The Lahore Martyrs - May 2010 - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

The Lahore Martyrs - May 2010 - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada

The Lahore Martyrs - May 2010 - Ahmadiyya Gazette Canada


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A H M A D I Y Y A<br />

<strong>Gazette</strong><br />

C A N A D A<br />

JULY/AUGUST <strong>2010</strong> | WWW.AHMADIYYAGAZETTE.CA<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lahore</strong> <strong>Martyrs</strong> - <strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Aamir Latif Paracha - Abdul Rasheed Malik - Abdul Rehman - Ehsaan Ahmad Khan -<br />

Akram Baig Mirza - Anees Ahmad - Arshad Mahmood Butt - Ashraf Bilal - Asif Farooq -<br />

Ateeq ur Rehman - Capt Naeem uddin Mirza - Ch iIyas - Ch Mohammad Maalik -<br />

Ch Muhammad Ahmad - Ch Muhammad Nawaz Jajja - Ch Muzaffar - Ch. Ejaz Nasrullah Khan -<br />

Ch. Hafeez Ahmed Advocate - Ch. Imtiaz Ahmad - Dr Tariq Bashir - Dr. Asghar Yaqoob -<br />

Dr. Omer Anas - Ejaz Baig - Ejaz ul Haq - Fida Hussain - General Nasir Ahmad -<br />

Haji Muhammad Akram Virk - Hassan Khurshid Awan - Irfan Ahmad Nasir - Kamran Arshad -<br />

Khalil Solangi - Khawar Ayub - Lal Khan Nasir - Mahmood Ahmad - Mahmood Ahmad Mirza -<br />

Mahmood Ahmad Shad - Malik Ansar ul Haq - Malik Maqsood Ahmad -<br />

Malik Mohammad Yahya Khan - Malik Waseem Ahmed - Malik Zubair - Mansoor Ahmad -<br />

Masood Ahmad Bajwa - Masood Ahmad Bhatti - Mian Laeeq Ahmad - Mian Mubashir Ahmad -<br />

Mian Munir Umer - Mirza Mansoor Baig - Mirza Mohammad Amin - Mirza Zafar Ahmad -<br />

Mohammad Rasheed Hashmi - Mubarik Ahmad Tahir - Mubarik AIi Awan - Mubashir Ahmad -<br />

Muhammad Anwar - Muhammad Ashraf Bhullar - Muhammad Aslam Bharwaria -<br />

Muhammad Hussain - Muhammad Hussain Malhi - Muhammad Saeed Dard - Muhammad Shahid -<br />

Munawar Ahmad - Munawar Ahmad Khan - Munawar Qaisar - Munir Ahmad Sheikh -<br />

Nadeem Ahmad Tariq - Nasir Mahmood Khan - Nazir Ahmad - Nisar Ahmad Gill - Noor UI Amin -<br />

Prof Abdul Wadood - Saeed Ahmad Tahir - Sajad Azhar Bharwana - Sardar Iftikhar ul Ghani -<br />

Shabil Munir Mirza - Shaikh Shamim Ahmed - Sheikh Muhammad Ikram Athar -<br />

Sheikh Muhammad Yunas - Sheikh Sajid Naeem - Syed Irshad Ali - Syed Laeeq Ahmad -<br />

Tahir Mahmood Prince - Umair Ahmad Malik - Waleed Ahmad - Waseem Ahmad - Zafar Iqbal -

Renewal of the Pledge of Loyalty<br />

We the members of the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jama`āt <strong>Canada</strong> offer our deepest<br />

condolences to our beloved Imam Hadrat Khalifātul Massih V aa , and the families of<br />

the martyrs, regarding the martyrdom of our innocent brothers in the context of the<br />

terrorist attack on the Ahmadīyya mosques in <strong>Lahore</strong>.<br />

On this occasion, we renew our pledge of loyalty and offer our lives, wealth, time, and<br />

honour in the cause of Islām. If we were called upon to offer our blood in the cause of<br />

this path of loyalty, we will be fully prepared, like our martyred brothers, to make this<br />

offering. We will, Insha Allah, advance with greater zeal, spirit, and unflinching faith<br />

for keeping the flag of Islam, the staff of Hadrat Muhammad sa and the banner of the<br />

