Final Exam—May 4, 2005 Multiple Choic

Final Exam—May 4, 2005 Multiple Choic

Final Exam—May 4, 2005 Multiple Choic


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Name_____________________________<br />

Biotechnology, Society and the Environment (Agri 1501)<br />

<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam—May</strong> 4, <strong>2005</strong><br />

<strong>Multiple</strong> <strong>Choic</strong>e. Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.<br />

(2 pts./question; 48 pts. total).<br />

1. Capable of making an entire organism<br />

a. totipotent<br />

b. impotent<br />

c. pluripotent<br />

d. potent<br />

2. In the PCR reaction, double stranded DNA is denatured into single strands at<br />

a. 40 0 C<br />

b. 58 0 C<br />

c. 72 0 C<br />

d. 94 0 C<br />

3. What is your diploid number of chromosomes?<br />

a. 23<br />

b. 46<br />

c. 92<br />

d. 1<br />

4. Adenovirus vector systems do the following:<br />

a. home to the pancreas<br />

b. home to the lungs<br />

c. can be used in gene therapy to treat cystic fibrosis<br />

d. are retroviruses<br />

e. both b and c<br />

f. both a and c<br />

5. DNA sequences that are expressed can be<br />

a. junk DNA<br />

b. STRs<br />

c. open reading frames that encode proteins<br />

d. repeated satellite DNA<br />

6. Type 1 Diabetes is the result of<br />

a. immunorejection<br />

b. autoimmunity<br />

c. insulin resistance<br />

d. fasting glucose

7. A person that has an autosomal recessive disease<br />

a. is a carrier<br />

b. actually has the disease<br />

c. will never get the disease<br />

d. can only produce offspring with the disease<br />

e. both b and d<br />

8. Retroviral gene therapy works for brain tumors because<br />

a. they only infect replicating tumor cells, not non-dividing brain cells<br />

b. they infect only non-dividing brain cells<br />

c. only retrovirally infected tumor cells will be killed by a drug specific for a<br />

