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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Theoretical physics<br />

T2. B decay spectra in resummed QCD calculations<br />

At present, all experimental data in particle physics<br />

are compatible with the current theory of strong and<br />

electroweak interactions — the so-called standard model<br />

(SM). All the particles predicted by the SM have been<br />

discovered, with the exception of the Higgs boson, which<br />

will probably be discovered in the next decade at the<br />

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, Geneve — currently<br />

in the first stages of operation. Apart from the<br />

Higgs search, a good fraction of present-day research<br />

in particle physics involves detailed comparison of experimental<br />

data with theoretical distributions of known<br />

particles with standard interactions. Weak and electromagnetic<br />

interactions of quarks are, in general, largely<br />

affected by the accompanying strong interactions effects,<br />

described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Even<br />

if someone is not primarily interested in strong interactions,<br />

he has to face them in any case as background<br />

effects, as for example in Higgs physics at LHC.<br />

In order to measure the strenght of the weak coupling<br />

of a beauty quark to an up quark — the CKM matrix element<br />

V ub — one has to compute for example the lepton<br />

energy spectrum in the semileptonic decay B → X u lν l ,<br />

where X u is any hadron state coming from the fragmentation<br />

of the u quark. Let us note that at present there<br />

is no theory for any CKM element, but only some consistency<br />

relations among them coming from unitarity of<br />

the matrix itself, as implied by the SM. Such free parameters<br />

are therefore measured by comparing theoretical<br />

distributions containing them as unknown quantities,<br />

to experimental data. The only analytic tool available<br />

at present to compute QCD effects is perturbation theory:<br />

the corrections are computed with Feynman diagrams<br />

as truncated series in α S , the strong coupling.<br />

The latter decreases logarithmically with the energy of<br />

the process — asymptotic freedom; for beauty decays<br />

α S (m b ) ≃ 0.21. In some regions of phase space of the<br />

above decays, experimentally relevant, many-body effects<br />

related to infrared divergencies become important:<br />

they manifest themselves in an enhancement of the coefficients<br />

of αS n in the perturbative series. This effect<br />

renders the fixed-order expansion completely unreliable<br />

and forces the resummation to all orders in α S of the<br />

enhanced terms.<br />

A general problem of all-order resummation is that an<br />

integration of the QCD coupling constant in the low energy<br />

region is involved, in which α S is large and outside<br />

the perturbative domain — the old problem of the Landau<br />

ghost makes a specific appearence here. As shown in<br />

the eighties, this problem cannot be solved inside perturbation<br />

theory, because of missing dynamical input from<br />

the perturbative phase, and therefore it is necessary to<br />

introduce an arbitrary prescription from outside in order<br />

to have well-definite predictions for resummed spectra.<br />

These conclusions also apply to resummation in heavy<br />

flavor decays, as we explicitly found, but are in disagreement<br />

with those reached in the past few years by other<br />

groups (M. Neubert and coll. for instance). In our modelization<br />

of non-perturbative effects, we also equate the<br />

on-shell mass of the b quark to the mass of the B meson:<br />

m b = m B . That is consistent because the mass of a<br />

heavy quark has a much weaker physical meaning that is<br />

generally believed nowadays: quarks are confined. If one<br />

aims at describing all QCD dynamics at a fundamental<br />

level, he has to abandon perturbative QCD, because the<br />

latter has always to be supplemented with phenomenological<br />

models connecting the fictitious “parton world”<br />

with the real “hadron world”. QCD can be computed<br />

exactly only with numerical Monte-Carlo methods after<br />

regularization on a lattice. In that case, one only deals<br />

with bare, regularization dependent, quark masses and<br />

with observable hadron masses. A renormalized beauty<br />

mass can certainly be defined but it is just conventional<br />

and bears to relation to dynamics. A consequence is that<br />

one has the freedom to fix m b in a rather arbitrary way<br />

and a simple way to implement hadron kinematics in a<br />

parton computation is just to identify the unphysical b<br />

mass with the physical B mass. Also these assumptions<br />

are in disagreement with a large part of the B physics<br />

community (M. Neubert and E. Gardi). Many colleagues<br />

object that the Operator Product Expansion (OPE) involves<br />

m b and not m B and that identifying them would<br />

introduce non-vanishing 1/m b corrections. Our reply is<br />

that implementing the OPE from first principles, i.e. on<br />

a lattice, would give similar problems in the definition of<br />

the quark mass as those discussed above, augmented by<br />

the specific ultraviolet power divergencies brought in by<br />

the small-momentum expansion.<br />

We have used the accurate experimental data from<br />

B fragmentation to fix the prescription for the QCD<br />

coupling constant at low energy [1], from which we<br />

have derived our resummed B decay spectra [2]. By<br />

comparing the latter with experimental data, we have<br />

found some disagreement with electron spectra from<br />

the B-factories in the low-energy region, which we interpret<br />

as originating from an undersubtracted b → clν l<br />

background [2]. We have obtained for V ub the value<br />

(3.76 ± 0.13 ± 0.22)10 −3 [3], smaller than the values<br />

obtained by the other groups and in good agreement<br />

with the determinations coming from lattice QCD<br />

(exclusive channels) or from global fits to the SM of the<br />

UTfit collaboration.<br />

References<br />

1. U. Aglietti et al., Nucl. Phys. B775, 162 (2007).<br />

2. U. Aglietti et al, Nucl. Phys. B768, 85 (2007).<br />

3. U. Aglietti et al., Eur. Phys. J. C59, 831 (2009).<br />

4. U. Aglietti et al., Phys .Lett. B653, 38 (2007).<br />

Authors<br />

U. Aglietti, G. Corcella, G. Ferrera, A. Renzaglia.<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 25 Dipartimento di Fisica

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