Promised Messiah as flying high.<br />

It is our firm belief that Ahmadīyyat indeed is the true Islām, and this is the path of<br />

Hadrat Muhammad sa and that of the Muslims of the earliest era; and this is indeed the<br />

same rank of martyrdom which the Prophets and their true devotees had longed for.<br />

We firmly believe that Ahmadīyyat will certainly be victorious and the designs of the<br />

enemy will surely be foiled. Insha Allah.<br />

We would like to submit very humbly to our beloved Imam, with the genuineness of our<br />

heart and certainty of belief that although our hearts are saddened due to the incident<br />

of <strong>Lahore</strong> but we are not, by any means, broken-hearted. Although our eyes have tears<br />

but they do not an expression of helplessness. While we are in agony and pain for our<br />

brothers but at the same time we are also very proud of our brave martyrs. Under the<br />

inspiring leadership of the Khilāfat in Ahmadīyyat, our morale is high, our faith is<br />

firmly entrenched, our determination is strong and our footsteps are firm. We shall<br />

strive for the victory of Islam, under the banner of Khilāfat in Ahmadīyyat, fighting<br />

on the right and left, and front and back of our beloved Imam, using the arrows of our<br />

prayers, the spears of our morals, and the swords of our pens, and we shall indeed<br />

triumph because such is the decree of God.<br />

We supplicate before our Lord that O our Eternal God, grant us steadfastness in our<br />

footsteps, do not let us go astray from the path of loyalty, and enable us to offer all<br />

manner of sacrifices for the supremacy of the Faith of Hadrat Muhammad sa . O our<br />

Lord, make us among the brave soldiers of the contingent of our Messiah and Imam<br />

Mahdi of the Latter Days (on whom be peace) and enable us to continue to be the true<br />

and ardent devotees of the institution of Khilāfat in Ahmadīyyat. Ameen!<br />

O our Lord, the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate! Pray do open for us the<br />

doors of countless blessings and bounties, and mercy, for the sake of the martyrs of<br />

Islam and Ahmadīyyat and their progeny; and enable us to witness with our own eyes<br />

the signs of the victory of Islam and Ahmadīyya, and grant us the power to fly the<br />

standard of Holy Prophet Hadrat Muhammad sa at the highest level.<br />

O our Lord, do grant that this may be so. O our beloved God, pray do grant that this<br />

may be so. O Lord of All the Worlds, do grant that this may be so. Ameen!<br />

(We are the members of the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jama`āt <strong>Canada</strong>)

<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Canada</strong><br />

An Educational and Spiritual Publication<br />

Volume 39 - No. 7-8 - July/August <strong>2010</strong><br />

Rajab-Sha`aban 1431 AH and Wafa-Zahoor 1389 HS<br />

Pearls of Wisdom<br />

Selection from the Holy Qur’ān and Ahādīth p.2<br />

Writings of the Promised Messiah as p.3<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa<br />

Summary of Friday Sermons p.4<br />

Articles<br />

<strong>The</strong> Promised Messiah as Says About Ramadan p.14<br />

Religious History of Fasting p.16<br />

46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong> p.24<br />

A Tabligh Trip to Northern Ontario p.28<br />

In the Press... p.30<br />

Articles in French<br />

Direction de Hadrat Khalifatul Messie V aa p.32<br />

Les Dires du Messie Promis as p.33<br />

Amīr Jamā`at:<br />

Lal Khan Malik<br />

Chief Editor:<br />

Prof. Hadi Ali Chaudhary<br />

Editors:<br />

Ansar Raza<br />

S.H.Hadi<br />

Assitant Editor:<br />

Hana Malik<br />

Manager:<br />

Mubashir A. Khalid<br />

Graphics Layout:<br />

Farhan A. Naseer<br />

Printing:<br />

Jamnik Graphics<br />

Web Magazine:<br />

Muzaffar Ahmad<br />

Official Photographers:<br />

Bashir Nasir<br />

Muzaffar Ahmad<br />


Current Issues - Archives - Contribute - Register - Contact<br />

<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> Muslim Jamā`at <strong>Canada</strong> Inc., 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, <strong>Canada</strong><br />

Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 - editor@ahmadiyyagazette.ca<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ahmadīyya <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> is published by the Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā`at <strong>Canada</strong>. <strong>The</strong> editors of the <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong><br />

<strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings<br />

of the Promised Messiah as or any of his successors ra , as well as the summaries of the sermons or addresses of Hadrat<br />

Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V aa .<br />

Articles published in the <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong> <strong>Canada</strong> reflect the views of their respective authors and may not reflect<br />

the views, beliefs and tenets of the <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> Muslim Jama`at <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> official publication of the <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> Muslim<br />

Jamā`at <strong>Canada</strong><br />

ISSN 0229 5644<br />

1. <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> -- Periodicals.<br />

I. <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> Movement in Islam <strong>Canada</strong>.<br />

BP195.A34 1972<br />

297.8605-20dc<br />



Mail Registration No: 40026877<br />

Table of Contents

<strong>The</strong>y desire to extinguish the light of Allah with<br />

the breath of their mouths, but Allah will perfect<br />

His light, even if the disbelievers hate it. He it is<br />

Who has sent His Messenger with the guidance<br />

and the Religion of truth, that He may cause it<br />

to prevail over all religions, even if those who<br />

associate partners with God hate it.<br />

(Chapter 2 - Al-Saff Verse 9-10)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Qur’ān<br />

Hadīth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa<br />

Narrated Anas bin Malik ra :<br />

<strong>The</strong> Prophet sa said, “Nobody who dies and finds good<br />

from Allah (in the Hereafter) would wish to come<br />

back to this world even if he were given the whole<br />

world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who,<br />

on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to<br />

come back to the world and get killed again (in Allah’s<br />

Cause).”<br />

(Bukharī Kitābul Jihād)<br />

2 Pearls of Wisdom

So Said the Promised Messiah as<br />

As God Almighty has distinguished me with special resources and has raised me in an age which<br />

is most conducive and helpful in carrying out the service of propagation to its completion, He<br />

has also given me the glad tidings, by His grace and beneficence, that from the beginning it had<br />

been destined that the spiritual fulfillment of the above quoted verse [That is Allah’s grace; He<br />

bestows it upon whomsoever He pleases.—Al-Ma’idah, 5:55] and also of the verse: [But Allah<br />

will perfect His light.—Al-Saff, 61:9] should take place through me. God Almighty will Himself<br />

convey to my opponents the reasons and arguments and everything that I have written for their<br />

benefit and will thus fulfill the meaning of this verse by exposing the frustration, confusion and<br />

defeat of my opponents.<br />

[Brahin-e-Ahmadīyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 1, pp. 596-597, sub-footnote 3]<br />

Pearls of Wisdom<br />


Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masih V aa<br />

Patience and Prayers on<br />

Great Sacrifices of the <strong>Lahore</strong> <strong>Martyrs</strong><br />

Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on June 4 th , <strong>2010</strong><br />

