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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T11. Quantum Cosmology<br />

The necessity for a quantum theory of gravity arises<br />

from fundamental considerations, and, in particular,<br />

from the space-time singularity problem. In fact, the<br />

classical theory of gravity implies the well known singularity<br />

theorems, among which the cosmological one.<br />

Several difficulties in implementing a quantum theory<br />

for the gravitational field can be overcome in minisuperspace<br />

models, for which some degrees of freedom are<br />

frozen out in view of the adopted symmetries. These<br />

models are still highly meaningful, since the most relevant<br />

case is a cosmological space-time.<br />

The study performed within our group improves a research<br />

line centered in the investigation of cosmological<br />

models with a minimal scale. The introduction of a cutoff<br />

can be implemented by inequivalent approaches to<br />

quantum mechanics, which are expected to mimic some<br />

features of the final Quantum Gravity theory.<br />

The polymer representation of quantum mechanics for<br />

a particular homogeneous cosmological space-time (the<br />

Taub Universe) was analyzed in [1] . This approach is<br />

based on a non-standard representation of the canonical<br />

commutation relations and it is relevant in treating<br />

the quantum-mechanical properties of a backgroundindependent<br />

canonical quantum theory of gravity. The<br />

modifications induced by the cut-off scale on ordinary<br />

trajectories were studied from a classical point of view.<br />

Furthermore, the quantum regime was explored in detail<br />

by the investigation of the evolution of wave packets, unveiling<br />

an interference phenomenon between such wave<br />

packets and the potential wall. Nevertheless, the wave<br />

function of the Universe is not peaked far away from the<br />

singularity and falls into it following a classical trajectory;<br />

thus we have to conclude that the singularity is not<br />

removed on a probabilistic level.<br />

A different intuitive approach to introduce a cut-off<br />

is based on deforming the canonical uncertainty relations<br />

leading to the so-called Generalized Uncertainty<br />

Principle (GUP). Such a modification appeared in perturbative<br />

string theory. In the work [2], the Bianchi IX<br />

cosmological model (the Mixmaster Universe) was studied<br />

within the GUP framework. To perform the analysis,<br />

two necessary steps, i.e. the study of the Bianchi I and II<br />

cosmological models, were necessary. The main results<br />

are: (i) The Bianchi I dynamics is still Kasner-like but<br />

is deeply modified since the GUP effects allow for the<br />

existence of two negative Kasner exponents. (ii) The<br />

Bianchi II model is no longer analytically integrable and<br />

therefore no BKL map can be obtained. (iii) The potential<br />

walls of Bianchi IX become stationary with respect<br />

to the point-Universe when the momentum of the latter<br />

is of the same order of the cut-off. We conclude that<br />

the deformed evolution of the Mixmaster Universe is still<br />

chaotic.<br />

The comparison between the polymer- and the GUP-<br />

Taub model illustrates that the interference phenomena<br />

are produced in a complementary way. This feature appears<br />

both at classical level and in the quantum regime,<br />

as the behavior of the wave packets is investigated.<br />

A further research line within our group deals with<br />

the definition of a background independent quantization<br />

of the gravitational field in a generic local Lorentz<br />

frame. This investigation is motivated by the standard<br />

requirement of Loop Quantum Gravity to restrict the local<br />

Lorentz frame by the so-called time gauge condition.<br />

The Hamiltonian formulation without such a gauge fixing<br />

is performed in [3]. The main technical issue is the<br />

emergence of a second-class system of constraints, which<br />

is reduced to a first-class one without fixing the local<br />

Lorentz frame but restricting to a suitable hypersurface<br />

in the full phase space. A privileged set of variables is<br />

selected out and is constituted by non-dynamical boost<br />

parameters and SU(2) connections. Hence, the standard<br />

loop quantization in terms of holonomies and fluxes of<br />

the SU(2) group is still well-grounded. Furthermore,<br />

boost invariance on a quantum level is reproduced by<br />

wave-functionals which do not exhibit any dependence<br />

on boost parameters. The results of this analysis outline<br />

the invariant nature of the discrete space structure<br />

proper of Loop Quantum Gravity and elucidates the fundamental<br />

role that the SU(2) symmetry plays in the<br />

phase-space of gravity.<br />

Finally, wide attention is devoted to study of generalized<br />

formulations of differential geometry in order<br />

to incorporate physical features of fundamental fields<br />

into a unified picture. In particular, in [4], a generalized<br />

connection, including Christoffel coefficients, torsion,<br />

non-metricity tensor and metric-asymmetricity objects,<br />

is analyzed according to the Schouten classification.<br />

The inverse structure matrix is obtained in the<br />

linearized regime, autoparallel trajectories are defined,<br />

and the contribution of the connection components are<br />

clarified at first-order approximation. The restricted sector<br />

in which is retained only a torsion field, is currently<br />

under investigation towards its implementation in the<br />

framework of a Lorentz gauge theory.<br />

References<br />

1. M. V. Battisti et al., Phys. Rev. D78, 103514 (2008).<br />

2. M. V. Battisti et al., Phys. Lett. B681, 179 (2009).<br />

3. F. Cianfrani et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 091301 (2009).<br />

4. S. Casanova et al., Mod. Phys. Lett. A23, 17 (2008).<br />

Authors<br />

M. V. Battisti 6 , R. Benini 6 , F. Cianfrani 6 , O. M. Lecian 6 , G.<br />

Montani 68 , R. Ruffini<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 34 Dipartimento di Fisica

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