(ScAg 1501) Final Exam—May 8, 2002 Multiple Choice. Cho

(ScAg 1501) Final Exam—May 8, 2002 Multiple Choice. Cho

(ScAg 1501) Final Exam—May 8, 2002 Multiple Choice. Cho


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Name______________________<br />

Biotechnology, Society and the Environment (<strong>ScAg</strong> <strong>1501</strong>)<br />

<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam—May</strong> 8, <strong>2002</strong><br />

<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong><strong>Cho</strong>ice</strong>. <strong>Cho</strong>ose the best answer for each of the following questions.<br />

(2 pts/question; 52 pts total).<br />

1. A fluorescent protein that can serve as a biomarker.<br />

a. GFP<br />

b. STR<br />

c. PGC<br />

d. EST<br />

2. Why do avian blood cells contain so much DNA?<br />

a. They are bigger than other cells<br />

b. Their WBCs are nucleated<br />

c. Their RBCs are nucleated<br />

d. Their RBCs don’t have a nucleus<br />

3. Human geneticists are interested in individuals of the Morman faith because:<br />

a. They like salt water<br />

b. They have a lot children with inborn genetic errors<br />

c. They have higher mutation frequencies in their DNA<br />

d. They have very accurate genealogical records to trace potential reference<br />

families.<br />

4. The enzyme that’s adds telomeric repeats onto the ends of chromosomes:<br />

a. Ligase<br />

b. Rejuvinase<br />

c. Telomerase<br />

d. RNase<br />

5. The fragments of DNA that can serve as probes on a DNA chip are from<br />

a. Expressed sequence tags<br />

b. Junk DNA<br />

c. Repetitive DNA<br />

d. Satellite DNA<br />

e. Both c and d<br />

6. Inner mass cells cultured in vitro are considered to be:<br />

a. Trophoblastic<br />

b. Embryonic stem cells<br />

c. PGCs<br />

d. EG cells

7. The ploidy of a 4N organism is:<br />

a. 1<br />

b. 2<br />

c. 3<br />

d. 4<br />

e. 5<br />

8. Adam Nash was conceived using these methods, in part, to provide his sister Molly<br />

with cord blood stem cells to cure fanconi anemia<br />

a. In vitro fertilization<br />

b. Pre-implantation diagnosis<br />

c. Neither a or b<br />

d. Both a and b<br />

9. An negative argument against producing cloned animals by nuclear transfer<br />

a. Animals often have difficult births and die with increasing frequency<br />

b. Animals are usually meaner<br />

c. Animals have increased resistance to diseases<br />

d. Animals have more legs<br />

10. Retroviruses can be used to treat brain tumors because:<br />

a. They only replicate in rapidly dividing tumor cells, not brain cells<br />

b. They replicate only in non-dividing cells<br />

c. They can carry more than 50 kb of foreign DNA<br />

d. They make GFP<br />

11. The endodermal layer of cells derived from inner mass cells can give rise to:<br />

a. Skin<br />

b. Liver<br />

c. Eyes<br />

d. Bone<br />

12. Where DNA is synthesized in the cell cycle:<br />

a. G1<br />

b. G2<br />

c. S<br />

d. M<br />

e. G 0<br />

13. A method to localize a cloned gene to a specific region on a given chromosome:<br />

a. X inactivation<br />

b. Northern blot<br />

c. Fluorescent in situ hybridization<br />

d. Karyotype

14. Expressed sequence tags can be derived from this type of “library”:<br />

a. cDNA<br />

b. Genomic<br />

c. Public<br />

d. Both b and c<br />

15. All of the following demonstrate the pluripotency of ES cells except:<br />

a. They can develop into an entire animal<br />

b. They can differentiate into cardiomyocytes<br />

c. They can form glial cells to produce myelin<br />

d. They can form immature nerve cells to restore spinal cord injuries<br />

16. Pig xenotransplants are commonly rejected by human recipients because:<br />

a. They smell bad<br />

b. They have GAPDH<br />

c. They have pig-specific antigens on their cells that the human immune<br />

system considers incompatible<br />

d. They have too much of an immune suppression<br />

17. A centimorgan is what kind of measurement?<br />

a. Physical<br />

b. Genetic<br />

c. Is a map distance that represents 1% recombination<br />

d. Both a and b<br />

e. Both b and c<br />

18. RFLP analysis works because:<br />

a. Of polymorphisms in the DNA<br />

b. Proteins are different<br />

c. Specific restriction enzymes can recognize several different DNA sequence<br />

motifs at once<br />

d. Of the 3-D conformation of the restriction enzymes<br />

19. The private company Celera was able to sequence the human genome in a little over<br />

one year because:<br />

a. They used shotgun sequencing and robotics<br />

b. They used high-powered computers to align overlapping DNA segments<br />

c. They used chromosome walking<br />

d. They subcloned fragments<br />

e. Both a and b<br />

f. a, b and c.