On 4th June, <strong>2010</strong>, Hadrat Khalīfatul<br />

Masīh V aa delivered the Friday<br />

Sermon at Baitul Futūh Mosque,<br />

London. After reciting verses 31-33<br />

of Sūrah Ha Mim al-Sajdah, which<br />

are translated as follows:<br />

4<br />

“As for those who say, ‘Our<br />

Lord is Allāh,’ and then remain<br />

steadfast, the angels descend on<br />

them, saying: ‘Fear ye not, nor<br />

grieve; and rejoice in the Garden<br />

that you were promised. ‘We<br />

are your friends in this life and<br />

in the Hereafter. <strong>The</strong>rein you<br />

will have all that your souls<br />

will desire, and therein you will<br />

have all that you will ask for<br />

— ‘An entertainment from the<br />

Most Forgiving, the Merciful.’ ”<br />

(41:31-33)<br />

Hudūr aa said: During the last<br />

week I have received thousands<br />

of letters expressing sorrow and<br />

commiseration for the martyrdom<br />

of Ahmadīs in twin attacks in<br />

<strong>Lahore</strong>. <strong>The</strong>se letters are not only<br />

coming from Pakistan but from<br />

all over the world. Hudūr aa said: I<br />

have spoken by telephone to nearly<br />

all the families of the martyrs and I<br />

have found everyone—their wives,<br />

brothers, mothers and fathers—<br />

content and at peace with the Will<br />

of God. <strong>The</strong>y told me that these<br />

sacrifices are nothing; they are<br />

ready to sacrifice everything for the<br />

Jama`āt of the Promised Messiah as .<br />

Hudūr aa said: At the time of the<br />

martyrdom, our shuhada showed<br />

exemplary courage and fortitude<br />

and merited eternal lives. As they<br />

courageously gave up their lives,<br />

durud sharif was on their lips.<br />

Referring to the aforementioned<br />

verses, Hudūr aa said: Those who<br />

show fortitude in the way of Allāh<br />

are granted peace and contentment<br />

and are given glad tiding of victory<br />

and of Divine succour. Blessed is the<br />

Jama`āt of <strong>Lahore</strong> for showing such<br />

courage. <strong>The</strong> Promised Messiah as<br />

received the following revelations<br />

regarding the Ahmadīs of <strong>Lahore</strong>:<br />

“<strong>The</strong>re are pure members of our<br />

Jama`āt in <strong>Lahore</strong>.” And “We have<br />

pure and dear friends in <strong>Lahore</strong>.”<br />

Hudūr aa said: This is an honour<br />

which the Ahmadīs of <strong>Lahore</strong><br />

should always cherish.<br />

Hudūr aa said: I believe that the<br />

enemy’s intention was not only to<br />

cause loss of life but also to harm<br />

the Jama`āt in other ways, which<br />

they failed to do. <strong>The</strong>y do not know<br />

that Ahmadīs have been granted<br />

patience and fortitude by their Lord<br />

and they pray to Him and seek His<br />

protection and with Him alone they<br />

rest all their affairs.<br />

Hudūr aa cited various examples of<br />

the courage shown by the shuhada<br />

in <strong>Lahore</strong> and also by their loved<br />

ones who survived them. Hudūr aa<br />

said: Such are the people and<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa

such are the mothers that are born<br />

in the Jama`āt of the Promised<br />

Messiah as . <strong>The</strong>y remained calm in<br />

the face of the martyrdom of their<br />

own children and spent their time<br />

praying for the Jama`āt as a whole.<br />

Ahmadī women must never let go<br />

of this spirit. As long as this spirit<br />

is kept alive the enemy can do no<br />

harm to the Jama`āt.<br />

Hudūr aa said: <strong>The</strong>se atrocious<br />

events have been widely covered<br />

by the Pakistani media. <strong>May</strong> Allāh<br />

reward them and give them the<br />

courage to keep telling the truth.<br />

We have also received messages of<br />

commiseration from the press and<br />

governments of many countries<br />

around the world. <strong>May</strong> Allāh bless<br />

them all.<br />

Hudūr aa urged members to<br />

repeatedly recite certain prayers<br />

taught by the Holy Prophet sa<br />

and the Promised Messiah as . <strong>The</strong><br />

Jama`āt should also pray for the<br />

full and quick recovery of those<br />

who were wounded in the attacks,<br />

one of whom, Dr. Umar Sahib, has<br />

died of his wounds today. Hudūr aa<br />

also informed the Jama`āt of the<br />

martyrdom of Ne‘matullah Sahib of<br />

Narowal and the injuries suffered<br />

by his son. Hudūr aa prayed: <strong>May</strong><br />

Allāh grant all the ‐martyrs a lofty<br />

station in heaven, and grant speedy<br />

recovery to the wounded. Hudūr aa<br />

led the Namaz Janazah Gha’ib of all<br />

the martyrs after the Jumu‘a prayer.<br />

At the time of the martyrdom, our shuhada showed exemplary<br />

courage and fortitude and merited eternal lives. As they<br />

courageously gave up their lives, durud sharif was on their lips.<br />

Biography of some of the <strong>Martyrs</strong> of 28 <strong>May</strong> <strong>2010</strong><br />

Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on June 11 th , <strong>2010</strong><br />

