of <strong>The</strong><br />

Fair Value Under IFRS For SMEs: Impact And Limits<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C5 room<br />

Moderators: Mihai Magdalena<br />

Paliu-Popa Lucia<br />

1. Paliu-Popa Lucia, Accounting Models For Intra-Community<br />

Commercial Transactions<br />

2. Samara Silvia, National And International Methods Of Fixed<br />

Assets Depreciation<br />

3. Zarnescu Odi Mihaela, Braga Viorina, Evaluation of the tangible<br />

assets according to the norms of the <strong>international</strong><br />

accounting<br />

4. Dinescu Ion, Alexandru Lacramioara, Impairment Of Assets,<br />

Appraisal And Recognition<br />

5. Enescu (Pana) Daniela Nicoleta, <strong>The</strong> Financial Accounting<br />

Information System-Between Past And Future<br />

Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C005 Hall<br />

Moderators: Avram Marioara<br />

Socol Adela<br />

1. Avram Marioara, Avram Veronel, <strong>The</strong> Equity Inventory In <strong>The</strong><br />

Spirit Of <strong>The</strong> Regulations In Accordance With <strong>The</strong> European<br />

Accounting Directives<br />


2. Constantin Lucian, Budacia Gabriel, Roşu - Hamzescu Niculina,<br />

Sgărdea Florinel Marian, Accounting Policies And Options In<br />

<strong>The</strong> Service Of Creative Accounting<br />

3. Constantin Lucian, Budacia Gabriel, Sgărdea Florinel Marian, Roşu -<br />

Hamzescu Niculina, <strong>The</strong> Role Of Financial - Accounting Audit In<br />

Discovering And Proving Criminal Actions In <strong>The</strong> Economic<br />

Field<br />

4. Suiu Ion, Diaconu Elena, <strong>The</strong> Inventory Of <strong>The</strong> Patrimony And<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quality Of <strong>The</strong> Accounting Information<br />

5. Diaconu Elena , Diaconu Catalin-Stefan, <strong>The</strong> Juridic And<br />

Accounting System Of <strong>The</strong> Liquidation Of Commercial<br />

Societies<br />

Track 4 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C5 room<br />

Moderators: Sandu Maria<br />

Drăgan Cristian<br />

1. Bolos Bradut-Vasile, Spatacean Ovidiu, Introducing XBRL In<br />

Romania, An Accounting Perspective<br />

2. Bosoteanu Maria Cristina, <strong>The</strong> European Integration. Costs And<br />

Benefits Of Harmonising National Accounting Standards With<br />

International Regulations<br />

3. Văduva Alin Cristian, Bălună Radu Nicolae, Concepts Specific To<br />

<strong>The</strong> Organisation And <strong>The</strong> Management Of <strong>The</strong> Trade Activity<br />

4. Simionescu Silvia, Informational Sources And <strong>The</strong>ir Circuit<br />

Concerning <strong>The</strong> Expenses And Incomes Reflection<br />

5. Firescu Victoria, <strong>The</strong> Impact Of <strong>The</strong> Accounting Treatment<br />

Concerning IAS 11 “Construction Contracts” On <strong>The</strong><br />

Company Performance<br />

6. Gheorghe Săvoiu, Victoria Firescu, Mariana Bănuţă, Some<br />

aspects of statistical and accounting costs and effectiveness<br />

of the traditional sheepfold's products<br />

Track 5 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C005 Hall<br />

Moderators: Criveanu Maria<br />

Brabete Valeriu<br />

1. Lupu-Visanescu Demetra, Dricu Cosmin, Critical Analysis Of<br />

International And National Accounting Regulations<br />

Concerning Transactions With Economic Entities<br />

2. Baluna Radu, Criveanu Maria, <strong>The</strong> Obtaining Of Accountancy<br />

Information Afferent To Tangible Assets Under Integrated<br />

Data Processing<br />

3. Brabete Valeriu, Drăgan Cristian, Conditioning On Accounting<br />

Models, Application And Offer Of Accounting Information<br />


4. Drăgan Cristian, Brabete Valeriu, Aspects Regarding <strong>The</strong><br />

Regulatory Risks Related To Shareholder’s Equity<br />

Track 6 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C263 room<br />

Moderators: Domnişoru Sorinel<br />

Attila Tamas Szora<br />

1. Mihai Magdalena, Staicu Constantin, Ciumag Anca, Possibilities Of<br />

Initial Estimation And Further Validation Of Inside Control<br />

Risk<br />

2. Mihai Magdalena, Staicu Constantin, Ciumag Anca, <strong>The</strong><br />

Particularities Of <strong>The</strong> Calculation And Of <strong>The</strong> Cost Reduction<br />