20. Single nucleotide polymrphisms can:<br />

a. Be used as markers associated with a trait<br />

b. Are polymorphisms that are present in a species about every 1000 bp<br />

c. Be used to predict the 3-D conformation of a protein<br />

d. Both a and b<br />

e. Both b and c<br />

21. Dolly the cloned Finn Dorset was the first animal derived<br />

a. Using a Nucleus from an adult cell<br />

b. Using mitochondria<br />

c. Using tissue DNA<br />

d. Using embryonic cells<br />

22. These cells don’t stop growing when they come in contact with each other:<br />

a. Primary<br />

b. Tumor<br />

c. Old<br />

d. Immortal, but not tumorigenic<br />

e. Normal<br />

23. A DNA chip:<br />

a. Represents thousands of expressed sequence tags<br />

b. Can serve as probes for determining expression levels of many different mRNAs<br />

c. Both a and b<br />

d. Is used for the expression analysis of only one gene at a time<br />

24. One of the following answers is NOT true for short tandem repeats:<br />

a. They can identify 1 in 10 18 individuals (when all 13 STRs are analyzed)<br />

b. They are based on highly polymorphic regions of DNA among individuals<br />

c. They have replaced RFLP analysis in most state crime labs<br />

d. They use Southern blot technology<br />

25. The CFTR gene was identified by all of the following methods except:<br />

a. Purification of the mutant protein<br />

b. Chromosome walking<br />

c. Chromosome Mapping<br />

d. DNA sequencing<br />

e. Genetic linkage analyis<br />

26. Treatment for CFTR currently uses gene therapy where the adenovirus:<br />

a. Homes to the lungs<br />

b. Is replication defective<br />

c. Homes to the liver<br />

d. Both a and b

Fill in the blank (2 pts./question;14 pts. total).<br />

__________1. Name a product produced by biopharming.<br />

__________2. One of the desired traits that might be acquired through the<br />

production of transgenic farm animals.<br />

__________3. Modifications to proteins that are often times necessary for<br />

complete biological and functional activity.<br />

__________4. Transgenic fish that express this protein can live in freezing<br />

waters off Newfoundland.<br />

__________5. The type of gene therapy whereby any changes in the genome<br />

are NOT passed on the next generation.<br />

__________6. These genes (or gene products) suppre<br />

controlled regulated expression of a potential cancer causing gene.<br />

__________7. To be successful, gene therapy needs to produce proteins that<br />

are toxic at high levels (T or F).

Matching (2 pts/question;18 pts total).<br />

_____ 1. One of the origins of adult stem cells.<br />

_____ 2. The first human disease cured by gene therapy.<br />

_____ 3. An autosomal recessive disease.<br />

_____ 4. Cloned sheep, pigs, mice, cattle and rabbits have been derived using<br />

this technique.<br />

_____ 5. Cell type that is cobblestone in appearance.<br />

_____ 6. An ES cell grown in vitro is considered to be<br />

_____ 7. If this gene is mutated, the risk of breast cancer increase to 90% by<br />

age 80.<br />

_____ 8. This animal serves as an excellent model for development,can be<br />

used for gene knock-out experiments and has its own genome project underway.<br />

_____ 9. Chemical method to transfer DNA into animal cells.<br />

A. ENDO12 K. Huntington’s chorea<br />

B. FISH L. Pluripotent<br />

C. Fibroblastic M. Zebrafish<br />

D. CFTR N. Floor scrapings<br />

E. Tumor suppressor O. Gopher<br />

F. Trojan gene effect P. BRCA 1<br />

G. Totipotent Q. ADA<br />

H. Nuclear transfer from adult cells R. Retrovirus<br />

I. Gene gun S. Liposomes<br />

J. Blood T. Epithelial

Short answer question (6pts.)<br />

A new virus emerges that causes a severe illness. Discuss how a drug might be developed<br />

by a pharmaceutical company in terms of using the following information: 1) genomics;<br />

2) proteomics; and 3) bioinformatics.<br />

Essay question (10pts.)<br />

In the next ten years a set of predictive genetic markers are developed that are<br />

“associated” with alcoholism in humans. Do you think that these markers will always be<br />

accurate in a potentially polygenic disease such as alcoholism? Should these markers<br />

ever be used by employers or law enforcement agencies to test individuals suspected of<br />

being alcoholics? How should the information obtained from the test be handled as far as<br />

privacy and confidentiality and the potential of discrimination? <strong>Final</strong>ly, do you think that<br />

such a potentially predictive genetic test should have ever been developed in the first<br />

place? Defend all of your answers in detail.

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