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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T19. Markov chains on graphs<br />

Let G = (V, E) be a connected finite graph with vertex<br />

set V = {1, 2, . . . , n}. The Laplacian of G is the n × n<br />

matrix ∆ G := D − A, where A is the adjacency matrix<br />

of G, and D = diag(d 1 , . . . , d n ) with d i denoting the degree<br />

of the vertex i, i.e. the number of edges originating<br />

from i. Since ∆ G is symmetric and positive semidefinite,<br />

its eigenvalues are real and nonnegative and can be<br />

ordered as 0 = λ 1 ≤ λ 2 ≤ · · · ≤ λ n . There is an extensive<br />

literature dealing with bounds on the distribution<br />

of the eigenvalues and consequences of these bounds. Of<br />

particular importance for several applications is the second<br />

eigenvalue λ 2 which is strictly positive since G is<br />

connected. The Laplacian ∆ G can be viewed as the generator<br />

of a continuous-time random walk on V , whose<br />

invariant measure is the uniform measure on V . In this<br />

respect, λ 2 is the inverse of the “relaxation time” of the<br />

random walk, a quantity related to the speed of convergence<br />

to equilibrium. λ 2 is also called the spectral<br />

gap of ∆ G . There are several results which estabilish<br />

relationships between the spectral gap and various geometric<br />

quantities associated with the graph. Among<br />

these we should mention upper and lower bounds on λ 2<br />

in terms of the Cheeger isoperimetric constant, a result<br />

closely related to the Cheeger’s inequality dealing with<br />

the first eigenvalue of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on<br />

a Riemannian manifold.<br />

One can consider, besides the simple random walk,<br />

more complicated Markov chains on the same graph G.<br />

We mention two widely used processes: the exclusion<br />

process and the interchange process. In the interchange<br />

process each vertex of the graph is occupied by a particle<br />

of a different color (Fig. 1), and for each edge {i, j} ∈ E,<br />

at rate 1, the particles at vertices i and j are exchanged.<br />

The exclusion process is analogous but with only two colors,<br />

say k red particles and n−k green particles (particles<br />

with the same color are considered indistinguishable).<br />

The interchange process on G can be considered as<br />

a random walk on a larger graph with n! vertices corresponding<br />

to the configurations of the process. This<br />

graph is nothing but the Cayley graph of the symmetric<br />

groups S n with generating set given by the edges of G,<br />

where each edge {i, j} is interpreted as a transposition.<br />

We denote this graph with Cay(G). It is easy to show<br />

that the spectrum of ∆ G is a subset of the spectrum of<br />

∆ Cay(G) . By consequence<br />

λ 2 (∆ G ) ≥ λ 2 (∆ Cay(G) ) .<br />

Being an n! × n! matrix, in general the Laplacian of<br />

Cay(G) has many more eigenvalues than the Laplacian of<br />

G. Nevertheless, a neat conjecture due to David Aldous<br />

states, equivalently:<br />

Aldous’s conjecture (v.2). If G is a finite connected<br />

simple graph, then the random walk and the interchange<br />

process on G have the same spectral gap.<br />

Aldous’s conjecture has been proven for trees in 1996.<br />

We have found a proof for complete multipartite graphs<br />

using a tecnique based on the representation theory of<br />

the symmetric group. This result will be published in<br />

a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics.<br />

Shortly after the appearence of our result, a<br />

general proof of the Aldous’s conjecture was found by<br />

Caputo, Liggett and Richthammer.<br />

In [1] we prove a similar result for a different Markov<br />

chain called initial reversals. Here the set of generators<br />

is given by the permutations<br />

{1, 2, . . . k} −→ {k, . . . , 2, 1} ,<br />

where k is an integer between 2 and n. Again the interest<br />

of this result lies in the fact that it allows to compute<br />

the spectral gap of an n! × n! matrix, by considering a<br />

suitable (much smaller) n × n matrix.<br />

Figure 1: A configuration of the interchange process.<br />

References<br />

1. F. Cesi, Electron. J. Combin. 16, N29 (2009)<br />

Authors<br />

F. Cesi<br />

Aldous’s conjecture (v.1). If G is a finite connected<br />

simple graph, then<br />

λ 2 (∆ G ) = λ 2 (∆ Cay(G) ) .<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 42 Dipartimento di Fisica

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