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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T13. The glassy state<br />

The glass is state of matter characterized by a very<br />

large viscosity. Consequently relaxational processes in<br />

a glass are extremely slow and the dynamics of the<br />

glass constituents takes place on a broad spectrum of<br />

timescales. The coexistence of fast and very slow processes<br />

makes the glass dynamics very interesting from<br />

the physical point of view, but also very difficult to treat<br />

analytically.<br />

Experimental facts and analytical theories about the<br />

glass transition and the aging dynamics of glas-formers<br />

have been reviewed in a recent book [1] written by a<br />

member of our group. Thermodynamics of glasses poses<br />

interesting questions still largely unanswered, e.g., the<br />

existence of a thermodynamical phase transition to a<br />

glass state, lowering the temperature or increasing the<br />

density. Such a transition is predicted by mean field approximations<br />

and is called a random first order transition<br />

(RFOT), but its existence in finite dimensional systems<br />

is still a matter of debate.<br />

It is well known that the free-energy barriers between<br />

states, that diverge in mean field approximation,<br />

are large but non-diverging in finite-dimensional models.<br />

Still, how much of the mean field scenario is maintained<br />

in low-dimensional models is unclear. Recently we have<br />

studied in Ref. [2] a one-dimensional version of the Derrida’s<br />

Random Energy Model (REM). The REM, being<br />

a long range model, has a clear RFOT. In our 1D model<br />

we have introduced a length (proportional to the system<br />

size, as in the Kac limit) such that interactions are REMlike<br />

on smaller scales. We indeed find a limiting value<br />

for this crossover length between the REM-like and the<br />

1D behavior, but corrections with respect to the mean<br />

field approximation are huge and would make hard to<br />

find the crossover length in actual glassy models.<br />

Our group has, as well, dedicated quite a large effort<br />

in recent years on the study of glasses of hard spheres. A<br />

system of monodisperse hard spheres is maybe the simplest<br />

showing most of the glass phenomenology and can<br />

be thus considered as a prototypical model. Moreover,<br />

amorphous packings have attracted a lot of interest as<br />

theoretical models for glasses, because for polydisperse<br />

colloids and granular materials the crystalline state is not<br />

obtained in experiments. We have reviewed in Ref. [3]<br />

most of the recent results on systems of hard spheres<br />

obtained with the replica method.<br />

At a first sight it could look strange to use the replica<br />

method, invented to average out the disorder, in systems<br />

with no disorder at all. But a closer look will reveal that<br />

a dense system of hard spheres is likely to be in one of<br />

the many amorphous packing configurations. Even if the<br />

original model has no disorder at all, the configurations<br />

dominating the high density phase are very many as if<br />

they were generated from a disordered Hamiltonian and<br />

the replica method is a natural tool to deal with such<br />

complexity.<br />

Figure 1: The replicated potential for estimating the number<br />

of states in a glassy phase.<br />

In this context the replica method works more or less<br />

as follows. Given a reference equilibrium configuration,<br />

one can construct many replicated configurations, that<br />

interact with a small coupling term with the reference<br />

one. In the inset of Figure 1 we show with red dashed<br />

circle the replicas of the central molecule, which are free<br />

to evolve, but with a coupling ε with respect to the reference<br />

configuration. The main question is what happens<br />

when ε is sent to zero after the thermodynamical limit.<br />

In this limit, under mean field approximations, one can<br />

infer the existence of more than one state from the computation<br />

of the so-called replicated potential (which is<br />

shown with full lines in Figure 1). Actually in Figure 1<br />

we are showing the entropy of configurations having a<br />

certain overlap q with the reference configuration.<br />

In Ref. [4] we have also extended our theory of<br />

amorphous packings of hard spheres to binary mixtures<br />

and more generally to multicomponent systems. The<br />

theory is based on the assumption that amorphous<br />

packings produced by typical experimental or numerical<br />

protocols can be identified with the infinite pressure<br />

limit of long-lived metastable glassy states. We test<br />

this assumption against numerical and experimental<br />

data and show that the theory correctly reproduces<br />

the variation with mixture composition of structural<br />

observables, such as the total packing fraction and the<br />

partial coordination numbers.<br />

References<br />

1. L. Leuzzi et al., Thermodynamics of the glassy state,<br />

Taylor & Francis (2007).<br />

2. Franz et al., J. Phys. A41, 324011 (2008).<br />

3. G. Parisi et al., J. Stat. Mech., P03026 (2009).<br />

4. I. Biazzo et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 195701 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

G. Parisi, E. Marinari, F. Ricci-Tersenghi, L. Leuzzi 3 , I.<br />

Biazzo, F. Caltagirone<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 36 Dipartimento di Fisica

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