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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Condensed matter physics and biophysics<br />

C38. Nonlinear electrodynamics in complex disordered systems: the<br />

SolarPaint project<br />

The SolarPaint project is an interdisciplinary research<br />

aimed at mastering the link between complexity<br />

and light trapping mechanism in disordered systems,<br />

fostering new applications in the field of energy and<br />

medicine, as well as novel fundamental discoveries<br />

in applied mathematics and the science of complex<br />

systems. The project involves mathematical physics<br />

(solitons, shock waves, group theory, Lie algebras and<br />

symmetries of partial differential equations), theoretical<br />

physics (thermodynamics of chaos, statistical mechanics<br />

of disordered systems) and ab-initio computational<br />

science.<br />

The term ”ab-initio” means ”from first principles, with<br />

no approximation” and identifies numerical integration<br />

schemes aimed at investigating phenomena stemming<br />

from first-principle equations of motion. The computational<br />

activity of SolarPaint is devoted to the realization<br />

of advanced parallel codes for the analysis of light<br />

propagation in disordered materials characterized by<br />

various wavelengths, ranging from the Angstrom regime<br />

to the visible, Terahertz and the acoustic scale. With<br />

reference to these different domains, the mathematical<br />

and theoretical portion of the project involves the study<br />

of:<br />

X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) beams interaction<br />

with molecular matter. XFEL are revolutionary photons<br />

sources, whose ultrashort, brilliant pulses are expected<br />

to allow single molecule diffraction experiments with<br />

interatomic length scales and femtosecond time resolutions.<br />

Statistical description of a many-body solitons systems.<br />

A system of interacting solitons do exhibit interesting<br />

complex phenomena such as the generation of dispersive<br />

shocks and rogue waves. In the project we derive advanced<br />

theories able to provide simple thermodynamic<br />

interpretations of these phenomena.<br />

Anderson localization of light. One of the most interesting<br />

effects of disorder is the trapping of light and<br />

the emergence of long living localized states, known<br />

as Anderson localizations, here studied in different<br />

configurations.<br />

Disordered optical cavities. These systems do exhibit<br />

interesting links with spin-glasses with quenched disorder<br />

and the field of random matrices, here employed to<br />

provide a new perspective on these media.<br />

Disordered photonic crystals and photon-plasmon<br />

polariton interactions. By exploiting interactions with<br />

photons and plasmon-polaritons in disordered photonic<br />

crystals, we study new concentrators for electromagnetic<br />

radiation in the terahertz regime for fundamental<br />

astrophysical studies.<br />

Structural glasses, self assembly of dielectric scatterers.<br />

An important part of the project will be devoted to<br />

the study of the self-assembly properties of materials;<br />

an open problem, in fact, is how to realize a mean<br />

configuration of disorder necessary to observe, e.g. a<br />

specific property or a particular dynamics. To deal<br />

with this issue we here study self-assembled ”photonic”<br />

colloids, in which optical components are first dispersed<br />

Figure 1: Ab-initio simulation showing the far-field scattered<br />

angular pattern (red to yellow colormap), nuclei position and<br />

electron density (blu to yellow colormap) time evolution of<br />

an HNCO molecule irradiated by an ultrashort XFEL pulse.<br />

Figure 2: Intensity |ψ| 2 , and frequency S x evolution of an<br />

ensemble of solitons originating a dispersive shock at t sk =<br />

0.0135.<br />

in a host medium and then assembled through the<br />

equilibrium configuration of the system.<br />

References<br />

1. A. Fratalocchi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 044101<br />

(2008).<br />

2. A. Fratalocchi et al., Phys. Rev. B 77, 245132 (2008)<br />

3. A. Fratalocchi et al., Phys. Rev. A 78, 013806 (2008)<br />

4. C. Conti et al., Nature Physics, 4 794 (2008)<br />

Authors<br />

A. Fratalocchi, G. Ruocco<br />

http://www.solarpaintproject.org/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 91 Dipartimento di Fisica

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