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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Geophysics<br />

G1. Theory and observations of climate and its changes<br />

The main objective in Climate Dynamics is the understanding<br />

of the origin of the atmospheric general circulation,<br />

i.e. climatic zones. Aristotele devoted a volume to<br />

the description of atmospheric phenomena and climatic<br />

zones, while Galileo was the first who studied the origin<br />

of trade winds. Today, there are rational bases for an<br />

explanation of climatic zones, but the nonlinear character<br />

of the involved physical processes makes difficult the<br />

development of a comprehensive and established theory.<br />

Furthermore, nowadays the problem of future changes of<br />

the Earth’s climate is attracting an increasing interest.<br />

However, the complex nature of the physical problem<br />

necessitates a major scientific effort to make possible assessments<br />

of likely future climate changes, regardless of<br />

whether these may be natural or man-made.<br />

In this framework, the Climate Dynamics group of<br />

Roma carried out theoretical studies and numerical simulations<br />

to investigate the origin of the observed atmospheric<br />

general circulation features in relation to the<br />

role of the stratosphere, of the baroclinic eddies through<br />

their heat and momentum transports, and of changes<br />

in the imposed meridional temperature gradient in the<br />

troposphere. The formation and variability of tropospheric<br />

double-jet patterns observed in the Southern<br />

Hemispheres during the transition seasons (Fig. 1) has<br />

been investigated using a quasigeostrophic and a simplified<br />

general circulation model (GCM) [1].<br />

NCEP reanalysis data for the last 50 years [3]. The analysis<br />

suggested the importance of baroclinic adjustment<br />

processes for midlatitude tropopause dynamics.<br />

Using both NCEP reanalysis and observations space<br />

and time variability of drought and wetness at large-scale<br />

has been investigated also in relation to a changing climate.<br />

An updated analysis for the European area has<br />

been carried out computing the Standardized Precipitation<br />

Index (SPI) and applying the Principal Component<br />

Analysis (PCA) to the SPI field [4]. Linear and nonlinear<br />

trends of drought and wetness were compared for<br />

two time sections: 1949–1997 and 1949–2009 (Fig. 2).<br />

a)<br />

April 2000<br />

b)<br />

30<br />

35<br />

pressure (mb)<br />

100<br />

200<br />

300<br />

400<br />

500<br />

600<br />

700<br />

800<br />

900<br />

1000<br />

−80 −60 −40 −20 0<br />

latitude<br />

time (day)<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

−80 −60 −40 −20 0<br />

latitude<br />

Figure 1: a) Latitude-pressure cross-section of the monthly<br />

mean zonal wind for April 2000, and b) latitude-time diagram<br />

of the zonal mean zonal wind at 200 mb [1].<br />

The role of eddy heat fluxes in generating the observed<br />

double-jet pattern was ascertained using an analytical<br />

Eady model with stratospheric easterlies. Sensitivity of<br />

the results to the meridional temperature gradient in<br />

the troposphere showed a regime change from a prevailing<br />

subtropical jet to a midlatitude one. The intermittent<br />

nature of the tropospheric double jets has been also<br />

studied for the Northern Hemisphere winter and Southern<br />

Hemisphere summer [2]. The impact of baroclinic<br />

eddies on the mean tropopause height (a key parameter<br />

in climate change detection) has been assessed using<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

Figure 2: a) First loading of SPI field and b) first principal<br />

component score time series with the fitting linear and<br />

nonlinear trends for the whole period and the shorter period<br />

[4].<br />

The study showed that the SPI time series are not<br />

stationary and have multi-year fluctuations. Linear<br />

trends highly depend on the time section considered and<br />

classical statistics, commonly used in hydrology, should<br />

be revised under the hypothesis of a varying climate.<br />

Finally, in the last 3 years the group is participating<br />

to the development of the ground segment of ASI<br />

ROSA satellite mission (launch occurred in September<br />

2009 on board of OCEANSAT-2) that uses the radio<br />

occultation technique for sounding the atmosphere<br />

(http://www.asi.it/Rosa/RosaIT/ROSA.htm).<br />

References<br />

1. I. Bordi et al., J. Atmos. Sci. 66, 1366 (2009).<br />

2. I. Bordi et al., Mon. Wea. Rev. 135, 3118 (2007).<br />

3. A. Dell’Aquila et al., Clim. Dyn. 28, 325 (2007).<br />

4. I. Bordi et al., Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 13, 1519 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

I. Bordi, A. Sutera<br />

http://romatm13.phys.uniroma1.it/<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 166 Dipartimento di Fisica

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