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F.<br />


TX.10<br />

61. (a) The rate of increase of the population is initially very small, then gets larger until it reaches a maximum at about<br />

t =8hours, and decreases toward 0 as the population begins to level off.<br />

(b) The rate of increase has its maximum value at t =8hours.<br />

(c) The population function is concave upward on (0, 8) and concave downward on (8, 18).<br />

(d) At t =8, the population is about 350,sotheinflection point is about (8, 350).<br />

63. Most students learn more in the third hour of studying than in the eighth hour, so K(3) − K(2) is larger than K(8) − K(7).<br />

In other words, as you begin studying for a test, the rate of knowledge gain is large and then starts to taper off, so K 0 (t)<br />

decreases and the graph of K is concave downward.<br />

65. S(t) =At p e −kt with A =0.01, p =4,andk =0.07. Wewillfind the<br />

zeros of f 00 for f(t) =t p e −kt .<br />

f 0 (t) =t p (−ke −kt )+e −kt (pt p−1 )=e −kt (−kt p + pt p−1 )<br />

f 00 (t)=e −kt (−kpt p−1 + p(p − 1)t p−2 )+(−kt p + pt p−1 )(−ke −kt )<br />

= t p−2 e −kt [−kpt + p(p − 1) + k 2 t 2 − kpt]<br />

= t p−2 e −kt (k 2 t 2 − 2kpt + p 2 − p)<br />

Using the given values of p and k gives us f 00 (t) =t 2 e −0.07t (0.0049t 2 − 0.56t +12).SoS 00 (t) =0.01f 00 (t) and its zeros<br />

are t =0and the solutions of 0.0049t 2 − 0.56t +12=0, which are t 1 = 200<br />

7<br />

≈ 28.57 and t 2 = 600<br />

7<br />

≈ 85.71.<br />

At t 1 minutes, the rate of increase of the level of medication in the bloodstream is at its greatest and at t 2 minutes, the rate of<br />

decrease is the greatest.<br />

67. f(x) =ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d ⇒ f 0 (x) =3ax 2 +2bx + c.<br />

We are given that f(1) = 0 and f(−2) = 3,sof(1) = a + b + c + d =0and<br />

f(−2) = −8a +4b − 2c + d =3.Alsof 0 (1) = 3a +2b + c =0and<br />

f 0 (−2) = 12a − 4b + c =0by Fermat’s Theorem. Solving these four equations, we get<br />

a = 2 , b = 1 , c = − 4 , d = 7 , so the function is f(x) = 1<br />

9 3 3 9 9 2x 3 +3x 2 − 12x +7 .<br />

69. y = 1+x ⇒ y 0 = (1 + x2 )(1) − (1 + x)(2x) 1 − 2x − x2<br />

= ⇒<br />

1+x 2 (1 + x 2 ) 2 (1 + x 2 ) 2<br />

y 00 = (1 + x2 ) 2 (−2 − 2x) − (1 − 2x − x 2 ) · 2(1 + x 2 )(2x)<br />

= 2(1 + x2 )[(1 + x 2 )(−1 − x) − (1 − 2x − x 2 )(2x)]<br />

[(1 + x 2 ) 2 ] 2 (1 + x 2 ) 4<br />

= 2(−1 − x − x2 − x 3 − 2x +4x 2 +2x 3 )<br />

= 2(x3 +3x 2 − 3x − 1)<br />

= 2(x − 1)(x2 +4x +1)<br />

(1 + x 2 ) 3 (1 + x 2 ) 3 (1 + x 2 ) 3<br />

So y 00 =0 ⇒ x =1, −2 ± √ 3.Leta = −2 − √ 3, b = −2+ √ 3,andc =1. We can show that f(a) = 1 4<br />

<br />

1 −<br />

√<br />

3<br />

<br />


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