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F.<br />

TX.10<br />


2.2 The Limit of a Function<br />

1. As x approaches 2, f(x) approaches 5. [Or,thevaluesoff(x) can be made as close to 5 as we like by taking x sufficiently<br />

close to 2 (but x 6= 2).] Yes, the graph could have a hole at (2, 5) and be definedsuchthatf(2) = 3.<br />

3. (a) lim f(x) =∞ means that the values of f(x) canbemadearbitrarilylarge(aslargeasweplease)bytakingx<br />

x→−3<br />

(b)<br />

sufficiently close to −3 (but not equal to −3).<br />

lim f(x) =−∞ means that the values of f(x) can be made arbitrarily large negative by taking x sufficiently close to 4<br />

x→4 +<br />

through values larger than 4.<br />

5. (a) f(x) approaches 2 as x approaches 1 from the left, so lim f(x) =2.<br />

x→1− (b) f(x) approaches 3 as x approaches 1 from the right, so lim f(x) =3.<br />

x→1 +<br />

(c) lim<br />

x→1<br />

f(x) does not exist because the limits in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.<br />

(d) f(x) approaches 4 as x approaches 5 from the left and from the right, so lim<br />

x→5<br />

f(x) =4.<br />

(e) f(5) is not defined, so it doesn’t exist.<br />

7. (a) lim g(t) =−1<br />

t→0− (b) lim g(t) =−2<br />

+<br />

(c) lim<br />

t→0<br />

g(t) does not exist because the limits in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.<br />

(d) lim g(t) =2<br />

t→2− t→0<br />

(e) lim g(t) =0<br />

+<br />

(f ) lim<br />

t→2<br />

g(t) does not exist because the limits in part (d) and part (e) are not equal.<br />

(g) g(2) = 1<br />

t→2<br />

(h) lim<br />

t→4<br />

g(t) =3<br />

9. (a) lim f(x) =−∞ (b) lim f(x) =∞<br />

x→−7 x→−3<br />

(d)<br />

lim f(x) =−∞<br />

x→6− (e) lim f(x) =∞<br />

+<br />

x→6<br />

(f ) The equations of the vertical asymptotes are x = −7, x = −3, x =0,andx =6.<br />

(c) lim f(x) =∞<br />

x→0<br />

11. (a) lim f(x) =1<br />

x→0− (b)<br />

lim f(x) =0<br />

x→0 +<br />

(c) lim<br />

x→0<br />

f(x) does not exist because the limits<br />

in part (a) and part (b) are not equal.<br />

13. lim f(x) =2, lim<br />

x→1− x→1<br />

f(x) =−2, f(1) = 2 15. lim f(x) =4, lim<br />

+ +<br />

x→3<br />

f(3) = 3, f(−2) = 1<br />

f(x) =2, lim f(x) =2,<br />

x→3− x→−2

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