gene that the viral is carring<br />

d. brains generally like retroviruses<br />

e. both b and c<br />

f. both a and c<br />

9. Therapeutic cloning is<br />

a. allowed in certain states if NO Federal funds are used<br />

b. is a way to produce an individual’s own ES cells as future spare parts<br />

c. is guaranteed to make babies<br />

d. both b and d<br />

e. both a and b<br />

10. The mitotic phase of the cell cycle is also called the<br />

a. phase of the moon<br />

b. S phase<br />

c. G 1 phase<br />

d. M phase<br />

e. G 2 phase<br />

11 A way to contain transgenic fish<br />

a. make all females sterile<br />

b. use smarter worms and sharper hooks<br />

c. use land-locked holding ponds as currently in place for catfish<br />

d. both a and c<br />

e. both b and c<br />

12. A short repeated polymorphism that can identify 1 person out of 10 18 by<br />

PCR<br />

a. SRP<br />

b. STR<br />

c. EST<br />

d. PGC

13. Finding the CFTR gene utilized the following methods<br />

a. reverse genetics<br />

b. linkage analysis<br />

c. forward genetics<br />

d. whole genome sequencing<br />

e. both a and b<br />

f. both b and d<br />

14. DNA that has been immobilized on a membrane for analysis with probes<br />

a. Western blot<br />

b. Northern blot<br />

c. Eastern blot<br />

d. Southern blot<br />

15. The rapidly expanding field of data analysis using information gathered<br />

from the genome projects<br />

a. proteomics<br />

b. nutriomics<br />

c. bioinformatics<br />

d. genomics<br />

16. The butterfly and the caterpillar from which it emerges have the same<br />

a. phenotype<br />

b. genotype<br />

c. expression levels of all genes<br />

d. number of chromosomes<br />

e. both b and d<br />

f. both a and c<br />

17. For effective gene therapy, the gene product must be<br />

a. effective at low doses<br />

b. toxic at high doses<br />

c. non-effective at low doses<br />

d. non-toxic at high doses<br />

e. both a and c<br />

f. both a and d<br />

18. Tumor suppressor genes encode proteins that<br />

a. promote tumor growth<br />

b. suppress genes that can lead to tumor formation<br />

c. have been identified using reverse genetics<br />

d. both a and b<br />

e. both b and c

19. The promoter region of a gene<br />

a. is transcribed into RNA<br />

b. promotes transcription<br />

c. promotes termination<br />

d. is in front of the gene to be transcribed<br />

e. is in back of the gene to be transcribed<br />

f. both a and d<br />

g. both b and d<br />

20. Primordial germ cells can give rise to<br />

a. the next generation of sex cells<br />

b. satellite DNA<br />

c. inner mass cells<br />

d. trophoblastic cells<br />

21. One of these is NOT true of adult stem cells<br />

a. are found in very low numbers<br />

b. can be made to differentiate similarly to ES cells<br />

c. die if not surrounded by a placenta<br />

d. have a normal karyotype<br />

e. can be studied using Federal funds<br />

f. X inactivation doesn’t occur<br />

22. Gestation diabetes<br />

a. develops in a small percentage of all pregnant women<br />

b. is associated in women with a family history of diabetes<br />

c. is associated with babies that have elevated glucose levels<br />

d. all of the above<br />

e. only a and b<br />

23. These complications can (and often do) arise from having diabetes<br />

a. eye problems leading to blindness<br />

b. heart disease and poor circulation<br />

c. hair loss<br />

d. increased chance of developing cancer<br />

e. both a and b<br />

f. both b and d<br />

24. Telomeric DNA<br />

a. is found at the ends of chromosomes<br />

b. is always expressed<br />

c. shortens in length as you age<br />

d. makes cells stick together<br />

e. both a and c<br />

f. both b and c

Fill in the blank (2 pts./question;18 pts. total)<br />

_________1.<br />

The first successful gene therapy case in the country cured<br />

what disease?<br />

_________2.<br />

Genetic map unit whereby there is 1% recombination<br />

_________3.<br />

_________4.<br />

_________5.<br />

_________6.<br />

Transgenic fish have been developed to express this protein so<br />

that they can survive the below freezing waters around<br />

Newfoundland.<br />

The first successfully cloned animal by somatic cell nuclear<br />

transfer<br />

ES cells are derived from these blastocyst-derived cells<br />

The worldwide spread of a disease affecting millions of people<br />

_________7.<br />

60%-80% of all tumors are generally derived from this cell type<br />

_________8.<br />

Currently the most rapidly increasing type of diabetes<br />

_________9.<br />

A reason that the private human genome sequencing project<br />

moved so fast

Matching (2pts/question; 18 pts. total).<br />

_____1. These animals don’t appear to get cancer<br />

_____2. A polygenic disease<br />

_____3. A biopharmed product synthesized in goat’s milk<br />

_____4. Skin is derived from this germ cell layer<br />

_____5. Gene therapy on non-germ cells<br />

_____6. A DNA marker<br />

_____7. Important for finding genes by reverse genetics<br />

_____8. Transplanting a foreign organ or tissue into a different species<br />

_____9. Adding a sugar or phosphate group to achieve biological activity<br />

A. Mesoderm K. Cystic Fibrosis<br />

B. Sharks L. 1 antitrypsin for emphysema<br />

C. Post-transcriptional modifications M. Ectoderm<br />

D. Somatic cell therapy N. Jets<br />

E. Diabetes O. SNPs<br />

F. Eugenics P. Reference families<br />

G. Lauraderm Q. Endoderm<br />

H. Xenotransplantation R. Rats<br />

I. Enzymes S. Post-translational modifications<br />

J. Cream cheese T. Huntington’s chorea

Short answer question (6 pts.)<br />

Explain how DNA microarray differential expression analysis of a human<br />

malignant organ tumor can help decide what type of therapy will be used to<br />

combat the disease. Discuss the sequential steps needed to demonstrate this<br />

differential analysis.<br />

Essay question (10 pts.)<br />

Consider the following biomedical ethical dilemma. Even though you’re a really<br />

great person, your immediate family is not so great. Your mother and her father<br />

are convicted felons that have been previously forced to submit to authorities<br />

samples of their own DNA for profiling. Because of public records which your<br />

perspective employer has access to, there is a demand put upon you (but not on<br />

the other five potential new hires) to submit a DNA sample to the company. Who<br />

has ownership of your DNA information? Discuss. Can you file a discrimination<br />

suit against the company for: A) demanding a DNA sample be given based on<br />

your immediate relatives which suggests you might carry similar markers for<br />

being a felon; B) demanding a DNA sample from you but not the five other<br />

potential hires? Discuss in detail. Do you think that it is fair that the company<br />

makes your hiring contingent upon your giving a DNA sample? Why or why not?

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