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26 THE NATION TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 2015<br />


•Justice Ogunade (rtd)<br />

‘Treat corrupt judges<br />

like criminals’<br />

•Continued from page 25<br />

coming to look for you in the house.<br />

Do you see that as good<br />

or bad for a judge?<br />

Well, it’s a mixed bag. There are a few lawyers<br />

who have not been quite helpful. They<br />

say all sorts of things to their clients. ‘We’re<br />

friends, I know him, I’ll go and see him for<br />

you’. He would come towards your chambers,<br />

perhaps speak to your clerk, and he<br />

would go back and say: ‘It’s all done; it’s finished.’<br />

So the client believes when he gets to<br />

the court, he’s going to get judgment, whether<br />

rightly or wrongly. If he doesn’t get it, he<br />

turns around and says: ‘That judge is corrupt;<br />

he took money from me.’ Sometimes it’s better<br />

for you to minimise your association with<br />

people. It’s not too much of an advantage on<br />

the other hand, because there are times you<br />

would want someone to share a burden with,<br />

not necessarily with your wife, but it’s an<br />

immediate burden you feel you want to<br />

share with someone. You could think X is<br />

your friend, then you caution yourself. ‘Do I<br />

know what advantage he will take of my<br />

discussion with him?’ So, it’s challenging.<br />

How about working conditions?<br />

What is worse is the atmosphere under<br />

which judges work. Lagos is an exception.<br />

For a quite a while, the state has been taken<br />

care of their judges. Wherever they have designated<br />

as judges quarters are judges quarters.<br />

It’s not the same in other states. If you<br />

go to some states now, what used to be judges’<br />

quarters had been sold or shared among other<br />

people, except the judge had come from that<br />

area and has his own house, which in itself is<br />

not helpful. There is no longer that atmosphere<br />

of serenity or privacy.<br />

Did you have any such experience?<br />

There was a time during my career on the<br />

Bench when I had to live in hired accommodation.<br />

That is bad enough, because everybody<br />

you see is a potential litigant. What is<br />

worse? At some point, my landlord and his<br />

son had a controversial case in my court. I<br />

didn’t know anything about it. I saw the papers<br />

in the office, and thought: ‘This surname<br />

sounds like that of my landlord, but it doesn’t<br />

matter.’ You have taken oath to do justice to<br />

all manner of people irrespective of their<br />

relationship with you. A week after I started<br />

the case, bingo came an anonymous letter<br />

from someone saying: ‘Yes, you live in his<br />

house. We know you have compromised<br />

your position. You’ve taken a bribe of<br />

N1million from him. But don’t forget, we<br />

know your father and your mother. They are<br />

good people. Don’t soil their name.’ You<br />

could see the danger. Then in the town, it’s<br />

all over the place. ‘What justice are you expecting?<br />

They live together.’ The young man<br />

whose case was before me lived directly opposite<br />

my house. I didn’t know it until this<br />

case started. When his father was going to<br />

his house, he passed by mine. So you can<br />

really see the danger to which you are exposed.<br />

The judges before me in that jurisdiction<br />

had been living in that house. When I<br />

was transferred to the place, which happened<br />

to be my hometown, the house was<br />

in a shambles. Sometimes I’d receive anonymous<br />

letters. Some would say: ‘We know<br />

the way you take to Lagos; we’re coming to<br />

double-cross you on the road.’ These are the<br />

challenges you have in an effort to do your<br />

work.<br />

Are judges more at risk?<br />

The way I see the position of a judge, particularly<br />

a judge of first instance – magistrates<br />

and judges – they are the ones who<br />

will see the litigants take evidence, write<br />

judgments, and be seen by the litigants everyday.<br />

On appeal, the appellate justices look<br />

at records. They don’t need to know anybody.<br />

In fact it’s sufficient for them for the<br />

lawyer to just come. But the judge is the one<br />

seeing the litigants. They know you, they<br />

can ask questions about you. So you can see<br />

that it’s a sacred job, but at the same time<br />

one that endangers your life. But quite a<br />

number of us, because we believe in God<br />

that you’re not going to do what is wrong,<br />

so no matter what effort you make, one is<br />

not afraid.<br />

Was there a particular judgment<br />

you regretted giving?<br />

I cannot remember one. This is not really<br />

self-praise. I am human and fallible, but I<br />

have not deliberately gone out of my way<br />

to give judgment in favour of anybody who<br />

by my own judgment does not deserve it. I<br />

had not.<br />

Was there any particular<br />

