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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T23. Discrete integrable dynamical systems and Diophantine<br />

relations associated with certain polynomial classes<br />

The main idea underlying the various research lines<br />

pursued under this heading originates from the following<br />

observation. If one knows a nonlinear dynamical system<br />

with an arbitrary number N of degrees of freedom<br />

that is isochronous — namely, that in an open region of<br />

its phase space features solutions all of which are completely<br />

periodic (i. e., periodic in all their degrees of<br />

freedom) with a fixed period (independent of the initial<br />

data, provided it falls within the isochrony region)—and<br />

if an equilibrium solution of this dynamical system can<br />

be explicitly found in the isochrony region, then standard<br />

linearization of the equations of motion of the system in<br />

the immediate neighborhood of this equilibrium configuration<br />

yields an N × N matrix whose eigenvalues must<br />

all be integer multiples of a common factor—because<br />

these eigenvalues yield the frequencies of the oscillations<br />

of the system in the infinitesimal neighborhood of its<br />

equilibrium, and if the system is isochronous, all these<br />

N frequencies must indeed be integer multiples of a common<br />

factor. So, by this roundabout way, one arrives at<br />

a Diophantine finding (i. e., an explicit matrix whose<br />

eigenvalues must all be integers)—a finding which may<br />

become a conjecture if one venture to guess the actual<br />

values of these N integers, or a theorem whenever such<br />

a conjecture can be proven.<br />

This observation also opened a relatively vast area of<br />

research, because—contrary to what one might naively<br />

think—nonlinear isochronous dynamical systems are not<br />

rare, indeed there are techniques to manufacture a lot of<br />

them. For recent papers <strong>report</strong>ing results of this kind see<br />

[1,2,3]. The paper [3] is particularly remarkable inasmuch<br />

as it yielded new Diophantine properties related<br />

to the integrable hierarchy of nonlinear PDEs associated<br />

with the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, an item<br />

that has played a pivotal role in the major developments<br />

in theoretical and mathematical physics, and as well in<br />

several fields of pure mathematics, consequential to the<br />

discovery at the end of the 1960’s of the integrable character<br />

of the KdV equation (the so-called ”soliton revolution”).<br />

Moreover, to prove some of the conjectures arrived at<br />

in this manner, we pursued a research line leading to the<br />

identification of certain polynomials allowing Diophantine<br />

factorizations—including some polynomials belonging<br />

to the standard families of orthogonal polynomials<br />

classified according to the Askey scheme (for a recent instance<br />

of such results see [4]). And these developments<br />

have led to the identification of new discrete integrable<br />

systems [4], a finding whose ramifications are still under<br />

investigation. Indeed a new paper of this series, coauthored<br />

by the same group of authors (M. Bruschi, F.<br />

Calogero and R. Droghei), is in preparation.<br />

Overall, the research line tersely outlined above seems<br />

susceptible of significant further developments, which<br />

we plan to pursue in the coming years. We also plan to<br />

promote the insertion of at least some of our findings<br />

in standard compilations of the properties of special<br />

functions, as was the case in the past for some analogous<br />

results: see section 15.823, entitled ”Hermitian matrices<br />

and diophantine relations involving singular functions of<br />

rational angles due to Calogero and Perelomov”, in the<br />

standard compilation of mathematical results originally<br />

due to I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M Rizhik (”Tables of<br />

integrals, series, and products”, fifth edition, edited by<br />

Alan Jeffrey, Academic Press, 1980).<br />

References<br />

1. R. Droghei et al., J. Phys. A42, 454202 (2009).<br />

2. R. Droghei et al., J. Phys A42, 445207 (2009).<br />

3. M. Bruschi et al., J. Math. Phys. 50, 122701 (2009).<br />

4. M. Bruschi et al., Adv. Math. Phys. 2009, 268134 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

M. Bruschi, F. Calogero 1<br />

http://solitons.altervista.org/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 46 Dipartimento di Fisica

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