In Lignite Production<br />

3. Domnisoru Sorinel, Iacob Constanta , Vinatoru Sorin-Sandu, Audit<br />

and External Informational System<br />

4. Domnisoru Sorinel, Vinatoru Sorin-Sandu, Girbaci Mariana,<br />

Examining <strong>The</strong> Audit Clients Going Concern<br />

5. Jenica Popescu and Maria Sandu, New accounting rules and their<br />

implications on the global financial crisis<br />


Public and Corporate Finance Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C339 room<br />

Moderators: Dan Manolescu<br />

Marcel Drăcea<br />

1. Eugenia Ramona Mara, Angela Filip, Analysis of the Taxation<br />

System in Romania in the Economic Crisis Context<br />

2. Braga Viorica, Zarnescu Odi and Mirea Gabriel, Fiscal pressure in<br />

Romania, developments and effects<br />

3. Dracea Raluca, Mitu Narcis Eduard and Cristea Mirela, Contribution<br />

of Education Funding to Economic Growth. An empirical<br />

investigation for Romania<br />

4. Gheorghe Florin Bene and Marius Herbei, Model For Collecting<br />

Tax Debt In Romania<br />

5. Marcu Nicu. Romanian International public Debt. Forecasting<br />

in global environment<br />

6. Marcel Dracea, Nicoleta Mihaela Dracea, Romania and Bulgaria<br />

on their way to joining the European Union – tax references<br />

7. Ionel Militaru, <strong>The</strong> Fiscality – Accounting information user<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C268A room<br />

Moderators: Nicolae Sichigea<br />

Carmen Corduneanu<br />

1. Anca Băndoi, Dana Danciulescu, Ion Tomita, Assessment models<br />

of structural funds absorption efficiency<br />

2. Pirtea Marilen, Moldovan Nicoleta, Lobont Oana, Nicolescu Cristina.<br />

Implications of tax policy on economic environment in<br />

Romania and the highlight of its sustainability by the<br />

instrumentality of indicators<br />

3. Ioana Radu. <strong>The</strong> social impact of private equity in Romania<br />

4. Carmen Corduneanu, Rodica Gabriela Blidisel. <strong>The</strong> Impact Of<br />

Cohesion Policy And Of Member States Effort On<br />

Competitiveness<br />

5. Ioana Radu, Mihaela Funaru. Promoting Private Equity<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C339 room<br />

Moderators: Marius Herbei<br />

Gheorghe Matei<br />

1. Aurora Murgea. Classical and behavioural finance in investor<br />

decision<br />

2. Ion Suiu, Diana Calciu. Critical Considerations Of Tax<br />

Enforcement Of Tax Means Of Transport<br />

3. Bianca Mihart. <strong>The</strong> Private Health Insurance Market in the<br />

European Union<br />

4. Florentina Popescu. Total income and sources fo funding in<br />

public broadcasting - capabilities and pre-requisites for all<br />

this acretion<br />

5. Ispas Roxana, Simion Dalia. <strong>The</strong> Financial Management Of <strong>The</strong><br />

Small And Medium Sized Companies In Romania<br />

6. Antonescu Mihail, Antonescu Ligia. Comments of the OCDE 2008<br />

Model Convention on establishing the tax residence<br />

Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 17 15 -19 15 , C268A room<br />

