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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Particle physics<br />

P30. Experimental Search of Gravitational Waves<br />

Gravitational waves (GW) are space-time ripples such<br />

that the distance between free masses will alternately decrease<br />

and increase during their transit out of phase in<br />

two perpendicular directions. For astrophysical events<br />

such as a supernova explosion at the galactic center,<br />

the GW amplitude, the dimensionless strain parameter<br />

h,could range between 10 −19 - 10 −21 . The observation<br />

of gravitational waves will complement the observation<br />

of electromagnetic waves and astro-particles (as cosmic<br />

rays and neutrinos). It will reveal aspects of the Universe<br />

not reachable by these means and will extend the<br />

observable domain even in the cosmic regions darkened<br />

by dust and masked by other phenomena.<br />

With one large interferometer VIRGO (located near<br />

Pisa) and two cryogenic resonant antennas, EXPLORER<br />

installed at CERN and NAUTILUS at the INFN laboratory<br />

of Frascati, the G23 group is at the forefront of<br />

research on gravitational waves.<br />

EXPLORER has been the first large-mass cryogenic<br />

GW antenna to perform long-term continuous operation.<br />

NAUTILUS is an ultracryogenic resonant-mass<br />

GW detector, cooled for the first time at 100 mK in<br />

1991. The data produced continously by our detectors<br />

[1] are made available for the network analysis in the<br />

context of the International Gravitational Event Collaboration<br />

(IGEC). The typical detector sensitivities are of<br />

the order of h ∼ 10 −19 in a bandwidth of few tens Hz<br />

around 900 Hz.<br />

VIRGO is the result of an international effort of eleven<br />

research groups supported by INFN-Italy and CNRS-<br />

France. The detector consists of a laser interferometer<br />

with two orthogonal arms each 3 kilometers long[2]. In<br />

each arm, a two mirror Fabry-Perot (F-P) resonant cavity<br />

extends the optical length from 3 to about 100 km<br />

and therefore amplifies the tiny effect due to an impinging<br />

gravitational wave. VIRGO is sensitive to gravita-<br />

which plays a crucial role in defining the thermal noise<br />

limit of the interferometer and permits the mirror position<br />

control through the very small forces applied to the<br />

optical element [3]. Further improvement of this limit<br />

will require cooling the interferometer to very low temperatures,<br />

in order to minimize the thermal energy. This<br />

approach is under study in the context of the conceptual<br />

design of a third generation of gravitational wave detector<br />

( FP7-ET research program of European Union).<br />

The data taken by VIRGO are analysed in common<br />

with those of two similar instruments installed in USA,<br />

the LIGO interferometers sensitive in the frequency<br />

range 50 - 6,000 Hz.<br />

Figure 2: The spectral sensitivities of VIRGO and LIGO<br />

versus frequency, compared with the VIRGO design sensitivity<br />

curve.<br />

Taking advantage of the larger bandwidth, these antennae<br />

should allow the detection of a large variety of GW<br />

signals, as those generated by the coalescence of binary<br />

systems (stars or black holes), supernovae and the<br />

stochastic GW [4]. In particular the <strong>Sapienza</strong> group is<br />

analysing the data for detecting continuous GW signals<br />

as those generated by pulsars, a data analysis challenge<br />

pursued using the GRID technology.<br />

References<br />

1. P. Astone et al., Class.Quant.Grav.25,114048 (2008).<br />

2. F. Acernese et al., Phys. Rev. A 79, 053824 (2009).<br />

3. F. Acernese et al. Astropart. Phys. 30, 29 (2008)<br />

4. B. Abbott et al., Nature 460, 990 (2009).<br />

Figure 1: A F-P mirror suspended to its last stage (left).<br />

The VIRGO optical scheme (right).<br />

tional waves in a wide frequency range, from 10 to 10,000<br />

Hz with a typical sensitivity of h ∼ 10 −21 . The remarkable<br />

low frequency sensitivity of VIRGO, only results<br />

from its peculiar suspension system. Since the beginning<br />

of its construction phase the G23 group keeps the<br />

responsability of the last suspension stage of the mirror,<br />

Authors<br />

P Astone 1 , A. Colla, A. Corsi, S. Frasca, E. Majorana 1 ,<br />

C. Palomba 1 , P. Puppo 1 , G.V. Pallottino, P. Rapagnani,<br />

F.Ricci<br />

http://www.virgo.infn.it/<br />

http://www.roma1.infn.it/rog/index.html<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 137 Dipartimento di Fisica

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