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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Condensed matter physics and biophysics<br />

C9. Soft Matter: Arrested states in colloidal systems<br />

In recent years, dynamical arrest in colloidal systems,<br />

and more generally in soft matter, has gained increasing<br />

scientific attention. Colloidal suspensions have unambiguous<br />

advantages with respect to their atomic counterparts.<br />

Characteristic space and time scales are much<br />

larger, allowing for experimental studies in the light scattering<br />

regime and for a better time resolution. The size<br />

of the particles allows for direct observation with confocal<br />

microscopy techniques, down to the level of singleparticle<br />

resolution. In addition, particle-particle interactions<br />

can be tuned by changing the solution conditions<br />

or by additives, as well as by synthesis of functionalized<br />

colloids. Colloidal suspensions, despite being very complex<br />

in nature and number of components, can be well<br />

described theoretically via simple effective potentials.<br />

The variety of interactions reflects also in a variety<br />

of dynamically arrested states, which can be of gel or<br />

glass type. Gels are low density structures, stabilized<br />

by strong inter-particle bonds which create a percolating<br />

network, while glasses are generically found at larger<br />

density and stabilized by caging. The most famous colloidal<br />

glasses are certainly the so-called attractive and<br />

repulsive glasses observed in colloids with short-range<br />

depletion attractions, induced by the addition of nonadsorbing<br />

polymers in solution. The glass-glass interplay<br />

has been recently studied by simulations, showing<br />

that there is a long-time relaxation from the attractive<br />

to the repulsive glass [1].<br />

At low densities the situation is more complex, and a<br />

variety of scenarios emerge when different inter-particle<br />

interactions are at hand. It has long been debated<br />

whether —for colloids with short-range attractions —<br />

the attractive glass line could extend continuously to<br />

lower densities, since a liquid-gas phase separation is<br />

encountered. To clarify the interplay between arrest<br />

and phase separation, we carried out a joint experimental/numerical<br />

work[2] in collaboration with Harvard University.<br />

Thanks to the single-particle resolution achieved<br />

by confocal microscopy, we compared the distribution of<br />

aggregates (clusters) in the fluid prior to gelation and<br />

built a mapping between the experimental control parameters<br />

and the thermodynamic parameters. In this<br />

way, we have provided unambiguous evidence that gelation<br />

occurs exactly at the spinodal threshold, as illustrated<br />

in Figure 1.<br />

When depletion interactions are competing with electrostatic<br />

repulsion, the situation changes and phase separation<br />

can be suppressed. In this case, an equilibrium<br />

fluid of clusters exists at low densities. These clusters become<br />

the building blocks of dynamical arrest. As shown<br />

in Figure 2, with increasing packing fraction ϕ, clusters<br />

branch in a network gel structure, while at lower<br />

densities repulsive interactions dominate, originating a<br />

Wigner glass of clusters[3]. Wigner glasses are lowdensity<br />

disordered solids in which particles arrest despite<br />

being very far apart due to the soft repulsive cages[4].<br />

Figure 1: 3d reconstructions (a,b) of the fluid and gel<br />

states observed by confocal miscroscopy (c,d). The mapping<br />

of experimental onto numerical data (e) allows to identify<br />

that gelation takes place in coincidence with thermodynamic<br />

phase separation. From [2].<br />

Figure 2: Simulation snapshots of Wigner glasses of clusters<br />

at low ϕ, turning into a percolating gel when ϕ increases, and<br />

related phase diagram. From [3].<br />

References<br />

1. E. Zaccarelli et al., PNAS 106, 15203 (2009).<br />

2. P. J. Lu et al., Nature 453, 499-503 (2008).<br />

3. J.C.F. Toledano et al, Soft Matter 5, 2390-2398 (2009).<br />

4. E. Zaccarelli et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 195701 (2008).<br />

Authors<br />

C. De Michele 1 , F. Romano 1 , J. Russo 1 , F. Sciortino 1,2 , P.<br />

Tartaglia 1,3 , E. Zaccarelli 1,2<br />

http://soft.phys.uniroma1.it/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 62 Dipartimento di Fisica

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