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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Astronomy & Astrophysics<br />

A14. Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Measurements<br />

The origin of primordial tiny fluctuations, about a<br />

perfectly homogeneous and isotropic universe, lies at<br />

the heart of both modern cosmology and high-energy<br />

physics. Inflationary theory offers today the most satisfying<br />

explanation for the origin of these fluctuations:<br />

within 10 −35 s of the Big Bang, during a short phase of<br />

superluminal expansion of space, quantum fluctuations<br />

are stretched to cosmological scales.<br />

Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) measurements<br />

have shown that the basic predictions of this extraordinary<br />

theory are correct: the universe is almost spatially<br />

flat, and has a nearly Gaussian, scale-invariant spectrum<br />

of primordial adiabatic perturbations.<br />

Another prediction, i.e. the production, during inflation,<br />

of a stochastic background of gravitational waves,<br />

can also be tested using precision measurements of the<br />

rotational component (B-mode) of the linear polarization<br />

field of the CMB. In fact these photons are last<br />

scattered by free electrons at recombination. In Thomson<br />

scattered radiation, linear polarization results if scattered<br />

radiation has a quadrupole anisotropy. At recombination,<br />

both scalar (density) perturbations and tensor<br />

(gravitational waves) perturbations produce quadrupole<br />

anisotropy, with different parity properties.<br />

The difficulty of these measurements lies in the tiny<br />

amplitude of the polarized component (about 1 ppm of<br />

the CMB for the non-rotational component or E-mode,<br />

and even 10 ppb or less for the rotational component or<br />

B-mode).<br />

Figure 1: Launch of the BOOMERanG-03 balloon-borne polarimeter<br />

from the McMurdo base in Antarctica. Our group<br />

has produced the telescope and the cryogenic system of the<br />

instrument, and coordinated the project, in cooperation with<br />

the Caltech group, since the very beginning.<br />

Our group has developed technologies and methods to<br />

measure CMB polarization since long time ago, starting<br />

in the 70s with the pioneering efforts of Francesco<br />

Melchiorri.<br />

We have recently measured the E-modes of CMB<br />

polarization with the BOOMERanG-B03 balloon-borne<br />

polarimeter, a follow-up of the extremely successful<br />

BOOMERanG-B98 balloon mission, which detected for<br />

the first time acoustic oscillations in the primeval plasma<br />

and measured the density parameter Ω o to be close to 1.<br />

To improve over that measurement, we have developed<br />

cryogenic polarization modulators, based on rotating<br />

waveplates [1,2] (see fig.2). These systems have<br />

been tested in the field in the framework of the BRAIN-<br />

QUBIC experiment, funded by PNRA: this is a bolometric<br />

interferometer devoted to sensitive CMB polarization<br />

surveys from the French-Italian Concordia Base,<br />

in Antarctica (Dome-C) [3].<br />

In addition, we are developing large arrays of KID<br />

detectors (see below).<br />

Figure 2: The cryogenic polarization modulator developed<br />

in our laboratory is able to rotate a waveplate in the focal<br />

plane of a polarimeter, with 0.01 o repeatability, and with<br />

negligible heat load on the 2K stage of the cryogenic system.<br />

These developments are absolutely necessary in view<br />

of a future space-borne mission devoted to precision measurements<br />

of CMB polarization. In this framework our<br />

group has been the coordinator of the B-Pol proposal, in<br />

the framework of the ESA call Cosmic Vision 2015-2025<br />

(see http://www.b-pol.org , and [4]).<br />

Meanwhile we are now coordinating LSPE (Large<br />

Scale Polarization Explorer): a stratospheric balloon<br />

mission, funded by the Italian Space Agency. The payload<br />

consists of two instruments, covering the frequency<br />

bands around 40, 70, 140, 220 GHz, with angular<br />

resolution of the order of one degree. Using large<br />

throughput bolometers, the high frequency instrument<br />

reaches sensitivities of ∼ 35 µK/ √ Hz per detector,<br />

with an array of about 100 detectors. The instrument<br />

will be flown during the arctic winter in a 15 days flight<br />

from Svalbard Islands, where our group has setup the<br />

Nobile-Amundsen launch facility in collaboration with<br />

ISTAR, ASI and ARR, and launched the first 800000<br />

m 3 balloon on July 1 st , 2009 .<br />

References<br />

1. L. Pagano et al., Phys. Rev. D80, 043522 (2009)<br />

2. M. Salatino, et al., Mem. S.A.It., 79, 905, (2008)<br />

3. G. Polenta, et al., New Astron. Reviews, 51, 256, (2007)<br />

4. P. de Bernardis et al., Exp. Astronomy, 23, 5, (2009)<br />

Authors<br />

P. de Bernardis, M. De Petris, E. Battistelli, S. Masi, A,<br />

Melchiorri, F. Nati, L. Nati, L. Pagano, F. Piacentini, M.<br />

Salatino, A. Schillaci<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 161 Dipartimento di Fisica

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