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His Life and Achievements 7<br />

University. Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and Eastman (of Kodak)<br />

had not I'm afraid, even the benefit of secondary education. In<br />

England William Harcott" Lever, Sir Thomas Lipton in fact almost all<br />

the founders of big business houses were innocent of University<br />

Education.<br />

But in our unfortunate country those who have got ideals and<br />

enterprise are generally men of high culture and education and they<br />

labour under a serious disadvantage when they have got to give a<br />

practical shape to their ideas and so often we have to witness tragedies.<br />

I need not here pause to relate the stories of failure in undertakings<br />

started under such auspices; but this is no reason why one should sit<br />

idle with folded hands. 'Failures are the precursors of success for<br />

future generations'. I have myself burnt my fingers over one or two<br />

undertakings but I have never been dejected rather spurred to greater<br />

activities by such temporary set-backs.<br />

If the new generation which has sprung up since the demise of<br />

Mr. <strong>Das</strong>, taken up the cue and builds on the foundation laid by him at<br />

enormous sacrifice to himself, the future of Orissa will turn into a<br />

much brighter, happier and more prosperous one specially with the<br />

advent of the new Province, which, too, owes its creation to Mr.<br />

<strong>Das</strong>.<br />

Mr. <strong>Das</strong> had realised at a time when our country men had no<br />

such awakening that unless we could revive and create new industries,<br />

there will be no economic salvation for our people who are solely<br />

dependent on uncertain agricultural pursuits.<br />

I shall now conclude with one word - viz. that Mr. <strong>Das</strong> died a<br />

martyr to the cause of Industry and to the uplift of his countrymen.<br />

• • •

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