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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T3. Flavor, CP violation and Matter-Antimatter asymmetry<br />

The past decade has seen tremendous progress in the<br />

study of flavor and CP violation. B-factories have collected<br />

and analyzed an impressive amount of experimental<br />

data, that led to the confirmation of the Cabibbo-<br />

Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) mechanism for flavor and<br />

CP violation. While sizable New Physics (NP) contributions<br />

may still hide in b → s penguin decays [1], the<br />

bulk of CP violation in the K and B sectors can be correctly<br />

accounted for within the Standard Model (SM),<br />

with possible new sources of flavor and CP violation being<br />

confined to the level of 20-30% corrections [2]. If NP<br />

is of Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV) type, however, its<br />

contributions can be much larger without spoiling the<br />

consistency with experimental data. Until one year ago,<br />

MFV extensions of the SM seemed phenomenologically<br />

very appealing, although they give only a description<br />

of the NP flavor structure and not a solution to the<br />

origin of flavor. However, the recent Tevatron experiments<br />

presented their first measurement of CP violation<br />

in B s → J/Ψϕ decays, showing a discrepancy from the<br />

SM expectation at the level of three standard deviations.<br />

If this indication is confirmed, it will represent a major<br />

breakthrough in flavor physics and in model building,<br />

leaving behind MFV models and pointing to a more fundamental<br />

origin of flavor mixing. It would also open up<br />

very interesting perspectives for the LHCb experiment,<br />

which may become a primary source of indirect NP signals<br />

and a gold mine for the determination of NP flavor<br />

couplings. In any case, it is of the utmost importance<br />

to be ready to study in detail the possible signals of a<br />

non-MFV NP at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments.<br />

Concerning the theoretical evaluation of hadronic flavor<br />

and CP violation at low energies, most of the relevant<br />

processes have been computed in all known extensions<br />

of the SM, including the Minimal Supersymmetric<br />

Standard Model (MSSM), extra-dimensional models,<br />

composite Higgs theories, etc. The Particle Theory<br />

Group (PTG) in Rome has given major contributions<br />

in these directions, pioneering the study of NP contributions<br />

to flavor and CP violation beyond the leading<br />

order in QCD. One of the fundamental results achieved<br />

by the PTG is the calculation of ∆F = 2 hadronic matrix<br />

elements in Lattice QCD, with the computation of<br />

Next-to-Leading order (NLO) anomalous dimensions for<br />

the most general ∆F = 2 operator basis and the calculation<br />

of the NLO matching for these operators in the<br />

MSSM.<br />

Working in tight collaboration with experimental<br />

physicists, the UTfit collaboration, of which Guido Martinelli<br />

was one of the founders, has a world-leading role<br />

in performing combined analyses of flavor and CP violation<br />

in the SM and beyond. It has developed efficient<br />

tools to simultaneously constrain the CKM matrix and<br />

the NP contributions to ∆F = 2 processes. These tools,<br />

η<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

-0.5<br />

-1<br />

ε K<br />

β<br />

V ub<br />

V cb<br />

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1<br />

Figure 1: Constraints on the Wolfenstein parameters ¯ρ and<br />

¯η from the Unitarity Triangle analysis [2].<br />

combined with the model-specific ones for the known<br />

theoretical extensions of the SM, will form the starting<br />

point for the implementation of flavor and CP violation<br />

constraints on the NP Lagrangian. The missing ingredients<br />

(additional processes and/or new models) will be<br />

implemented in this framework. The PTG has also pioneered<br />

the phenomenology of non-leptonic decays, devising<br />

several strategies to estimate the SM uncertainty in a<br />

reliable, mostly data-driven way, as well as new methods<br />

to extract short-distance information from non-leptonic<br />

decays.<br />

The extraction from experiments of useful phenomenological<br />

information on the SM and/or NP fundamental<br />

parameters may require an accurate knowledge of the<br />

relevant hadronic matrix elements of the effective weak<br />

Hamiltonian, which can be evaluated in Lattice QCD.<br />

The PTG in Rome is part of an important large-scale<br />

lattice collaboration, the European Twisted-Mass Collaboration.<br />

Thanks to the use of the ApeNext machines<br />

of INFN the PTG in Rome has a world-leading role in<br />

LQCD simulations and has provided accurate determinations<br />

of many important hadronic quantities, like: 1)<br />

light, strange and charm quark masses; 2) the decay constants<br />

of K-, D- and B-mesons; 3) the vector and scalar<br />

form factors relevant in the semileptonic decays of K-,<br />

D- and B-mesons relevant for the determination of the<br />

entries of the CKM matrix; 4) the bag parameters of the<br />

kaon relevant for the study of CP violation in the SM as<br />

well as in NP scenarios.<br />

The future research activity of the PTG will continue<br />

along this lines, to keep up with the experimental results<br />

and to estimate the uncertainties in any NP model<br />

singled out by direct searches at the LHC.<br />

References<br />

1. M. Bona et al. PMC Phys. A3, 6 (2009)<br />

2. M. Bona et al. J. High Energy Phys. 0803, 049 (2008)<br />

Authors<br />

R. Contino, E. Franco 1 , G. Martinelli, L. Silvestrini 1<br />

γ<br />

∆m d<br />

∆m s<br />

α<br />

∆md<br />

ρ<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 26 Dipartimento di Fisica

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