challenging case you handled?<br />

This particular one was a chieftaincy dispute.<br />

I did it as I thought would bring peace<br />

to the town. Both sides appealed. Both sides<br />

accused me, saying I did it to just push them<br />

away. I gave judgment in 1997 but the case<br />

is still lingering in court till today. There<br />

was an appeal from 1997. It took 13 years<br />

before judgment was delivered. After 13<br />

years they went to the Supreme Court. It’s<br />

been lying there for about three years. Unfortunately<br />

I would go into the town; nobody<br />

would come to me, but they would tell<br />

my friends that I was the one who had prevented<br />

them from having an oba in their<br />

town. But as far as I’m concerned I’ve done<br />

my best. I didn’t invite anybody to bring a<br />

case to me. They brought it and I gave judgment<br />

according to evidence. Having done that<br />

I have no apologies.<br />

What can be done to limit<br />

interlocutory appeals?<br />

By the various reforms being done, I think<br />

they are trying to find a way of limiting interlocutory<br />

appeals. But the instance I gave<br />

you, it was not a problem of interlocutory<br />

appeal. It’s the final judgment that they appealed<br />

against. Then a lot of things came into<br />

it. Again if I may suggest, serving judges are<br />

made to do a lot of other things, which eat<br />

into their judicial time. There may be a tribunal<br />

of enquiry, but they won’t trust a retired<br />

judge to handle it. They will ask a serving<br />

judge to do it. Speaking for myself – myself<br />

alone – I don’t see how we should inundate<br />

the highest court of the land, the appellate<br />

courts and the High Courts with election<br />

matters. You can imagine how long election<br />

matters take.<br />

So who should handle such cases?<br />

There are judges who are retired. You can<br />

make enquiries about them. And you can use<br />

those of them who will not compromise under<br />

any ground. Why can’t you ask them to<br />

handle some of these things instead of dragging<br />

serving judges into it, and in the course<br />

of it, they are maligned? There were a lot of<br />

unproven cases of bribery after the 2007 and<br />

2011 elections. There were even cases where<br />

judges were retired because of allegations of<br />

collecting bribe. If their excuse is that if a retired<br />

judge collects bribe, he cannot be disciplined,<br />

has bribery stopped being a criminal<br />

offence? If a person has committed a criminal<br />

offence, why can’t you prosecute him? If a<br />

person who has a public duty to perform collects<br />

bribe, and you’re able to prove it that he<br />

collected bribe, why can’t you prosecute him?<br />

Prosecute him and send him to jail! Even if<br />

you say you cannot discipline him internally,<br />

you let the law take its course.<br />

Why does NJC not allow serving<br />

judges accused of corruption to be<br />

tried rather retiring them?<br />

I don’t know. Speaking for myself, I<br />

wouldn’t know why. Look at what happens<br />

in other climes. You do anything that people<br />

believe is scandalous, or is criminal, you get<br />

arrested. Investigations will be done. If they<br />

find that you’re culpable, you’re prosecuted.<br />

If they’re able to prove their case, you go to<br />

jail - just as it happens to politicians and the<br />

rest of them. Nobody is above the law as far<br />

as I know.<br />

How would you rate the<br />

standard of judgments today<br />

compared to your time?<br />

Without really intending to denigrate anybody,<br />

standards generally are falling. The tool<br />

of a judge are books. You have to give them<br />

books. A judge is supposed to have a library.<br />

Ask any judge to show you their library, even<br />

library in the court and look at what is there.<br />

I am saying this because I know. It has happened<br />

to me. As a practitioner, anywhere I<br />

had gone I was carrying my own books. I was<br />

carrying my entire library with me everywhere<br />

I went. The judiciary is badly funded.<br />

Regular law reports that should be made<br />

available to you are not there. I do believe<br />

they’re improving on that now. I understand<br />

that some allowances are being given for you<br />

to buy books and things like that. I can say<br />

that of Lagos. I’m not a judge in Lagos but I<br />

see what they do.<br />

How can the problem<br />

be addressed?<br />

It could be better. If you don’t equip a man,<br />

how do you expect him to produce? You ask a<br />

man to go and till a farm and you give him a<br />

dead hoe, what do you expect him to produce?<br />

Regular training is needed. There is the<br />

National Judicial Institute where judges undergo<br />

periodic training, but they should intensify<br />

that. You live on computer now. You<br />

should have a situation in which you equip<br />

the courts, put in sufficient power, so that they<br />

