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F.<br />

TX.10<br />

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW ¤ 79<br />

8. See Theorem 2.5.10.<br />

9. See Definition 2.7.1.<br />

10. See the paragraph containing Formula 3 in Section 2.7.<br />

11. (a) The average rate of change of y with respect to x over the interval [x 1 ,x 2 ] is<br />

f(x2) − f(x1)<br />

x 2 − x 1<br />

.<br />

f(x 2) − f(x 1)<br />

(b) The instantaneous rate of change of y with respect to x at x = x 1 is lim<br />

.<br />

x 2 →x 1 x 2 − x 1<br />

12. See Definition 2.7.2. The pages following the definition discuss interpretations of f 0 (a) as the slope of a tangent line to the<br />

graph of f at x = a and as an instantaneous rate of change of f(x) with respect to x when x = a.<br />

13. See the paragraphs before and after Example 6 in Section 2.8.<br />

14. (a) A function f is differentiable at a number a if its derivative f 0 exists<br />

(c)<br />

at x = a;thatis,iff 0 (a) exists.<br />

(b) See Theorem 2.8.4. This theorem also tells us that if f is not<br />

continuous at a,thenf is not differentiable at a.<br />

15. See the discussion and Figure 7 on page 159.<br />

1. False. Limit Law 2 applies only if the individual limits exist (these don’t).<br />

3. True. Limit Law 5 applies.<br />

x(x − 5) sin(x − 5)<br />

5. False. Consider lim or lim .Thefirst limit exists and is equal to 5. By Example 3 in Section 2.2,<br />

x→5 x − 5 x→5 x − 5<br />

we know that the latter limit exists (and it is equal to 1).<br />

7. True. A polynomial is continuous everywhere, so lim<br />

x→b<br />

p(x) exists and is equal to p(b).<br />

9. True. See Figure 8 in Section 2.6.<br />

11. False. Consider f(x) =<br />

<br />

1/(x − 1) if x 6= 1<br />

2 if x =1<br />

13. True. Use Theorem 2.5.8 with a =2, b =5,andg(x) =4x 2 − 11. Notethatf(4) = 3 is not needed.<br />

15. True, by the definition of a limit with ε =1.<br />

17. False. See the note after Theorem 4 in Section 2.8.<br />

19. False.<br />

<br />

d 2 2<br />

y<br />

dy<br />

dx is the second derivative while is the first derivative squared. For example, if y = x,<br />

2 dx<br />

then d 2 2<br />

y dy<br />

dx =0,but =1.<br />

2 dx

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