On 11th June, <strong>2010</strong>, Hadrat<br />

Khalīfatul Masīh V aa delivered the<br />

Friday Sermon at Baitul Futūh<br />

Mosque, London.<br />

Hudūr aa said: I have been asked by<br />

many people to establish a fund<br />

to help the families of those who<br />

have been martyred in the way of<br />

Allāh. I would like to remind the<br />

Jamā‘at that a fund was created for<br />

this purpose by Hadrat Khalifatul<br />

Masih IV rh by the name of Syedna<br />

Bilal Fund, and I, too, have appealed<br />

for donations in this fund. Whoever<br />

wishes to help in this cause should<br />

make donations in Syedna Bilal<br />

Fund.<br />

In this sermon Hudūr aa spoke<br />

individually about the martyrs<br />

of the brutal attacks in <strong>Lahore</strong>,<br />

shedding light on their family<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa<br />

backgrounds, their services, their<br />

devotion to the Jama`āt and their<br />

personal qualities.<br />

(1) Munir Ahmad Sheikh Sahib,<br />

Amīr of <strong>Lahore</strong>, was among<br />

those martyred in Dārul Zikr,<br />

<strong>Lahore</strong>. He was an LL.B. who<br />

served as a civil judge, as<br />

a special judge in Customs<br />

and also in the National<br />

Accountability Bureau.<br />

(2) Major General (r) Nāsir<br />

Chaudhary Sahib was the son<br />

of a martyr. He was a longtime<br />

worker of the Jama`āt and<br />

served in various capacities. He<br />

was 91, and was martyred in<br />

Model Town, <strong>Lahore</strong>.<br />

(3) Muhammad Aslam<br />

Bharwana Sahib, of Jhang, was<br />

a Chief Engineer in Pakistan<br />

Railways. He was 59 and was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

(4) Ashraf Bilal Sahib was also<br />

a devoted member who was<br />

ever ready to make financial<br />

sacrifices. He was an engineer<br />

by profession. He was hit<br />

by a bullet and his devoted<br />

companion, Nisar Ahmad, was<br />

also martyred as he tried to<br />

save Ashraf Bilal Sahib.<br />

(5) Capt. (r) Mirzā Naeemuddin,<br />

56, was martyred at Dārul Zikr.<br />

He had joined the army as a<br />

soldier and rose to the rank of<br />

Captain.<br />

(6) Kamran Rasheed Sahib, 38,<br />

was martyred at Dārul Zikr. He<br />

was a graduate and a composer<br />

by profession. He worked<br />

voluntarily for MTA <strong>Lahore</strong>.<br />


“I believe that the enemy’s intention was not only to cause loss<br />

of life but also to harm the Jama`āt in other ways, which they<br />

failed to do. <strong>The</strong>y do not know that Ahmadīs have been granted<br />

patience and fortitude by their Lord and they pray to Him and<br />

seek His protection and with Him alone they rest all their affairs.”<br />

His uncle Muzaffar Ahmad<br />

Sahib was also martyred in the<br />

same attack.<br />

(7) Ijaz Baig Sahib, 39, was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr. He was<br />

a very humble, soft-spoken and<br />

courageous person.<br />

(8) Mirzā Akram Baig Sahib, 58,<br />

was martyred in Dārul Zikr. He<br />

was very regular in his worship,<br />

fearless and punctual.<br />

(9) Munawar Ahmad Khan<br />

Sahib, 61, was martyred at Dārul<br />

Zikr. He ran carpet business.<br />

(10) Irfan Nāsir Sahib, 31, was<br />

martyred outside Dārul Zikr<br />

where he was controlling<br />

the traffic. He was very duty<br />

conscious and had a great zeal<br />

for serving the Jama`āt.<br />

(11) Sajjad Azhar Bharwana<br />

Sahib, 30, was a nephew of<br />

Muhammad Aslam Bharwana<br />

Sahib. He was a railway<br />

employee.<br />

(12) Masood Akhtar Bajwah<br />

Sahib, 72, was a retired WAPDA<br />

officer. He was martyred at<br />

Dārul Zikr.<br />

(13) Asif Farooq Sahib, 30,<br />

was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He had done graduation in<br />

mass communication and<br />

was actively serving in MTA,<br />

<strong>Lahore</strong>.<br />

(14) Sheikh Shamim Ahmad<br />

Sahib, 38, was an employee<br />

of Bank Al-Falah. He was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

(15) Muhammad Shahid Sahib,<br />

28, was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He was on security duty in the<br />

