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F.<br />

TX.10<br />


43. a +(b + c) =ha 1,a 2i +(hb 1,b 2i + hc 1,c 2i) =ha 1,a 2i + hb 1 + c 1,b 2 + c 2i<br />

= ha 1 + b 1 + c 1 ,a 2 + b 2 + c 2 i = h(a 1 + b 1 )+c 1 , (a 2 + b 2 )+c 2 i<br />

= ha 1 + b 1 ,a 2 + b 2 i + hc 1 ,c 2 i =(ha 1 ,a 2 i + hb 1 ,b 2 i)+hc 1 ,c 2 i<br />

=(a + b)+c<br />

45. Consider triangle ABC, whereD and E are the midpoints of AB and BC. We know that −→<br />

AB + −→<br />

BC =<br />

−→<br />

AC (1) and<br />

−−→<br />

DB + −→ −−→<br />

−−→ −→<br />

BE = DE (2). However, DB =<br />

1<br />

AB, and −→ −→<br />

BE =<br />

1<br />

BC. Substituting these expressions for DB −−→<br />

and −→<br />

BE into<br />

2<br />

−→ −→<br />

(2)gives 1 AB + 1 BC = −−→<br />

DE. Comparing this with (1)gives −−→ −→<br />

DE = 1 AC. Therefore −→<br />

AC and −−→<br />

DE are parallel and<br />

2 2<br />

2<br />

−−→<br />

DE = 1 2<br />

−→<br />

<br />

AC.<br />

2<br />

13.3 The Dot Product ET 12.3<br />

1. (a) a · b is a scalar, and the dot product is defined only for vectors, so (a · b) · c has no meaning.<br />

(b) (a · b) c is a scalar multiple of a vector, so it does have meaning.<br />

(c) Both |a| and b · c are scalars, so |a| (b · c) is an ordinary product of real numbers, and has meaning.<br />

(d) Both a and b + c are vectors, so the dot product a · (b + c) has meaning.<br />

(e) a · b is a scalar, but c is a vector, and so the two quantities cannot be added and a · b + c has no meaning.<br />

(f ) |a| is a scalar, and the dot product is defined only for vectors, so |a|·(b + c) has no meaning.<br />

3. a · b = −2, 1 3<br />

<br />

·h−5, 12i =(−2)(−5) +<br />

1<br />

3<br />

<br />

(12) = 10 + 4 = 14<br />

5. a · b = 4, 1, 1 4<br />

<br />

·h6, −3, −8i = (4)(6) + (1)(−3) +<br />

1<br />

4<br />

<br />

(−8) = 19<br />

7. a · b =(i − 2 j +3k) · (5 i +9k) = (1)(5) + (−2)(0) + (3)(9) = 32<br />

9. a · b = |a||b| cos θ =(6)(5)cos 2π 3 =30 − 1 2<br />

<br />

= −15<br />

11. u, v, and w are all unit vectors, so the triangle is an equilateral triangle. Thus the angle between u and v is 60 ◦ and<br />

u · v = |u||v| cos 60 ◦ = (1)(1) <br />

1<br />

2 =<br />

1<br />

. If w is moved so it has the same initial point as u, we can see that the angle<br />

2<br />

between them is 120 ◦ and we have u · w = |u||w| cos 120 ◦ =(1)(1) <br />

− 1 2 = −<br />

1<br />

. 2<br />

13. (a) i · j = h1, 0, 0i·h0, 1, 0i = (1)(0) + (0)(1) + (0)(0) = 0. Similarly, j · k = (0)(0) + (1)(0) + (0)(1) = 0 and<br />

k · i = (0)(1) + (0)(0) + (1)(0) = 0.<br />

Another method: Because i, j,andk are mutually perpendicular, the cosine factor in each dot product (see Theorem 3)<br />

is cos π 2 =0.<br />

(b) By Property 1 of the dot product, i · i = |i| 2 =1 2 =1since i is a unit vector. Similarly, j · j = |j| 2 =1and<br />

k · k = |k| 2 =1.<br />

15. |a| = (−8) 2 +6 2 =10, |b| =<br />

√7 2<br />

+32 =4,anda · b =(−8) √ 7 + (6)(3) = 18 − 8 √ 7. From Corollary 6,<br />

we have cos θ = a · b<br />

|a||b| = 18 − 8 √ 7<br />

10 · 4<br />

= 9 − 4 √ √ <br />

7<br />

9 − 4 7<br />

. So the angle between a and b is θ =cos −1 ≈ 95 ◦ .<br />

20<br />


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