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F.<br />

TX.10<br />

PROBLEMS PLUS ¤ 137<br />

steeper the inclined plane, the less the horizontal components of the various forces affect the movement of the block, so we<br />

would need a much larger magnitude of horizontal force to keep the block motionless. If we allow θ → 90 ◦ , corresponding<br />

to the inclined plane being placed vertically, the value of h min is quite large; this is to be expected, as it takes a great<br />

amount of horizontal force to keep an object from moving vertically. In fact, without friction (so θ s =0), we would have<br />

θ → 90 ◦ ⇒ h min →∞, and it would be impossible to keep the block from slipping.<br />

(d) Since h max is the largest value of h that keeps the block from slipping, the force of friction is keeping the block from<br />

moving up the inclined plane; thus, F is directed down the plane. Our system of forces is similar to that in part (b), then,<br />

except that we have F = −(μ s n) i. (Note that |F| is again maximal.) Following our procedure in parts (b) and (c), we<br />

equate components:<br />

−μ s n − mg sin θ + h max cos θ =0 ⇒ h max cos θ − μ s n = mg sin θ<br />

n − mg cos θ − h max sin θ =0 ⇒ h max sin θ + mg cos θ = n<br />

Then substituting,<br />

h max cos θ − μ s (h max sin θ + mg cos θ) =mg sin θ<br />

⇒<br />

h max cos θ − h max μ s sin θ = mg sin θ + mgμ s cos θ<br />

⇒<br />

<br />

<br />

sin θ + μs cos θ tan θ + μs<br />

h max = mg<br />

= mg<br />

cos θ − μ s sin θ 1 − μ s tan θ<br />

<br />

tan θ +tanθs<br />

= mg<br />

= mg tan(θ + θ s )<br />

1 − tan θ s tan θ<br />

We would expect h max to increase as θ increases, with similar behavior as we established for h min ,butwithh max values<br />

always larger than h min .Wecanseethatthisisthecaseifwegraphh max as a function of θ,asthecurveisthegraphof<br />

h min translated 2θ s to the left, so the equation does seem reasonable. Notice that the equation predicts h max →∞as<br />

θ → (90 ◦ − θ s ). In fact, as h max increases, the normal force increases as well. When (90 ◦ − θ s ) ≤ θ ≤ 90 ◦ ,the<br />

horizontal force is completely counteracted by the sum of the normal and frictional forces, so no part of the horizontal<br />

force contributes to moving the block up the plane no matter how large its magnitude.

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