Mehrab, near Amīr Sahib.<br />

(16) Professor Abdul Wadood<br />

Sahib, 55, was professor of<br />

English at Government College,<br />

Baghbanpura, <strong>Lahore</strong>. He had<br />

also suffered confinement in the<br />

way of Allāh.<br />

17) Walid Ahmad Sahib, 17, was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr. He was<br />

a first year medical student.<br />

(18) Muhammad Anwar Sahib,<br />

45, was a retired soldier. For<br />

the last ten years he had been<br />

serving as security Guard at<br />

Baitun Nur, Model Town.<br />

(19) Ansarul Haq Sahib, 63, was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr. He was<br />

a store keeper in Pakistan Army.<br />

(20) Nāsir Mahmood Khan<br />

Sahib, 39, was martyred in<br />

Dārul Zikr. He ran a printing<br />

agency.<br />

(21) Umair Ahmad Malik Sahib,<br />

36, was martyred in Baitun<br />

Nur. He had been serving as<br />

President of the Association<br />

of Ahmadīyya Computer<br />

Professionals, <strong>Lahore</strong> Chapter,<br />

for the last three years.<br />

(22) Sardar Iftikharul Ghani<br />

Sahib, 43, was martyred in<br />

Dārul Zikr.<br />

Hudūr aa prayed that Allāh may<br />

grant all the martyrs a lofty station<br />

in heaven andbring peace and<br />

solace to the hearts of their families.<br />

And may Allāh keep all Ahmadīs<br />

under His protection. Āmīn.<br />

6 Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa

Biographies of the <strong>Martyrs</strong> of <strong>Lahore</strong> (Part II)<br />

Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on June 18 th , <strong>2010</strong><br />

On 18th June, <strong>2010</strong>, Hadrat<br />

Khalīfatul Masīh V aa delivered the<br />

Friday Sermon at Baitul Futūh<br />

Mosque, London.<br />

In this Sermon Hudūr aa spoke<br />

about some more of the Ahmadīs<br />

martyred in the <strong>Lahore</strong> attacks<br />

and shed light on their family<br />

backgrounds, their services and<br />

devotion to the Jama`āt and their<br />

personal qualities.<br />

(23) Malik Abdur Rasheed<br />

Sahib, 64, was martyred<br />

in Dārul Zikr. He was the<br />

grandson of Hadrat Maulawi<br />

Mehr Din Sahib, a Companion<br />

of the Promised Messiah as .<br />

(24) Muhammad Rasheed<br />

Hashmi Sahib, 78, was martyred<br />

in Dārul Zikr. He was the great<br />

grandson of Hadrat Shah Din<br />

Hashmi Sahib, a Companion of<br />

the Promised Messiah as .<br />

(25) Muzaffar Ahmad Sahib,<br />

73, was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He was the son-in law of Mian<br />

Alam Din Sahib, a Companion<br />

of the Promised Messiah as .<br />

(26) Mian Mubashar Ahmad<br />

Sahib, 65, was martyred in<br />

Dārul Zikr. He belongs to the<br />

family of Mian Nuruddin Sahib,<br />

a Companion of the Promised<br />

Messiah as .<br />

(27) Fida Hussain Sahib, 69, was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr. He as the<br />

cousin of the aforementioned<br />

Mian Mubashar Ahmad Sahib.<br />

(28) Khawar Ayyub Sahib, 50,<br />

was martyred in Dārul Zikr. He<br />

accepted Ahmadīyyat in 1985.<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa<br />

(29) Sheikh Muhammad Yunus<br />

Sahib, 63, was martyred in<br />

Baitun Nur, Model Town. He<br />

was the son of Sheikh Jamil<br />

Ahmad, a Darvesh of Qādiān.<br />

He also served in Sadr Anjuman<br />

Ahmadīyya, Rabwah.<br />

(30) Masood Ahmad Bhatti, 33,<br />

was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He was a contractor and a very<br />

active member of Khuddam-ul-<br />

Ahmadīyya.<br />

(31) Haji Muhammad Akram<br />

Wirk Sahib, 74, was martyred in<br />

Dārul Zikr. He had served as an<br />

employee of the government’s<br />

Auqaf Department.<br />

(32) Mian Laeeq Ahmad Sahib,<br />

66, was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He was an electrician.<br />

