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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T18. Equilibrium statistical mechanics for one dimensional long range<br />

systems<br />

It is well known that one dimensional spin systems<br />

with long range interactions decaying as |x − y| −σ can<br />

give rise to a phase transition for 1 < σ ≤ 2. It is<br />

a conjecture suggested by Anderson that the range of<br />

the interactions (i.e. 1/σ) should play the role of the<br />

dimensionality,so that , varying a , these models could<br />

mimic the properties of more realistic higher dimensional<br />

systems (e.g. the spin glasses where a satisfactory theory<br />

is still lacking). This is the motivation for a rigorous<br />

analysis of the models belonging to this class. Starting<br />

from a geometrical description of the energy fluctuations<br />

it is possible, when the interactions are ferromagnetic<br />

and the temperature is sufficiently small, to prove :<br />

1) the existence of a phase transition and the convergence<br />

of a cluster expansion that allows to study the<br />

behaviour of the separation point between two coexisting<br />

phases<br />

2) the persistence of a phase transition for σ > 3/2<br />

when a stochastic magnetic field is present. (cfr. ref 1).<br />

The actual project is to study a one dimensional system<br />

of particles interacting via long range attractive potentials.<br />

In this case the motivation is different but we<br />

plan to exploit the techniques developed for spin systems<br />

on a lattice. A central problem in equilibrium statistical<br />

mechanics is the derivation of the phase diagram of fluids<br />

where gas ,liquid and solid regions are present and separated<br />

by coexistence curves . The van der Waals theory<br />

gives a qualitative reasonable description of the liquid<br />

-vapour coexistence curve but the mean field assumed in<br />

this approach is far away from any realistic interaction<br />

and to get a result consistent with thermodynamics it is<br />

necessary to introduce the so called Maxwell construction.<br />

The first rigorous version of the van der Waals<br />

theory in statistical mechanics is due to Kac . Its main<br />

assumption is a sharp separation of the scales between<br />

the attractive and repulsive forces. In d dimensions the<br />

basic model has an attractive pair interaction of strenght<br />

γ d and range 1/γ and an hard core of lenght 1. In the<br />

limit γ going to zero it is possible to obtain the van der<br />

Waals results with the Maxwell construction included.<br />

From a physical point of view this is not yet what desired<br />

as the phase diagram is only derived in the limit γ going<br />

to zero which does not correspond to any reasonable<br />

interaction among particles. The problem is to verify if<br />

the convergence of this limit is strong enough to ensure<br />

that before the limit ( when γ is finite and the interaction<br />

is reasonable) this structure of the phase diagram<br />

is preserved. In the last decades this analysis has been<br />

successfully performed for spin systems on a lattice for<br />

dimensions larger than 1. The general strategy is to perform<br />

a coarse graining on a scale smaller then 1/γ. The<br />

limit for γ going to zero of the effective hamiltonian is a<br />

non local functional where locally the interaction is mean<br />

field . The basic idea is to consider perturbations respect<br />

to the mean field equilibrium configurations rather then<br />

the original ground state. This allow to describe the<br />

configurations in term of contours and to prove a Peierls<br />

bound for all temperatures smaller than the mean field<br />

critical temperature and γ sufficiently small. This bound<br />

not only proves the existence of a phase transition but<br />

also the convergence of a cluster expansion that allows<br />

to fully describe the system for all temperatures smaller<br />

then the mean field critical temperature. The implementation<br />

of this strategy for a system of particles in<br />

the continuum for dimensions larger then one is so far<br />

not possible . The reason is technical and related to the<br />

actual control of the hard core component. In fact, in the<br />

region where we expect to have the transition, the liquid<br />

phase is ”close” to an hard core system with an effective<br />

fugacity exceeding the value for which the convergence<br />

of the cluster expansion has been proved.<br />

In one dimension this specific problem disappears because<br />

the hard core system is isomorphic to an ideal gas<br />

but it is necessary to add an attractive long range interaction<br />

to give rise to a phase transition.<br />

We study one dimensional hard rods interacting via a<br />

finite range Kac potential plus a long range decreasing<br />

tail:<br />

1<br />

J(r) = γ 1 rγ −1<br />

r σ (1)<br />

The one dimensional nature of our system allows to<br />

control the hard core contribution. Coupling the coarse<br />

graining techniques developed for Kac potentials and<br />

a definition of contours suitable to describe the energy<br />

fluctuations in one dimensional long range systems ,<br />

we expect to obtain ,via the Pirogov-Sinai approach<br />

, a Peierls bound and fully implement the strategy<br />

developed for spin systems on a lattice.<br />

References<br />

1. M.Cassandro et al, Comm. Math. Phys 2, 731 (2009)<br />

Authors<br />

M.Cassandro<br />

http://w3.uniroma1.it/neqphecq/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 41 Dipartimento di Fisica

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