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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Dissemination<br />

[116] R. Di Leonardo et al., Optical trapping studies of colloidal<br />

interactions in liquid films, Colloids Surf., A, 343,<br />

(2009), pp. 133<br />

[117] S. Sennato et al., Colloidal particle aggregates induced<br />

by particle surface charge heterogeneity, Colloids Surf., A,<br />

343, (2009), pp. 34<br />

[118] B. Joseph et al., RE L3 x-ray absorption study of<br />

REO 1−x F x FeAs (RE = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) oxypnictides,<br />

J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21, (2009), pp. 432201<br />

[119] P. Tartaglia, Gel formation through reversible and<br />

irreversible aggregation, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21,<br />

(2009), pp. 504109<br />

[120] A. Perucchi et al., Optical properties across the insulator<br />

to metal transition in Vanadium Oxide compounds,<br />

J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21, (2009), pp. 323202<br />

[121] F. Bordi et al., Polyelectrolyte-induced aggregation of<br />

liposomes: a new cluster phase with interesting applications,<br />

J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21, (2009), pp. 203102<br />

[122] F. Trequattrini et al., Anelastic relaxation from hydrogen<br />

and other defects in La-doped BaTiO 3 , Mater. Sci.<br />

Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process. , 521,<br />

(2009), pp. 80<br />

[123] A. Paolone et al., An investigation of the structural<br />

phase transition of ammonia borane., Mater. Sci. Eng.<br />

A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process. , 521-522,<br />

(2009), pp. 169<br />

[124] R. Cantelli et al., The crystallization process of Mg-<br />

Ni-Fe alloys, Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct.<br />

Process. , 521-522, (2009), pp. 172<br />

[125] O. Palumbo et al., Novel materials for the solid state<br />

hydrogen storage: contribution of anelastic spectroscopy.,<br />

Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.,<br />

521-522, (2009), pp. 134<br />

[126] O. Palumbo et al., Anelastic spectroscopy study of iron<br />

carbonate scales from CO2 corrosion of steel, Mater. Sci.<br />

Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process. , 521-<br />

522, (2009), pp. 343<br />

[127] P. Rispoli et al., Decomposition reactions and phase<br />

transformations in the lithium-nitrogen-hydrogen system.,<br />

Mater. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process.<br />

, 521-522, (2009), pp. 155<br />

[128] L. Senni et al., A portable NMR sensor for moisture<br />

monitoring of wooden works of art, particularly of painting<br />

on wood, Wood Sci. Technol., 43, (2009), pp. 167<br />

[129] V. Alfi et al., Minimal agent based model for financial<br />

markets II - Statistical properties of the linear and<br />

multiplicative dynamics, Eur. Phys. J. B , 67, (2009), pp.<br />

399<br />

[130] E. Pugliese et al., Collaborate, compete and share, Eur.<br />

Phys. J. B , 67, (2009), pp. 319<br />

[131] M. Venturoli et al., Kinetics of phase transitions in<br />

the two-dimensional Ising models studied with the string<br />

methods, J. Math. Chem., 45, (2009), pp. 188<br />

[132] E.P. O’Reilly et al., Trends in the electronic structure<br />

of dilute nitride alloys, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 24,<br />

(2009), pp. 033001<br />

[133] N. Poccia et al., A Possible Mechanism for Evading<br />

Temperature Quantum Decoherence in Living Matter by<br />

Feshbach Resonance, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 10, (2009), pp.<br />

2084<br />

[134] M. Beccari et al., Characterization of Benzenethiolate<br />

Self-Assembled-Monolayer on Cu(100) by XPS and<br />

NEXAFS, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 172,<br />

(2009), pp. 64<br />

[135] S. Caprara et al., On the contribution of nearly-critical<br />

spin and charge collective modes to the Raman spectra of<br />

high-Tc cuprates, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 321, (2009),<br />

pp. 686<br />

[136] S. Cazzato et al., Slow dynamics of liquid Se studied by<br />

Infrared Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, J. Non-Cryst.<br />

Solids, 355, (2009), pp. 1797<br />

[137] R. Trotta et al., Hydrogen-induced defect engineering<br />

in dilute nitride semiconductors, Phys. Status Solidi C,<br />

6, (2009), pp. 2644<br />

[138] P. Porcari et al., In vivo (19)F MR imaging and spectroscopy<br />

for BNCT optimization., Appl. Radiat. Isot., 67,<br />

(2009), pp. 365<br />

[139] S. Capuani et al., Boronophenylalanine uptake in C6<br />

glioma model is dramatically increased by L-Dopa preloading,<br />

Appl. Radiat. Isot., 67, (2009), pp. S34<br />

[140] F. De Pasquale et al., Entanglement and symmetry<br />

effects in the transition to the Schrodinger cat regime,<br />

Fortschr. Phys., 57, (2009), pp. 1111<br />

[141] S. Paganelli et al., Optimized electron propagation on<br />

a quantum chain by a topological phase, Fortschr. Phys.,<br />

57, (2009), pp. 1094<br />

[142] M. Grilli et al., Spectral signatures of critical charge<br />

and spin fluctuations in cuprates, Physica B, 404, (2009),<br />

pp. 3070<br />

[143] M. Monteferrante et al., Modified single sweep method<br />

for reconstructing free-energy landscapes, Mol. Simul., 35,<br />

(2009), pp. 1116<br />

[144] C. Cametti, Dielectric and conductometric properties<br />

of highly heterogeneous colloidal systems, Riv. Nuovo Cimento,<br />

32, (2009), pp. 185<br />

[145] A. Rossi et al., New perspectives in the generation of<br />

entangled qudit states, J. Mod. Opt., 56, (2009), pp. 190<br />

[146] L. Baldassarre et al., Metal to insulator transitions<br />

probed by infrared spectroscopy at high pressure, High<br />

Pressure Res., 29, (2009), pp. 639<br />

[147] A. Nucara et al., Sub-Terahertz excitations in manganites<br />

wth commensurate charge order, J. Supercond. Novel<br />

Magn., 22, (2009), pp. 13<br />

[148] M. Tropeano et al., Transport and infrared properties<br />

of SmFeAs(O 1−xF x): from SDW to superconducting<br />

ordering, J. Supercond. Novel Magn., 22, (2009), pp.<br />

034004<br />

[149] A. Nucara et al., Sub- Terahertz excitations in manganits<br />

with commensurate charge order, J. Supercond.<br />

Novel Magn., 22, (2009), pp. 13<br />

[150] A. Ricci et al., The tetragonal to orthorhombic structural<br />

phase transition in multiband FeAs based superconductors,<br />

J. Supercond. Novel Magn., 52, (2009), pp. 305<br />

[151] A. Vittorini Orgeas et al., From Majorana Theory<br />

of Atomic Autoionization to Feshbach Resonances in<br />

High Temperature Superconductors, J. Supercond. Novel<br />

Magn., 52, (2009), pp. 215<br />

[152] J. Mustre De Lea et al., X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy<br />

Probing the Local Structure Changes at the Tetragonal-<br />

Orthorhombic Transition in LnOFeAs Pnictides, J. Supercond.<br />

Novel Magn., 22, (2009), pp. 579<br />

[153] A. Bianconi et al., Unity in the Diversity, J. Supercond.<br />

Novel Magn., 22, (2009), pp. 526<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 219 Dipartimento di Fisica

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