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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Condensed matter physics and biophysics<br />

C17. Chaos, complexity and statistical mechanics<br />

The main aim of statistical mechanics is to describe<br />

the equilibrium state of systems with many degrees of<br />

freedom; while dynamical systems theory can explain the<br />

irregular evolution of systems with few degrees of freedom.<br />

Also macroscopic systems are dynamical systems<br />

with a very large number of degrees of freedom. However<br />

while the low dymensional systems have been largely investigated,<br />

and their basic features are well understood;<br />

the study of systems with many degrees of freedom and<br />

many characteristic times (e.g. climate and turbulence)<br />

is a difficult task. The reason of that is mainly due to the<br />

fact that, in these cases, the usual indicators (Lyapunov<br />

exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy) are not very<br />

relevant.<br />

The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and the Lyapunov exponents<br />

quantify rather well the degree of time ”complexity”<br />

in systems with few degrees of freedom. A complexity<br />

characterization is more difficult when many degrees<br />

of freedom and many time scales are present. For<br />

instance in developed turbulence this can be achieved using<br />

the ϵ-entropy, which measures the information content<br />

at different scale resolution. The climatic systems,<br />

where the fluctuations at different scales are comparable,<br />

are much more complicated. Other interesting situations<br />

arise in non chaotic systems (i.e. with zero Lyapunov<br />

exponent) but with irregular behaviour and in<br />

discrete-states systems, with regard to their continuum<br />

limit. The latter topic is tied up with the semiclassical<br />

limit and decoherence in quantum mechanics, and with<br />

deterministic algorithms to produce random numbers.<br />

Perhaps in physics the most relevant example of high<br />

dimensional systems is the dynamics of macroscropic<br />

bodies studied in statistical mechanics. From the very<br />

beginning, starting from the Boltzmanns ergodic hypothesis,<br />

a basic question was the connection between<br />

the dynamics and the statistical properties.<br />

The discovery of the deterministic chaos (from the anticipating<br />

work of Poincaré to the contributions, in the<br />

second half of the XX-th century, by Chirikov, Hénon,<br />

Lorenz and Ruelle, to cite just the most famous) beyond<br />

its undoubted relevance for many natural phenomena,<br />

showed how the typical statistical features observed in<br />

systems with many degrees of freedom, can be generated<br />

also by the presence of deterministic chaos in simple<br />

systems. For example low dimensional models can emulate<br />

spatially extended dynamics modelling transport<br />

and conduction processes.<br />

Surely the rediscovery of deterministic chaos has revitalized<br />

investigations on the foundation of Statistical<br />

Mechanics forcing the scientists to reconsider the connection<br />

between statistical properties and dynamics. However,<br />

even after many years, there is not a consensus<br />

on the basic conditions which should ensure the validity<br />

of the statistical mechanics. Roughly speaking the<br />

two extreme positions are the traditional one, for which<br />

the main ingredient is the presence of many degrees of<br />

freedom and the innovative one which considers chaos a<br />

crucial requirement to develop a statistical approach.<br />

One aim of our research has been to show how, for understanding<br />

the conceptual aspects of the statistical mechanics,<br />

one has to combine concepts and techniques developed<br />

in the context of the dynamical systems with statistical<br />

approaches able to describe systems with many<br />

degrees of freedom. In particular we discussed the relevance<br />

of non asymptotic quantities, e.g ϵ-entropy, and<br />

the role of pseudochaotic systems, i.e. non chaotic systems<br />

with a non trivial behaviour.<br />

Vivid examples of such a feature is shown by numerical<br />

studies which evidenciate in a clear way that for high<br />

dimensional Hamiltonian systems chaos is not a fundamental<br />

ingredient for the validity of the equilibrium<br />

statistical mechanics. This happens for instance for<br />

the transport properties of systems with many degrees<br />

of freedom, e.g. diffusion coefficient, which are not<br />

sensitive to the presence of chaos. Such results support<br />

the point of view that to have good statistical properties<br />

chaos is unnecessarily demanding: even in the absence<br />

of chaos, one can have (according to Khichin ideas)<br />

a good agreement between the time averages and the<br />

predictions of the equilibrium statistical mechanics.<br />

References<br />

1. F. Cecconi et al. J. Stat. Mech.-Theory Exp. P12001<br />

(2007)<br />

2. M. Falcioni et al. Physica A 385, 170 (2007)<br />

3. P. Castiglione et al Chaos and Coarse Graining in<br />

Statistical Mechanics (Cambridge University Press, 2008)<br />

4. M. Cencini et al Chaos: From Simple Models to Complex<br />

Systems (World Scientific, 2009)<br />

Authors<br />

M. Falcioni, A. Vulpiani, F. Cecconi 3 , M. Cencini 3 , L.<br />

Palatella 3<br />

http://tnt.phys.uniroma1.it/twiki/bin/view/TNTgroup/<br />

WebHome<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 70 Dipartimento di Fisica

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