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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T20. Optical solitons in resonant interactions of three waves<br />

In glass nonlinearity is cubic (Kerr effect) and solitons<br />

result from balance between dispersion (or diffraction)<br />

and nonlinear self-focusing. More recently both theoretical<br />

and experimental interest has been attracted by<br />

soliton propagation in media with quadratic nonlinearity<br />

(as in KTP crystals). In these media the most important<br />

and applicable effects arise in the resonant interaction<br />

of three waves, 3WRI. This interaction is modelled by<br />

a system of three dispersionless quadratic nonlinear partial<br />

differential equations for the envelopes of three quasi<br />

monochromatic plane-waves. Energy exchange between<br />

these three waves is possible because of the resonce condition<br />

ω 1 + ω 2 = ω 3 . These equations are integrable and<br />

their analytic investigation is made possible by the powerful<br />

tools of spectral theory. Since dispersion is missing,<br />

the mechanism of soliton formation is quite different<br />

from that in cubic material. In this case is rather<br />

the mismatch of group velocities and nonlinearity which<br />

gives rise to soliton propagation.<br />

It is well known that parametric three-wave mixing<br />

provides a means of achieving widely tunable frequency<br />

conversion of laser light. Moreover the frequency conversion<br />

of short (bright) pulses may be significantly enhanced<br />

by means of optical solitons. Indeed, the collision<br />

of two bright input (soliton) pulses at different frequencies,<br />

with proper duration and input power, leads to a<br />

time-compressed pulse at the sum-frequency. However<br />

such pulse is unstable, since it rapidly decays into two<br />

time-shifted replicas of the same input pulses, with obvious<br />

limitation of the applicability of this technique to<br />

frequency conversion. In this context, a substantial advancement<br />

started in our group in Rome with the discovery<br />

of a new multi-parametric class of soliton solutions<br />

of the 3WRI model. The novelty of these solitons<br />

is that they describe a triplet made up of two short (localised)<br />

pulses and a cw background. Because of the persistent<br />

interaction with the background, the two b! right<br />

pulses propagate with dispersion whose balance with the<br />

quadratic nonlinearity causes a quite rich, and non standard,<br />

phenomenology of soliton behaviour. The distinction<br />

of these solitons with respect to those previously<br />

known is emphasised by referring to them as boomerons<br />

and trappons.<br />

The most elementary solitons of this new family are<br />

bright-bright-dark triplets which travel with a common,<br />

locked velocity. Their velocity is different from any<br />

of the three characteristic group velocities. A soliton<br />

(simulton) of this type is stable if its velocity V is<br />

higher than a critical value V cr . Unstable simultons<br />

move with velocity which is lower than V cr but then<br />

eventually decay in an higher velocity stable soliton and<br />

a bump of the background moving with its own characteristic<br />

velocity. This implies that the initial and final<br />

velocities of unstable simultons are different from each<br />

other, namely they are accelerated. The time reverted<br />

process describes the excitation of a stable simulton by<br />

absorption of a background bump. These are analytic<br />

solutions of the 3WRI equations, the dynamical process<br />

being the boomeron solution. However the physical<br />

process consists of an excitation followed by decay (see<br />

Fig.1). Simultons may also couple together according<br />

Figure 1: Numerical double boomeron process.<br />

to their phase relations. For instance two in-phase<br />

simultons attract each other in a bound state in an<br />

even richer coherent structure (see Fig.2). A variety of<br />

Figure 2: Two in-phase simultons with the same velocity.<br />

potential applications are at hand by using the soliton<br />

behaviours of Bright-Bright-Dark triplet. For instance,<br />

an ultra short pulse (signal) interacting with the cw<br />

background (pump) generates a sum-frequency short<br />

bright pulse whose intensity, width and velocity can be<br />

controlled in a stable and efficient way by varying the<br />

background intensity. Moreover the trappon solution, a<br />

triplet of two bright and a dark pulses which are locked<br />

together to periodically oscillate, can lead to device a<br />

way to generate high-repetition rate pulse trains whose<br />

applicability and interest is in a broad range of domains<br />

[1]. On the experimental side, the first observation of<br />

solitonic decay in the case of three bright pulses has<br />

been <strong>report</strong>ed quite recently [2] as the first step towards<br />

the observation of purely boomeronic and trapponic<br />

processes.<br />

References<br />

1. F. Baronio et al., IEEE J. Quant. Elect 44, 542 (2008).<br />

2. F. Baronio et al., Opt. Expr. 17, 13889 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

F. Calogero 1 , A. Degasperis<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 43 Dipartimento di Fisica

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