can use the electronic devices that you give<br />

them. Before I left practice, I remember the<br />

many efforts that were made to put electronics<br />

in the courts. But the thing would not just<br />

work. You could be making use of them and<br />

suddenly you have a power surge and it wipes<br />

away all your records. That’s worse than using<br />

my long hand to write. I wrote in long<br />

hand for 10 years. I do know of judge who<br />

was advised by a doctor that if he’s not going<br />

to lose the use of his hands, he should<br />

retire. That is why occasionally when judges<br />

retire, you will be wondering what happened<br />

to them. Three or four years after retirement,<br />

he’s a ghost of himself. A man will<br />

be about 70 and he will appear like an 80-<br />

year-old. And it’s because of the atmosphere<br />

in which they had been working. All these<br />

things could be better.<br />

You mentioned that you were<br />

invited to the bench. Is it not<br />

better to ask people to apply<br />

to be judges?<br />

I tell you this. That is what makes it beautiful.<br />

In England, nobody ever applies to be<br />

a judge. You don’t apply to be a judge. The<br />

Attorney-General would have done some<br />

enquires. He would ask for some names to<br />

be shortlisted. Many judges were practitioners.<br />

If you were a treasury lawyer, you would<br />

begin your career there and end it there. You<br />

won’t assume that the next position is to be<br />

a judge, unlike what you have here. People<br />

from the department of justice of those days,<br />

the moment you become a Director of Public<br />

Prosecution (DPP), the next thing you’re<br />

looking forward to is to be made a judge.<br />

When you have looked at the quality of practice,<br />

even in the official Bar, and they found<br />

that one is a good material, there is nothing<br />

wrong with an appointment being made that<br />

way.<br />

What do you think is<br />

wrong with advertising it?<br />

The moment you start asking people to apply,<br />

you know what happens? There is going<br />

to be lobbying. It’s going to be about<br />

who knows who. I think it’s much more dignifying<br />

to be invited. A man will appear in<br />

court, and the Chief Judge will say: ‘When<br />

you’re going please see me….I’m considering<br />

including your name in the next list of<br />

appointments. Go and think about it.’ Sometimes<br />

they don’t have to ask you. If they find<br />

that what you’re doing is good, they will<br />

put your name and inform you that you have<br />

been appointed a judge. If the environment<br />

is good, nobody will be told that he is appointed<br />

a judge and he will refuse it. But due<br />

to poor earning, poor treatment, that is why<br />

you find that if you offer people who are in<br />

the inner bar (SANs) judgeship, they will<br />

say: ‘What, I’m not going to touch it.’ But in<br />

other areas, QCs (Queens Counsel) take such<br />

offers with open arms.<br />

Do you agree with suggestions<br />

that the Chief Justice of Nigeria<br />

(CJN) be appointed from outside<br />

of the Supreme Court?<br />

What is he coming to do there? Practicing<br />

as a lawyer is not the same thing as having<br />

gone through the hierarchy as a judge. An<br />

advocate looks at his clients. Whether his<br />

case is right or wrong, he takes it, although<br />

ethically you’re expected to advise your client.<br />

Many practitioners don’t look at the ethics<br />

of the profession. If the money is right,<br />

they will look for the law. An eminent jurist<br />

once said: ‘When I’m in practice, I don’t care<br />

whether I’m right or wrong. You pay me the<br />

right money, and I’m going to find the law<br />

to deal with it. When I became a judge, I<br />

started looking for where I can do justice.’ If<br />

there is a case before him in which he finds<br />

that ordinarily, someone should be given<br />

judgment, if he is able to find a law that will<br />

support him, he will use it. That is not the<br />

concern of a Senior Advocate. They (SANs)<br />

are industrious; they are supposed to be hard<br />

working. But for you to skip the High Court,<br />

the Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court<br />

– I know they are agitating for it, but speaking<br />

for myself, I pray that day will not come.<br />

Those who had been there (Supreme Court),<br />

do they lack knowledge? You only need to<br />

be more selective in your appointment. Forget<br />

about Federal Character. Look for the<br />

best. This Federal Character is what is killing<br />

all our institutions. Look for the best<br />

and put the best there.<br />

What about the argument that<br />

it’s been done before?<br />

I must admit we have had two instances.<br />

One of them rose to become the CJN – that is<br />

Justice Teslim Elias. But that is an exceptional<br />

case. He was not practicing, and was more<br />

•Continued on page 27

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