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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Astronomy & Astrophysics<br />

A16. Testing fundamental physics with cosmology<br />

Our research interests are focused on theoretical cosmology,<br />

with a particular emphasis on the study of the<br />

Cosmic Microwave Background (herafter CMB). The<br />

CMB provides indeed an unexcelled probe of the early<br />

universe. Its close approximation to a blackbody spectrum<br />

constrains the thermal history of the universe. Its<br />

isotropy provides a fundamental probe of our standard<br />

theories for the origin of large-scale structure back to the<br />

effective ‘photosphere’ of the universe, when the universe<br />

was only one-thousandth of its present size. The future<br />

of cosmology as a mature and testable science lies in the<br />

realm of observations of CMB anisotropy and its polarization.<br />

Near future experiments as the Planck satellite<br />

(in which we are fully involved) will soon provide<br />

new data that will help in solving some key cosmological<br />

questions taht we list below.<br />

Constraints on Dark Energy - A major goal of<br />

modern cosmology is to investigate the nature of the dark<br />

energy component, responsable for the current accelerated<br />

expansion of the Universe. Despite the fact that<br />

it accounts for about 70% of the total energy density of<br />

the universe, dark energy is largely unclustered and is<br />

typically measured just by its effect on the evolution of<br />

the expansion history (i.e. the Hubble parameter). Since<br />

the cosmic expansion depends on other key parameters<br />

as curvature or matter density, the nature of dark energy<br />

can therefore be revealed only by combination of different<br />

observables and/or observations over a wide redshift<br />

range.<br />

A key parameter for determining the nature of dark<br />

energy is the equation of state. Recently, in collaboration<br />

with Asantha Cooray at the University of California<br />

Irvine and Daniel Holtz of Los Alamos Labs we<br />

performed a complete analysis of current cosmological<br />

datasets. The results, presented in [1], shows that current<br />

data are compatible with an equation of state as<br />

expected from a cosmological constant, showing no deviations<br />

from this simple, yet puzzling, model. In a recent<br />

paper in collaboration with Prof. George Smoot at the<br />

University of Berkeley (Nobel Prize 2006 in Physics) we<br />

studied the possibility of constraining dark energy with<br />

the CMB anisotropies weak lensing [2].<br />

Cosmological Constraints on Neutrino Physics<br />

- Neutrinos play a relevant role in large scale structure<br />

formation and leave key signatures in several cosmological<br />

datasets. More specifically, neutrinos suppress the<br />

growth of fluctuations on scales below the horizon when<br />

they become non relativistic. if neutrinos have masses in<br />

the (sub)eV range would then produce a significant suppression<br />

in the galaxy clustering. It is therefore possible<br />

to derive strong, albeit indirect, constraints on the mass<br />

of the neutrino particle by analyzing cosmological data.<br />

The nice aspect of this investigation is that neutrino<br />

masses in the (sub)eV range of energies can be probed<br />

directly in laboratory. A comparison of the cosmological<br />

constraints with those that will soon obtained from,<br />

for example, single or double beta decay experiments,<br />

could either provide a strong confirmation of the theory<br />

or reveal the presence of new physics.<br />

In [3] we showed that future cosmological data could<br />

reach a sensitivity close to ∼ 0.01eV , probing the neutrino<br />

mass hierarchy.<br />

Cosmological Constraints on Inflation - Inflation<br />

has become the dominant paradigm for understanding<br />

the initial conditions for structure formation and<br />

for CMB anisotropies. In the inflationary picture, primordial<br />

density and gravitational-wave fluctuations are<br />

created from quantum fluctuations, “redshifted” beyond<br />

the horizon during an early period of superluminal expansion<br />

of the universe, then “frozen”. Perturbations at<br />

the surface of last scattering are observable as temperature<br />

anisotropies in the CMB.<br />

In the past years we made use of the most recent CMB<br />

data to discriminate among the various inflationary models.<br />

More recently, we have investigated the ability of future<br />

experiments in constraining single field scenarios in [4].<br />

References<br />

1. P. Serra, et al, Phys.Rev. D, 80, 121302, (2009).<br />

2. E. Calabrese et al, Phys.Rev. D, 80, 103516 (2009).<br />

3. F. De Bernardis, et al., Phys.Rev. D, 80, 123509 (2009).<br />

4. L. Pagano, et al, JCAP, 0804:009, (2008).<br />

Authors<br />

A. Melchiorri, E. Calabrese, F. De Bernardis, M. Martinelli,<br />

L. Pagano<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 163 Dipartimento di Fisica

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