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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Dissemination<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: R. Ruffini<br />

http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com content&task=view&id=161&Itemid=234<br />

2 nd Stueckelberg Workshop<br />

ICRANet, Pescara, Italy, September 3-7, 2007<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: R. Ruffini, G. Montani, F. Cianfrani<br />

http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com content&task=view&id=220&Itemid=341<br />

3 rd SRNWP Worksop on Short Range Ensemble Prediction Systems.<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> University of Rome, Italy, December 10-11, 2007<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: A. Sutera, I. Bordi<br />

http://www.meteoam.it/modules/newsPage/19072007/3rd eps ws announce 111.htm<br />

2 nd SRNWP-PEPS Workshop<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> University of Rome, Italy, December 12, 2007<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: A. Sutera, I. Bordi<br />

http://www.meteoam.it/modules/newsPage/19072007/3rd eps ws announce 111.htm<br />

Giornata per “Scienza 3”<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> University of Rome, Italy, April, 2008<br />

International Workshop on e + e − Collisions from phi to psi<br />

Frascati (Rome), Italy, April 7-10, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: C. Bini<br />

http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/phipsi08/<br />

Workshop on the European Project: COMEPHS<br />

University of Rome ”La <strong>Sapienza</strong>”, 9-11 April 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: Antonio Bianconi (Chair)<br />

The XIV LNF Spring School “Bruno Touschek”<br />

Frascati (Rome), Italy, May, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: R. Faccini<br />

http://www.lnf.infn.it/conference/lnfss/08/<br />

Marie Curie School: Progress in simulating activated events<br />

Valle Capore, Casaprota (RI), Italy 26-30 May 2008<br />

Members of the Department in the Local Organizing Committee: Sara Bonella<br />

http://www.cecam.org/workshop-209.html<br />

5 th Italian-Sino Workshop<br />

Academia Sinica and National Dong Hwa University, Taipei-Hualien, Taiwan, May 28 - June 1, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Organizing Committee: R. Ruffini (co-Chair)<br />

http://www.icranet.org/index.php?option=com content&task=view&id=380&Itemid=235<br />

1 st Workshop on Science and Technology through Long Duration Balloons<br />

Area Ricerca Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, June 3-4, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Organizing Committee: S. Masi (Chair)<br />

http://sait.oat.ts.astro.it/MSAIt790308/index.html<br />

6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE STRIPES (Stripes08) Quantum Phenomena in Complex<br />

Matter<br />

ERICE-SICILY: 26 July - August 1, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Organizing Committee: Antonio Bianconi (Chair)<br />

The 22 nd Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (22-CMD-EPS)<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> University of Rome, Italy, August 25-29, 2008<br />

Members of the Physics Department in the Local Organizing Committee: C. Mariani (Co-Chair), M.G. Betti, C.<br />

Castellani, G. Parisi, G. Ruocco, S. Caprara, M. Grilli, C. Mariani, A. Polimeni, F. Ricci Tersenghi, F. Sciarrino,<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 256 Dipartimento di Fisica

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