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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Astronomy & Astrophysics<br />

• Cosmology, focusing on measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy<br />

and polarization, from ground and from space, development of Detectors for the CMB, Gravitational<br />

lensing, and tests of fundamental physics with cosmology.<br />

Figure 2: Artist view of an obscured Active Galactic<br />

Nucleus (AGN), a galaxy powered by a central<br />

supermassive black-hole. Our department is very<br />

active in the observation, analysis and physical interpretation<br />

of AGN data, both from ground based<br />

observations (with proprietary instruments at visible<br />

wavelengths) and from space observatories in X rays<br />

and gamma rays. credits: ESA / NASA<br />

The methods used to investigate these themes<br />

include theoretical studies, numerical simulations<br />

and data analysis with high-performance computers,<br />

development of original instruments and experiments<br />

carried from ground-based telescopes,<br />

stratospheric platforms, or deep space, in the full<br />

electromagnetic spectrum.<br />

We have contributed and have access to the most<br />

important current space observatories (from Glast-<br />

Fermi for Gamma rays to Herschel in the far infrared<br />

and Planck in the millimeter range) and we<br />

are developing our own mm and submm stratospheric<br />

telescope (OLIMPO, with the Italian Space<br />

Agency). Moreover, we have developed and we run<br />

the MITO mm telescope at the Testa Grigia high<br />

mountain station, on the Italian Alps, and the optical<br />

telescope at Vallinfreda astronomical station.<br />

An optical telescope (TACOR) is available on the<br />

roof of the Department for education activities and<br />

optical instruments preparation/testing.<br />

Additional infrastructure includes research laboratories<br />

for the development of advanced astronomical instrumentation, including CCD cameras,<br />

visible spectrographs, IR and mm-wave telescopes, spectrometers and detectors. The laboratories<br />

have advanced mechanical, electronics, optics and cryogenic instrumentation and expert technical<br />

support. We use large supercomputers in a national (CINECA) and european frame (DEISA,<br />

PRACE projects) for our simulations and analysis, but also medium-sized proprietary clusters.<br />

We are actively exploring the new approach to supercomputing, based on clusters of GPUs.<br />

All this is accomplished by a staff of 15 academics, and by a larger number of students and Post-<br />

Doc, within a network of national and international collaborations. Our Department, in fact, offers<br />

a full specific curriculum in Astrophysics (the Bachelor’s Degree in Physics and Astrophysics, the<br />

Master Degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and the Ph.D. in Astronomy), and we have a<br />

long-standing tradition of involving students of the two higher degrees quite deeply in research<br />

activities and in the related international collaborations.<br />

Funds for these research activities (detailed in the following) come from MIUR (The Ministry of<br />

Education, University and Research), INAF (The National Institute for Astrophysics), ASI (The<br />

Italian Space Agency), INFN (The National Institute for Nuclear Physics).<br />

Stellar and Galactic Astrophysics<br />

This activity merges the heritage of the schools of Stellar Astrophysics (developed mainly in the<br />

70s at the Laboratory of Space Astrophysics of Frascati) and of Astronomy (developed mainly<br />

at the Institute of Astronomy of our University and at the Observatory of Rome). Stars exist<br />

in a variety of forms and systems. They can be considered physics laboratories, where quantum<br />

mechanics and nuclear fusion, together with Newtonian dynamics, are the motors of evolution.<br />

Activities in our department are based on spectroscopic observations of stars, with focus on late<br />

high-mass stars, which are the key to understand the post-main-sequence evolution. Stellar systems<br />

represent very interesting dynamical systems, whose formation and evolution are studied in<br />

our department analytically, numerically and even thermodynamically, in the framework of galac-<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 144 Dipartimento di Fisica

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