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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T8. Physics of Gravitational Wave Sources<br />

The first generation of interferometric detectors of<br />

gravitational waves (GWs) is now operating at the design<br />

sensitivity: the European detectors VIRGO and GEO,<br />

and the American project LIGO, are taking data which<br />

will be analyzed in coincidence. Upgrading of these detectors<br />

have already started and the second generation,<br />

the advanced (Virgo and LIGO) detectors, will have a<br />

sensitivity enhanced by an order of magnitude. Furthermore,<br />

a design study for an even more sensitive, 3 rd<br />

generation of detectors is in progress. Theoretical and<br />

phenomenological studies of GW sources are strongly<br />

needed, since accurate templates of the expected signals<br />

enhance chances of detection, and provide an instrument<br />

to investigate the physics of the emitting source, establishing<br />

the basis for a gravitational wave astronomy.<br />

Our research consists in studying various aspects of<br />

the physics of GW astrophysical sources. The main topics<br />

under investigation are: (i) non-radial oscillations and<br />

instabilities of young and old neutron stars, (ii) interaction<br />

of stars and black holes in binary systems, (iii)<br />

structure and deformations of strongly magnetized neutron<br />

stars, (iv) stochastic background of GWs.<br />

(i) Compact stars like neutron stars (NSs) are expected<br />

to pulsate in damped oscillations (quasi-normal<br />

modes), which are associated to the emission of GWs.<br />

The detection of these signals will allow to measure the<br />

oscillation frequencies and damping times, which carry<br />

information on the structure of the star and on the equation<br />

of state (EOS) of matter in its core. This would offer<br />

a unique opportunity to study the behaviour of matter at<br />

supranuclear density. Considering a number of EOSs of<br />

nuclear matter recently proposed, and including the possibility<br />

that the compact star is composed of deconfined<br />

quark matter, we have carried out a systematic study<br />

on the star pulsation frequencies. We have shown that<br />

a GW-detection from a pulsating star will enable us to<br />

establish whether the emitting source is a NS or a quark<br />

star, and to constrain its EOS (see Fig. 1). In addition,<br />

ν f ( kHz )<br />

3.2<br />

3<br />

2.8<br />

2.6<br />

2.4<br />

2.2<br />

2<br />

1.8<br />

1.6<br />

1.4<br />

Neutron stars<br />

0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4<br />

M/M o<br />

+<br />

Strange stars<br />

APR2<br />

APRB200<br />

APRB120<br />

BBS1<br />

G240<br />

Figure 1: The frequency of the fundamental mode as a function<br />

of the mass of the star, for neutron stars described by<br />

different EOSs, and for quark stars (shadowed region).<br />

we have studied the oscillations of rapidly rotating NSs.<br />

We have developed a new method to study the oscillation<br />

modes of rapidly rotating NSs [1], finding the effects of<br />

rotation on the frequencies of the quasi-normal modes.<br />

(ii) We have studied the tidal disruption of NSs by<br />

black holes in coalescing binaries, evaluating the critical<br />

orbital separation at which the star is disrupted by the<br />

black hole tidal field, for several EOSs describing the<br />

NS matter and for a large set of the binary parameters.<br />

When the disruption occurs before the star reaches the<br />

innermost stable circular orbit, the gravitational wave<br />

signal emitted by the system exhibits a cutoff frequency,<br />

which is a distinctive feature of the waveform. We have<br />

evaluated this quantity and shown that, if found in a<br />

detected gravitational wave, this frequency will allow to<br />

determine the NS radius with an error of a few percent,<br />

providing valuable information on the EOS.<br />

(iii) After the discovery of the Soft Gamma Repeaters<br />

and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars, it has been proposed that<br />

these sources are neutron stars with extremely strong<br />

magnetic fields; these magnetars would have a surface<br />

field as large as 10 15 G, and internal fields up to 10 16 G.<br />

A consistent fraction of the NSs should become magnetars<br />

at some stage of their evolution, and since a strong<br />

magnetic field induces a large deformation in the stellar<br />

structure, these stars could be strong sources of gravitational<br />

waves. We have constructed a general relativistic<br />

model of magnetars [2], finding the structure of the<br />

magnetic field, the stellar deformation it induces, and<br />

evaluating the expected GW emission.<br />

(iv) Ten years ago, in a series of papers we studied<br />

the stochastic background of gravitational waves<br />

generated by cosmological populations of astrophysical<br />

sources. In the meantime, significant advances have<br />

been done in astrophysical observation, and a more<br />

accurate estimate of the star-formation rate history is<br />

available; moreover more accurate GW waveforms and<br />

estimates of formation rates for different sources have<br />

been produced by numerical relativity studies. Thus, we<br />

have started a research program to update our previous<br />

work on the subject. At present, we have completed<br />

the study of the GW stochastic background generated<br />

by Population III and Population II stars, determining<br />

the corresponding power spectral density and assessing<br />

whether these backgrounds might act as foregrounds for<br />

signals generated in the inflationary epoch [3].<br />

References<br />

1. V. Ferrari et al., Phys. Rev. D 76, 104033 (2007).<br />

2. R. Ciolfi et al., MNRAS 397, 913 (2009).<br />

3. S. Marassi et al., MNRAS 398, 293 (2009).<br />

4. E. Berti et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 239001 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

O. Benhar 1 , R. Ciolfi, A. Colaiuda, V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri,<br />

S. Marassi, F. Pannarale, M. Valli<br />

http://www.roma1.infn.it/teongrav/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 31 Dipartimento di Fisica

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