Moderators: Dorel Berceanu<br />

Raluca Drăcea<br />

1. Mitu Narcis Eduard, Drăcea Raluca. To what extent is the local<br />

tax increase appropriate?<br />

2. Ana Popa, Laura Giurca Vasilescu. Romanian Rural Development<br />

and the investment policy against the financial crisis<br />

3. Gheorghe Matei, Daniela Pîrvu. Financial crisis and pension<br />

systems<br />

4. Tupangiu Lorena, Sichigea Dan Florentin. Granting Financial<br />

Assets for Families according to the Appetite for Risk<br />

5. Buziernescu Radu, Antonescu Mihail. <strong>The</strong> value added tax regime<br />

for the assets belonging to natural persons who establish<br />

their domicile or residence in Romania<br />

6. Dorel BERCEANU and Nicolae SICHIGEA, <strong>The</strong> adoption of the<br />

practices of the dividend decision in Romania under<br />

economic and financial crisis circumstances<br />

7. Nicolae SICHIGEA and Dorel BERCEANU, An analysis of the value<br />

growth of the enterprises under economic and financial crisis<br />

circumstances<br />


Banks and Financial Markets Section<br />

Track 1 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C143 room<br />

Moderators: Zapodeanu Daniela<br />

Spulbar Cristi<br />

1. Carmen Corduneanu, Laura Raisa Milos, A model of construction<br />

of a minimum risk portfolio based on Markowitz portfolio<br />

theory. Application on Bucharest Stock Exchange<br />

2. Daniela Zapodeanu, Mihai Cociuba, An Econometric model for<br />

the evolution of the Romanian Interbank Bid Rate (ROBID) in<br />

the context of the <strong>international</strong> financial crisis<br />

3. Spulbar Cristi, <strong>The</strong> financial systems – an approach from the<br />

perspective of the financial crisis<br />

4. Hetes Roxana, Miru Oana, Lobont Oana, Nicolescu Cristina,<br />

Operational risk and FDI in the banking sector<br />

5. Emanuela Avram, Iuia Furdui, Oana Preda, Emerging risks in<br />

bank credit activity in terms of financial banking marketing<br />

6. Spulbar Cristi, <strong>The</strong> credit cease in Romania and its effects on<br />

SMEs<br />

7. Oana Gherghinescu, Effective measures to be taken to increase<br />

structural funds absorption in Romania<br />

Track 2 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C137 room<br />

Moderators: Opriţescu Marin<br />

Popescu Jenica<br />

1. Gabriela Droj, Laurentiu Droj, Simona Mutu, Geographical<br />

Informational Systems - Applicability in Investments and<br />

Banking<br />

2. Ion Dobre, Daniela Hincu, Financial Instrument for the<br />

Environment – LIFE+<br />

3. Sanda Constantin, Dana Adriana Lupsa Tataru, Capital markets<br />

and the cost of capital<br />

4. Marin Opritescu, Alina Georgiana Manta, New trends in banking<br />

due to the <strong>international</strong> financial crisis<br />

5. Cristian Valeriu Stanciu, Early Warning System models of<br />

financial crises - short description<br />

6. Simion Dalia, Ispas Roxana. Aspects regarding the influence of<br />

volatility on the options' price<br />

7. Jenica Popescu, Dorina Poanta, Views on banking supervision in<br />

the <strong>international</strong> financial crisis<br />


Track 3 – Friday, 14.05.2010, 15 00 -17 00 , C140 room<br />

Moderators: Cristea Mirela<br />

Nanu Roxana<br />

1. Cristian Gulei Gradinaru, Bank resources – the liabilities<br />

management<br />

2. Valentin Stanciu. Management of change in the banking<br />

system<br />

3. Valentin Stanciu. Leadership and the team - vital elements of<br />

management in the banking system<br />

4. Sichigea Dan-Florentin, Tupangiu Lorena. Euro-leu dispute in the<br />

placement preferences of the population’s savings<br />

5. Mirela Cristea, Raluca Dracea, Ionut Tomescu. Economic Growth<br />

and Credit Market in Romania – Statistical Analysis of<br />

Causality Relations<br />

6. Roxana Nanu, Radu Buziernescu, Ionut Octavian Serban. A<br />

teoretical approach on ERM II<br />

7. Daniel Avram, Veronel Avram. Some considerations on the<br />

global financial crisis and its impact on the banking system<br />

in Romania<br />

8. Mihai Niţoi, Output and inflation responses to demand and<br />

supply disturbances in Euro Area<br />


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