2007 Annual Report - Greater Worcester Community Foundation

2007 Annual Report - Greater Worcester Community Foundation

2007 Annual Report - Greater Worcester Community Foundation


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Grantmaking<br />

The <strong>Foundation</strong> makes grants in six key areas: arts<br />

and culture, community and economic development,<br />

education, environment, health, and human services.<br />

We invite grant applications from all 501(c)(3) nonprofit<br />

organizations residing in <strong>Worcester</strong> County.<br />

Following are competitive grant opportunities offered by<br />

the <strong>Foundation</strong>:<br />

Discretionary, field-of-interest and committee-advised<br />

grants enable the <strong>Foundation</strong> to respond quickly to<br />

pressing community needs. Twice a year, our board’s<br />

Distribution Committee reviews applications for<br />

discretionary and field-of-interest grants. Volunteers<br />

appointed by our board or donors annually review<br />

proposals for committee-advised grants. Grants in these<br />

three categories range in size from $250 to more than<br />

$300,000, depending on fund resources, and support<br />

strategic planning, programmatic activities, and technical<br />

improvements.<br />

Scholarship awards are granted by the <strong>Foundation</strong> each<br />

year from more than 90 scholarship funds designated<br />

for college-bound residents of Central Massachusetts.<br />

Most awards are for graduating high school seniors; but<br />

some support older adults returning to school. A student<br />

submits just one application to become considered for<br />

all scholarships that suit their qualifications. Donors<br />

establish the criteria for their awards, which vary from<br />

$250 to more than $6,000, and many are renewable<br />

throughout the student’s education. Applications are<br />

available in paper and electronic form between early<br />

February and late March. Most awards are announced by<br />

the end of June.<br />

The following grants are recommended by fund-holders:<br />

Donor advised grants express the interests and priorities<br />

of the donors or their designated advisors, who may<br />

make grant recommendations at any time throughout the<br />

year. Nonprofits are not usually required to submit an<br />

application.<br />

Agency and designated grants provide nonprofits with<br />

ongoing support from endowment funds created by their<br />

boards or by others for their benefit. Grants from agency<br />

and designated funds require the compliance of the<br />

organization’s board prior to disbursement and may be<br />

distributed automatically on an annual basis. Grants may<br />

be for general operating costs, special projects, capital<br />

expenditures, or emergency needs.<br />

Grants Approved by Broad Category in <strong>2007</strong><br />

0 $100,000 $200,000 $300,000 $400,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000<br />

Arts and Culture<br />

$636,400<br />

<strong>Community</strong> Development<br />

$309,536<br />

Education<br />

$1,199,222<br />

Environment<br />

$170,382<br />

Health<br />

$960,176<br />

Human Services<br />

$1,390,956<br />

Grant Totals<br />

$$4,666,672<br />

Discretionary, Field of Interest and Committee Advised Funds<br />

Scholarship Funds<br />

Designated and Agency Funds<br />

Donor Advised Funds<br />

All 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and students residing in <strong>Worcester</strong> County are invited to<br />

call or visit www.greaterworcester.org for complete grant and scholarship guidelines.<br />

16 <strong>Greater</strong> <strong>Worcester</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong> • 07 ANNUAL REPORT

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