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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T14. Optimization problems and message passing algorithms<br />

Optimization problems are widespread in scientific disciplines.<br />

The goal is typically to found the minimum of<br />

a given cost function defined in terms of a large number<br />

N of variables. In physical terms it corresponds to the<br />

computation of a ground state configuration. The problem<br />

may become very hard when the interacting terms<br />

in the cost function are in competition, i.e. the model<br />

is frustrated. In recent years our group has developed<br />

many statistical physics tools that allow to perform analytical<br />

computations in these models, even directly at<br />

zero temperature, such as to probe the structure of the<br />

ground states of the model.<br />

Among optimization problems, a quite general class<br />

is formed by Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP)<br />

where a set is given of M = αN constraints, that must<br />

be satisfied by a proper assignment of the N variables.<br />

We have been able to solve this kind of models in the<br />

case where the constraints are generated independently,<br />

which actually correspond to defining the model on a<br />

random graph. Under this hypothesis, the Bethe approximation<br />

turns out to work in a certain range of model<br />

parameters (i.e. in the equivalent of the paramagnetic<br />

phase). When it fails, the replica symmetry need to be<br />

broken and we have obtained the solutions up to one level<br />

of replica symmetry breaking, that actually provide the<br />

exact answer for many well-known CSP.<br />

α d,+ α d α c α s<br />

Figure 1: Phase transitions in the structure of solutions to<br />

random k-SAT problems [1].<br />

While studying the structure of the space of solutions<br />

to random CSP we have uncovered many different phase<br />

transitions. In Figure 1 we show a schematic picture<br />

of how the structure of solution changes, e.g. forming<br />

clusters, while increasing the ratio α of constraints per<br />

variable. The picture is from Ref. [1] where we have<br />

presented the most general solution to important random<br />

CSP, like satisfiability and coloring. The random<br />

k-satisfiability problem has been further examined and<br />

solved in great detail in Ref. [2].<br />

An important role of the phase transitions uncovered<br />

in this kind of problems relies on the fact that solving<br />

algorithms are typically affected by the drastic changes<br />

taking place at these thresholds: stochastic local search<br />

algorithms (like Monte Carlo) should get stuck at the<br />

dynamical threshold α d , while Belief Propagation (BP)<br />

works up to the condensation threshold α c and finally<br />

Survey Propagation (SP) should be able to go beyond<br />

α c and get closer to the satisfiability threshold α s .<br />

The last two algorithms, BP and SP, are so-called<br />

Message Passing Algorithms (MPA) and are extremely<br />

efficient for making probabilistic inference on random<br />

graphs. These algorithms work by sending messages between<br />

the nodes of the graphs that represent the variables<br />

and the constraints in the problem. Messages leaving<br />

a node are updated according to the incoming messages<br />

to that node. For this reason the algorithm is easy<br />

to implement, fast to use and possibly distributed.<br />

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Figure 2: Examples of node ranking by counting loops [3].<br />

A very important aspect of MPA that we have started<br />

to investigate recently is their use on non-random graphs,<br />

that is graphs with many short loops and topological motifs.<br />

An interesting example is given by the problem of<br />

ranking graphs nodes, i.e. to uncover which nodes are<br />

the most important in the graph topology (a straightforward<br />

application being the ranking of web pages). In<br />

Ref. [3] we have introduced a new MPA that ranks nodes<br />

depending on how many loops pass through that node.<br />

Typical rankings are shown in Fig. 2. The performances<br />

we obtain are comparable with those of widely used algorithms,<br />

like PageRank and betweenness centrality.<br />

The effectiveness of our analytical approach to optimization<br />

problems is that we can deeply understand the<br />

physical origin of their hardness and thus explain why<br />

solving algorithms may fail to find solution to this problem.<br />

In Ref. [4] we have been able to solve analytically a<br />

stochastic search algorithm, which is based on BP and a<br />

decimation procedure. The analytical solution perfectly<br />

coincides with the outcome of the numerical algorithm<br />

and predicts a fail of the searching procedure due to the<br />

existence of a phase transition in the space of solutions.<br />

The resulting picture is somehow counter-intuitive:<br />

reducing the problem by fixing a certain fraction of<br />

variables does not simplify the problem, but rather<br />

makes it harder to solve.<br />

References<br />

1. F. Krzakala et al., PNAS 104, 10318 (2007).<br />

2. A. Montanari et al., J. Stat. Mech., P04004 (2008).<br />

3. V. Van Kerrebroeck et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 098701<br />

(2008).<br />

4. F. Ricci-Tersenghi et al., J. Stat. Mech., P09001 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

F. Ricci-Tersenghi, E. Marinari, G. Parisi, V. Van Kerrebroeck<br />

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<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 37 Dipartimento di Fisica

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