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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T21. Propagation and breaking of weakly nonlinear<br />

and quasi one dimensional waves in Nature<br />

Take any system of nonlinear PDEs i) characterized,<br />

for example, by nonlinearities of hydrodynamic type and<br />

ii) whose linear limit, at least in some approximation,<br />

is described by the wave equation. Then, iii) looking<br />

at the propagation of quasi one dimensional waves and<br />

iv) neglecting dispersion and dissipation, one obtains,<br />

at the second order in the proper multiscale expansion,<br />

the dispersionless Kadomtsev - Petviashvili equation in<br />

n + 1 dimensions (dKP n ): (u t + uu x ) x<br />

+ ∆ ⊥ u = 0, u =<br />

u(x, ⃗y, t), ⃗y = (y 1 , . . . , y n−1 ), ∆ ⊥ = n−1 ∑<br />

∂y 2 i<br />

. Therefore<br />

i=1<br />

dKP n arises in several physical contexts, like acoustics,<br />

plasma physics and hydrodynamics.<br />

We remark that the 1+1 dimensional version of dKP n<br />

is the celebrated Riemann-Hopf equation u t + uu x = 0,<br />

the prototype model in the description of the gradient<br />

catastrophe (or wave breaking) of one dimensional<br />

waves. Therefore a natural question arises: do solutions<br />

of dKP n break and, if so, is it possible to give an analytic<br />

description of such a multidimensional wave breaking?<br />

It was observed long ago that the commutation of multidimensional<br />

vector fields can generate integrable nonlinear<br />

partial differential equations (PDEs) in arbitrary<br />

dimensions. Some of these equations are dispersionless<br />

(or quasi-classical) limits of integrable PDEs, having<br />

dKP 2 as prototype example, they arise in various problems<br />

of Mathematical Physics and are intensively studied<br />

in the recent literature.<br />

We have recently developed the Inverse Spectral<br />

Transform (IST) for 1-parameter families of multidimensional<br />

vector fields, and used it to construct the formal<br />

solution of the Cauchy problem for distinguished examples<br />

of nonlinear PDEs of Mathematical Physics. This<br />

IST and its associated nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert Dressing<br />

scheme turn out to be efficient tools to study also<br />

other relevant properties of the solution space of the<br />

PDE under consideration: i) the characterization of a<br />

distinguished class of spectral data for which the associated<br />

nonlinear RH problem is linearized, corresponding<br />

to a class of implicit solutions of the PDE; ii) the<br />

construction of the longtime behaviour of the solutions<br />

of the Cauchy problem; iii) the possibility to establish<br />

whether or not the lack of dispersive terms in the nonlinear<br />

PDE causes the breaking of localized initial profiles<br />

and, if yes, to investigate in a surprisingly explicit<br />

way the analytic aspects of such a multidimensional wave<br />

breaking.<br />

In this way it was possible to establish that localized<br />

initial data evolving according to dKP 2 generically<br />

break. This exact theory has been recently used to<br />

build a uniform approximation of the solution of the<br />

Cauchy problem for dKP n , for small and localized initial<br />

data, showing that such initial data evolving according<br />

to dKP n break, in the long time regime, if and only if<br />

1 ≤ n ≤ 3; i.e., in physical space. Such a wave breaking<br />

takes place, generically, in a point of the paraboloidal<br />

wave front, and the analytic aspects of it are given explicitly<br />

in terms of the small initial data.<br />

The existence of a critical dimensionality above which<br />

small data do not break has a clear origin, since, in the<br />

model, two terms act in opposite way: the nonlinearity<br />

is responsible for the steepening of the profile, while the<br />

n−1 diffraction channels, represented by the transversal<br />

Laplacian, have an opposite effect; for n = 1, 2, 3 the<br />

nonlinearity prevails and wave breaking takes place (but<br />

at longer and longer time scales, as n increases), while,<br />

for n ≥ 4, the number of transversal diffraction channels<br />

is enough to prevent such phenomenon, in the longtime<br />

regime.<br />

(a)<br />

Figure 1: (a) A detail of the parabolic wave front of dKP 2<br />

at breaking. (b) The compact region in 3D space in which<br />

the solution of dKP 3 is three valued, after breaking<br />

We plan to investigate further such a theory and its<br />

applications, focusing, in particular, on the following<br />

topics. The mathematical aspects of the regularization<br />

of the multidimensional waves evolving according to<br />

dKP n , for n = 2, 3, near breaking, using dispersion<br />

and/or dissipation. The rigorous aspects of the formalism.<br />

The construction of physically interesting explicit<br />

solutions. The applications of this theory to several<br />

physical contexts, like water waves, gas dynamics,<br />

plasma physics and general relativity.<br />

(b)<br />

References<br />

1. S. V. Manakov et al., Theor. Math. Phys. 152, 1004<br />

(2007).<br />

2. S. V. Manakov et al., J. Phys. A41, 055204 (2008).<br />

3. V. Manakov et al., J. Phys. A42, 404013 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

P. M. Santini<br />

http://solitons.altervista.org/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 44 Dipartimento di Fisica

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