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Scientific Report 2007-2009<br />

Particle physics<br />

P8. Interactions between nuclei at LHC: ALICE experiment<br />

High-energy heavy-ion physics aims to study how collective<br />

phenomena and macroscopic properties, involving<br />

many degrees of freedom, emerge from the microscopic<br />

laws of elementary-particle physics. The most interesting<br />

case of collective phenomena is the occurrence<br />

of phase transitions in quantum fields at characteristic<br />

energy densities; this would affect the current understanding<br />

of both the structure of the Standard Model<br />

at low energy and of the evolution of the early Universe.<br />

In ultra-relativistic nuclei collisions it is expected to attain<br />

energy densities which reach and exceed the critical<br />

energy density 1 GeV fm 3 , predicted by lattice calculations<br />

of Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) for a<br />

phase transition of nuclear matter to a deconfined state<br />

of quarks and gluons, thus making the QCD phase transition<br />

the only one predicted by the Standard Model that<br />

is presently within reach of laboratory experiments.<br />

ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment primarily<br />

designed to study the physics of strongly interacting<br />

matter and the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed<br />

in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC [1]. Its detectors<br />

measure and identify mid-rapidity hadrons, electrons<br />

and photons produced in the collision, and reconstruct<br />

particle tracks, including short lived ones, in an<br />

environment with large multiplicity of charged particles.<br />

A forward muon arm detects and identifies muons covering<br />

a large rapidity domain. Hadrons, electrons and<br />

photons are detected and identified in the central rapidity<br />

region by a complex system of detectors immersed in<br />

a moderate (0.5 T) magnetic field. Tracking relies on a<br />

set of high granularity detectors: an Inner Tracking System<br />

(ITS) consisting of six layers of Silicon Detectors,<br />

a large-volume Time-Projection Chamber (TPC) and a<br />

high-granularity Transition-Radiation Detector (TRD).<br />

Particle identification in this central region is performed<br />

by measuring energy loss in the ITS and TPC, transition<br />

radiation in the TRD, Time Of Flight (TOF) with a<br />

high-resolution array of multigap Resistive Plate Chambers,<br />

Cherenkov radiation with a High-Momentum Particle<br />

Identification Detector (HMPID), photons with a<br />

high granularity crystal photon Spectrometer (PHOS)<br />

and a low granularity electromagnetic calorimeter (EM-<br />

CAL). Additional detectors located at large rapidities<br />

complete the central detection system to characterize the<br />

event and to provide the interaction triggers.<br />

The ALICE Rome group is involved in the ultrarelativistic<br />

nuclei collisions study since 1994, participating<br />

to the WA97 and NA57 experiments at the CERN<br />

SPS. The aim was to obtain clear evidence of an<br />

enhancement of the (multi)strange baryons/antibaryons<br />

ratio production in the Pb-Pb collisions compared to<br />

p-Be collisions; this fact could represent a strong signal<br />

for a phase transition from ordinary matter to a Quark<br />

Gluon Plasma state. The results obtained in the NA57<br />

experiment seem to confirm this important signature<br />

[2]. Since 2004 the ALICE Rome group participates<br />

Figure 1: A Silicon Drift Detector on the assembly jig.<br />

to the realization of the Silicon Drift Detector (SDD)<br />

that constitutes the intermediate layers of the ITS [3].<br />

The ITS consists of six coaxial cylinders: two innermost<br />

ones form the Silicon Pixel Detectors, two intermediate<br />

ones the Silicon Drift Detectors, two outermost ones<br />

the Silicon Strip Detectors. The number, position and<br />

segmentation of the layers are optimized for efficient<br />

track finding and high impact parameter resolution.<br />

The SDD front-end electronics is based on three types of<br />

ASICs, two of them, PASCAL and AMBRA, assembled<br />

on an hybrid circuit (see fig. 1) which is directly bonded<br />

to the sensor, and one, CARLOS, located at each end<br />

of a ladder. The Alice Rome group was responsible for<br />

the production and certification of the PASCAL and<br />

AMBRA chips since 2005. To this purpose a validation<br />

system was built up in the Rome laboratory using a<br />

semiautomatic Probe Station in a class 100 Clean Room<br />

equipped with hardware and software tools projected by<br />

the Rome group. In 2007, The Rome group collaborated<br />

to the assembly of the SDD modules and ladders in<br />

Torino, and finally to the installation inside the ITS in<br />

the ALICE site at CERN. During 2008 and 2009 the<br />

ALICE Rome group participated to the data taking in<br />

the cosmic rays runs used for the intercalibration of<br />

the whole ALICE detector. In december 2009, LHC<br />

machine started with p-p collisions at 900 and 2360<br />

GeV and ALICE gave the first physics paper on the<br />

charged particles multiplicity in the detector [4].<br />

References<br />

1. K.Aamodt et al., JINST 3, S08002 (2008).<br />

2. F. Antinori et al., J.Phys. G: Nucl.Part.Phys 34, 403<br />

(2007).<br />

3. S. Beole et al., Nucl.Instr.Meth. in Phys. Res. A582,<br />

733 (2007).<br />

4. K. Aamodt et al., Eur.Phys.J. C, S10052 (2009).<br />

Authors<br />

F. Meddi, S. Di Liberto 1 , M.A. Mazzoni 1 , G.M. Urciuoli 1<br />

http://www.roma1.infn.it/exp/alice<br />

<strong>Sapienza</strong> Università di Roma 115 Dipartimento di Fisica

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