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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Condensed matter physics and biophysics<br />

emergent self-organization. There is no leader to guide individuals towards the common patterns.<br />

Rather, collective behaviour arises spontaneously as a consequence of the local interactions between<br />

individuals, much as it happens in ordering phenomena in condensed matter systems. A<br />

crucial issue is therefore to understand how self-organization emerges in animal aggregations and<br />

how behavior rules at the individual level regulate collective efficiency and group function. Bird<br />

flocking is a striking example of collective animal behaviour which is currently under investigation<br />

in our Department (C13).<br />

Statistical mechanics is also exploited to address fundamental biological problems in which the<br />

complexity of the living matter is relevant. Genes expressions, protein folding, metabolic pathways<br />

require understanding the connections and the interactions between a large number of components.<br />

For example, in a model system like the bacterium E.Coli, the estimated number of reactions<br />

composing the metabolic cycle is about 1100. Understanding the global organization of uxes at<br />

the cellular level, is thus fundamental both to predict responses to environmental perturbations,<br />

drugs, or gene knockouts, and to infer the critical epistatic interactions between metabolic genes<br />

(C14).<br />

As a last example of offspring of statistical mechanics, we mention the ongoing research on<br />

dynamical chaotic systems (C15,C16,C17). Macroscopic systems are dynamical systems with a<br />

very large number of degrees of freedom and many characteristic times (e.g. application to climate<br />

and turbulence). In these cases, the usual indicators (Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai<br />

entropy) are not very relevant. The innovative approach followed in Rome considers chaos a crucial<br />

requirement to develop a statistical approach to macroscopic dynamical systems (C16,C17). An<br />

application of stochastic processes to deep see convection processes is also currently investigated<br />

(C18).<br />

Strongly connected to statistical mechanics is the numerical investigation (via molecular dynamics<br />

or Monte Carlo methods) of systems of different level of complexity, from the ab-inito<br />

quantum mechanics calculations, to atomistic studies of hard, soft and bio-matter, (including<br />

hydrated proteins (C19)), to coarse-grained methods (C20) for bridging the gap from the Å-fs<br />

space-time scales to hydrodynamic behavior. Currently, we are working on a specific kind of<br />

mixed quantum-classical dynamics, the so-called non-adiabatic dynamics. In non-adiabatic situations,<br />

the coupling between nuclear (the bath) and electronic (quantum subsystem) motions in<br />

a molecular system, or the interactions with the environment, can induce transitions among the<br />

eigenstates of the electronic Hamiltonian that affects the (photo)chemistry and physics of nonadiabatic<br />

systems. Our work on developing efficient and rigorous MD algorithms for non-adiabatic<br />

simulations aims at controlling a number of interesting processes by understanding and modifying<br />

these transitions, for example via coupling to a control environment or via an appropriate pattern<br />

of excitations (C21). In the context of classical statistical mechanics, we are also active in<br />

the development of optimal methodologies for investigating rare events, i.e. events characterized<br />

by time-scales not accessible by brute force MD (e.g. chemical reactions, phase transformations,<br />

conformational changes related to the functionality of proteins), and the physics of systems out of<br />

equilibrium (C22). Rare events describe transitions over barriers higher than the thermal energy<br />

of the system, among metastable states of the free energy landscape and as such are characterized<br />

by time-scales much longer than those accessible by brute force MD. Chemical reactions, phase<br />

transformations, nucleation processes, and conformational changes related to the functionality of<br />

proteins are just a few examples of these events.<br />

Next we move to the soft and bio matter studies. Here again, we build upon the developments<br />

which took place at the end of last century in the physics of simple and complex liquids and in<br />

the physics of disordered systems. Soft and bio matter have a twofold interest: one one side we<br />

need to understand the microscopic origin to the self-organization and the build up of structures<br />

at mesoscopic length scales. On the other side, we need to learn how to engineer nano and micro<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 49 Dipartimento di Fisica

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