Classification, Bacteria, Fungi, and Protist Retake Prep 1) I can ...

Classification, Bacteria, Fungi, and Protist Retake Prep 1) I can ...

Classification, Bacteria, Fungi, and Protist Retake Prep 1) I can ...


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<strong>Classification</strong>, <strong>Bacteria</strong>, <strong>Fungi</strong>, <strong>and</strong> <strong>Protist</strong> <strong>Retake</strong> <strong>Prep</strong><br />

1) I <strong>can</strong> define classification vocabulary: eukaryotic, prokaryotic, heterotrophic, autotrophic,<br />

unicellular, multicellular.<br />

1. Define prokaryotic <strong>and</strong> give an example of a prokaryotic organism.<br />

2. Define eukaryotic <strong>and</strong> give an example of a eukaryotic organism.<br />

3. Define heterotrophic <strong>and</strong> give an example of a heterotrophic organism.<br />

4. Define autotrophic <strong>and</strong> give an example of an autotrophic organism.<br />

2) I <strong>can</strong> infer an organism’s Kingdom based on its characteristics.<br />

5. List the six kingdoms of organisms <strong>and</strong> give one example for each.<br />

6. Describe the differences between the lytic <strong>and</strong> lysogenic cycles of viruses.<br />

7. What are viruses specific to bacterial host cells called?<br />

8. Describe how vaccines function to prevent infections.<br />

9. For each of the four kingdoms listed below, tell whether it is: prokaryotic/eukaryotic,<br />

unicellular/multicellular, autotrophic/heterotrophic, <strong>and</strong> describe where they are found.<br />

a. Archaebacteria b. Eubacteria c. <strong>Protist</strong>a d. <strong>Fungi</strong><br />

3) I <strong>can</strong> correctly order the taxonomic categories from least specific to most specific<br />

10. What is the process of classifying organisms <strong>and</strong> giving each a scientific name called?<br />

11. All living organisms are grouped into _____ categories.<br />

12. Place the eight categories of taxonomic classification in order from least to most specific (remember the<br />

mnemonic device).<br />

13. Organisms are placed into categories based on their _____ <strong>and</strong> _____ characteristics.<br />

a. physical, evolutionary b. emotional, created c. binomial, derived d. physical, geographic<br />

4) I <strong>can</strong> infer an organism’s Genus <strong>and</strong> species based on its scientific name.<br />

14. What two classification categories are used in binomial nomenclature?<br />

15. Provide the official name for a honey badger that has the scientific classification:<br />

Kingdom – Animalia, phylum – Chordata, class – Mammalia, order – Carnivora, family – Mustelidae,<br />

genus – Mellivora, species - Capensis<br />

5) I <strong>can</strong> describe organisms from each Kingdom of Life: <strong>Bacteria</strong><br />

What are the technical names of the following shapes <strong>and</strong> formations of bacteria?<br />

16. rod shaped<br />

17. spherical<br />

18. spiral<br />

19. clusters<br />

20. chains<br />

21. clusters of rods<br />

22. chains of rods<br />

23. clusters of spheres<br />

24. chains of spirals<br />

25. How do most bacteria move?<br />

26. How do antibiotics help fight against bacterial diseases?<br />

27. Describe two “good” uses of bacteria <strong>and</strong> one “bad” use.

6) I <strong>can</strong> accurately use a dichotomous key to identify an unknown organism.<br />

28. Make a dichotomous key for the following organisms.<br />

7) I <strong>can</strong> describe organisms from each Kingdom of Life: <strong>Fungi</strong><br />

29. What are the characteristics that all fungi share?<br />

30. Draw <strong>and</strong> label a mushroom.<br />

31. List the five phyla of fungus <strong>and</strong> give an example of each type.<br />

32. Describe a symbiotic relationship that fungus is in.<br />

33. What is a saprobe?<br />

34. What is unique about yeast being in the fungus kingdom?<br />

8) I <strong>can</strong> describe organisms from each Kingdom of Life: <strong>Protist</strong>s<br />

35. How are the three types of protists classified?<br />

36. What are the three ways that protists <strong>can</strong> move? Draw an example of each.<br />

37. How do sarcodines move?<br />

38. How do zooflagellates move?<br />

39. What are slime molds?<br />

40. A protist makes its own food through photosynthesis. What type of protist is it?

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