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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Condensed matter physics and biophysics<br />

C1. Superconductivity in low-dimensional materials<br />

Large part of the experimental and theoretical research<br />

on new superconducting (SC) materials focuses<br />

nowadays on systems that are effectively low dimensional.<br />

To this category belong layered materials<br />

with weakly-coupled planes, like the high-temperature<br />

cuprate superconductors, as well as confined 2D structures,<br />

like thin films or conducting layers at the interface<br />

of artificial heterostructures. Besides the low dimensionality,<br />

a common characteristic of many of these systems<br />

is the low superfluid density, i.e. the energy scale which<br />

controls the phase fluctuations of the SC order parameter.<br />

Under these conditions, the SC transition could<br />

share a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) character,<br />

where vortex excitations play a crucial role.<br />

The BKT transition has in principle very specific signatures,<br />

both below and above the SC transition temperature<br />

T BKT . For example the superfluid density J s<br />

vanishes with an “universal” jump approaching T BKT<br />

from below, while the SC correlation length ξ(T ), that<br />

is probed by several quantities like paraconductivity, diamagnetism<br />

or Nerst effect, should diverge exponentially<br />

as T → T BKT from above. This form would be in marked<br />

contrast with the typical power-law behavior of ξ(T ) due<br />

to Ginzburg-Landau (GL) SC fluctuations, where modulus<br />

and phase fluctuate simultaneously.<br />

The observation of clear signatures of BKT physics<br />

in these new systems is still debated. In cuprates<br />

contradicting conclusions emerge from different probes:<br />

while Nerst effect and diamagnetism point towards a<br />

relevance of BKT physics, no clear signature of the<br />

would be universal jump of the superfluid density has<br />

been <strong>report</strong>ed. Moreover paraconductivity in underdoped<br />

compounds provides evidence of a more traditional<br />

Aslamazov-Larkin GL-behavior [1]. This scenario<br />

calls for a deepr theoretical investigation of the additional<br />

effects that can affect the “universal” character<br />

of the BKT transition, mainly related to the quasi-2D<br />

structure and/or disorder. We have investigated these<br />

issues [2-3] using the sine-Gordon description of the BKT<br />

transition, which allows us to go beyond standard results<br />

derived in the XY model. First we discussed the role<br />

played by the energy µ of the vortex core in a weaklycoupled<br />

layered system. Here two ratios are relevant:<br />

µ/J s , which fixes the temperature where vortices would<br />

like to unbind, driving the J s to zero, and J ⊥ /J s , where<br />

J ⊥ is the interlayer Josephson coupling, which tends to<br />

keep J s finite. While in the XY model µ/J s has a fixed<br />

value, we showed that in the more general case the behavior<br />

of the system strongly depend on the ratio µ/J s ,<br />

the increasing of which effectively enhances J ⊥ /J s [2].<br />

As a consequence, even though the transition can ultimatively<br />

have a BKT character (i.e. vortex excitations<br />

are relevant) the jump of the superfluid-density J s is reduced<br />

and smoothed, and does not occur any more at the<br />

“universal” temperature. A similar ’non-universal’ µ/J s<br />

dependence of the BKT transition was found in the analysis<br />

of the magnetic-field effect [3]. Indeed, we showed<br />

that the standard linear scaling of the field-induced diamagnetism<br />

M ≃ −ξ 2 (T )H above T c is restricted to a<br />

range of fields that decreases as µ/J s increases, accounting<br />

thus for the persistent non-linear effects <strong>report</strong>ed in<br />

experiments in high-T c superconductors.<br />

R/R N<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

T(K)<br />

Data<br />

Hom<br />

Inhom<br />

0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4<br />

Figure 1: Resistivity in the presence of GL+BKT fluctuations,<br />

in the absence (Hom) and in the presence (Inhom)<br />

of inhomoegenity, compared to experimental data in SC heterostructures.<br />

[4]<br />

Interestingly, a revised approach to the BKT transition<br />

can be necessary also in the case of low-temperature<br />

superconductivity, as it is shown by our recent analysis<br />

of 2D superconducting heterostructures [4]. Our work<br />

shows that the contribution of SC BKT fluctuations<br />

to the conductivity cannot be computed neglecting the<br />

prominent role of the intrinsic sample inhomogeneity<br />

(see Fig. 1). This result could give new insight also on<br />

the nature of the superconductor-insulator transition,<br />

that in these systems can be induced in field-effect<br />

devices, which represent a promising candidate for<br />

future technological applications.<br />

References<br />

1. S. Caprara et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 024506 (2009).<br />

2. L. Benfatto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117008 (2007).<br />

3. L. Benfatto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 207002 (2007).<br />

4. L. Benfatto et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 214506 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

L. Benfatto 3 , S. Caprara, C. Castellani, M. Grilli<br />

http://theprestige.phys.uniroma1.it/clc/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 54 Dipartimento di Fisica

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