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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Geophysics<br />

G3. Atmospheric acoustical and optical remote sensing at middle<br />

latitudes<br />

With climate and atmospheric pollution problems becoming<br />

a critical political and decision making issue,<br />

there is an increasing need for better monitoring the real<br />

changes affecting the atmosphere.<br />

In particular, how much atmospheric aerosol affects<br />

the planetary radiative budget is acknowledged as being<br />

one of the major uncertainties in assessing the climate<br />

scenario.<br />

In the Department of Physics there is a group involved<br />

in remote sensing of the atmosphere with acoustical and<br />

optical instruments.<br />

The acoustical instrument is an active radar-like device<br />

(SOund Detection and Ranging, SODAR) that<br />

sends short sound bursts into the atmosphere and detects<br />

the echoes produced by the turbulence induced variations<br />

in the sound refraction index. The echo Doppler<br />

shift is used to compute the wind velocity profile. Sodar<br />

measurements can be carried out almost continuously<br />

and produce a very good description of the thermodynamical<br />

state of the atmospheric boundary layer displaying,<br />

for example, the time evolution of the mixing layer<br />

height above the instrument, the convective activity and<br />

the possible propagation of gravity waves (Figure 1).<br />

Figure 1: Facsimile output of the University of Rome sodar<br />

during a typical clear day. Dark regions show intense smallscale<br />

turbulence.<br />

The optical instruments consist of active systems and<br />

passive radiometers in different wave bands.<br />

The lidar (LIDAR, LIght Detection And Ranging), a<br />

radar-like instrument using a laser as radiation source<br />

and an optical telescope as receiver, is able to detect<br />

aerosol (by Mie scattering), minor constituents like water<br />

vapor (by Raman scattering), and temperature (by<br />

Rayleigh scattering) profiles through the troposphere<br />

and the stratosphere [1].<br />

Passive radiometers in the visible and UV use the sun<br />

direct and/or diffuse radiation to measure the optical<br />

depth and other important parameters (Ångstrom coefficient<br />

and Single Scattering Albedo) of the atmospheric<br />

aerosol; radiometers in the IR use the terrestrial radiation<br />

to measure other atmospheric parameters (molecular<br />

species, temperature, etc) [2]. A successful experiment<br />

to measure aerosol optical depth was also carried<br />

out using a digital camera and star light [3].<br />

Figure 2: Example of sounding by lidar. Colors represent<br />

different backscatter ratio values. Boundary layer pollution<br />

is clearly visible while an aerosol layer probably produced by<br />

the eruption of a volcano is detected above 15 km.<br />

The Group of Atmospheric Physics runs a lidar<br />

system (Stabile Rome Lidar, SRL) that performs<br />

systematic measurements from the university campus<br />

placed within the highly polluted city of Rome. SRL has<br />

been operational in the last years and the measurements,<br />

aimed at a wide range of scopes, cover the atmosphere<br />

up to the lower stratosphere. At the same time another<br />

somehow simpler lidar system (Mobile Rome Lidar,<br />

MRL), installed inside a mobile van, can be deployed to<br />

remote sites for special campaigns. MRL was recently<br />

deployed to the Valle del Biferno (41 ◦ 56.8 ′ N, 014 ◦ 60.0E)<br />

for studying the atmospheric boundary layer height<br />

and performed two intensive campaigns coordinated<br />

with other international atmospheric groups during<br />

2009 (Figure 2). In cooperation with ENEA, another<br />

lidar system is operated at the Station for Climate<br />

Observations located in the island of Lampedusa, a<br />

unique site for studying atmospheric aerosol (in particular<br />

desert dust) far from highly populated regions [4].<br />

References<br />

1. I. Fiorucci, et al., J. Geophys. Res. 113, D14314 (2008).<br />

2. A. di Sarra, et al., Appl. Opt. 47, 6142 (2008).<br />

3. O. Lanciano, et al., Appl. Opt. 46, 5176 (2007).<br />

4. Di Iorio, et al., J. Geophys. Res. 114, D02201, (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

G. Fiocco, D. Fuà, M. Cacciani, A. di Sarra 8 , T. Di Iorio, L.<br />

Di Liberto, F. Angelini, O. Lanciano, V. Ciardini, C. Tirelli,<br />

G. Casasanta.<br />

http://g24ux.phys.uniroma1.it/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 168 Dipartimento di Fisica

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