(33) Mirza Shabil Munir Sahib,<br />

19, was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He had completed his B.Com<br />

and was preparing for BBA.<br />

He was a great grandson of<br />

Hadrat Ahmad Din Sahib, a<br />

Companion of the Promised<br />

Messiah as .<br />

(34) Malik Maqsood Ahmad<br />

Sahib, 80, was martyred in<br />

Dārul Zikr. He was the maternal<br />

grandson of Hadrat Malik Ali<br />

Baksh Sahib, a Companion of<br />

the Promised Messiah as .<br />

(35) Chaudhary Muhammad<br />

Ahmad Sahib, 85, was martyred<br />

in Baitun Nur, Model Town. He<br />

had retired from the army.<br />

(36) Ilias Ahmad Aslam Qureshi<br />

Sahib, 76, was martyred<br />

in Baitun Nur. He was the<br />

president of Johar Town<br />

Jama`āt.<br />

(37) Tahir Mahmood Ahmad<br />

Sahib, 53, was martyred in<br />

Baitun Nur, Model Town.<br />

(38) Syed Irshad Ali Shah Sahib,<br />

80, was martyred in Baitun Nur,<br />

Model Town. He was a paternal<br />

grandson of Hadrat Khaseelat<br />

Ali Shah Sahib, and a maternal<br />


grandson of Hadrat Mir Hamid<br />

Shah Sahib Sialkoti, both of<br />

whom were Companions of the<br />

Promised Messiah as .<br />

(39) Nurul Ameen Sahib, 39,<br />

was martyred in Dārul Zikr. He<br />

was serving in Pakistan Navy.<br />

(40) Chaudhary Muhammad<br />

Malik Chaddhar Sahib, 93, was<br />

martyred in Baitun Nur. He<br />

was a farmer.<br />

(41) Sheikh Sajid Naeem Sahib,<br />

59, was martyred in Baitun Nur.<br />

He had retired as manager from<br />

MCB bank.<br />

(42) Syed Laeeq Ahmad Sahib,<br />

72, was martyred. He also<br />

retired as manager from MCB.<br />

(43) Muhammad Ashraf Bhullar<br />

Sahib, 47, was martyred in<br />

Baitun Nur. He was an uncle to<br />

Chaudhary Fateh Muhammad<br />

Sahib, ex-Nā’ib Amīr of <strong>Lahore</strong><br />

District.<br />

(44) Mubarak Ahmad Tahir<br />

Sahib, 57, was martyred. He<br />

was the son-in–law of the late<br />

Maulana Dost Muhammad<br />

Sahib, Historian of the Jama`āt.<br />

He was serving as vicepresident<br />

in National Bank.<br />

(45) Anis Ahmad Sahib, 35, was<br />

martyred in Dārul Zikr. He was<br />

in the business of computer<br />

hardware.<br />

(46) Munawwar Ahmad Sahib,<br />

30, was martyred in Dārul Zikr.<br />

He was the younger brother<br />

of the aforementioned Anis<br />

Ahmad Sahib.<br />

(47) Saeed Ahmad Tāhir Sahib,<br />

37, was martyred in Baitun Nur.<br />

He belonged to Takht Hazara in<br />

Sargodha.<br />

Hudūr said that the list would<br />

continue in the next Sermon.<br />

Hudūr also spoke about the sad<br />

demise of Dr. Muhammad Arif<br />

Sahib, Waqif-e-Zindagi, of Qādiān<br />

and his devotion and services for<br />

the Jama`āt.<br />

Hudūr aa led his Namaz Janazah<br />

Gha’ib after the Jumu‘a along with<br />

that of Saeed Ahmad Tāhir Sahib<br />

who was injured in <strong>Lahore</strong> and<br />

later died of his wounds.<br />

Biography of the <strong>Martyrs</strong> of <strong>Lahore</strong> (Part III)<br />

Summary of Friday Sermon delivered on June 25 th , <strong>2010</strong><br />

On 25th June, <strong>2010</strong>, Hadrat<br />

Khalīfatul Masīh V aa delivered<br />

the Friday Sermon at Mannheim,<br />

Germany.<br />

Hudūr aa said: By the grace of Allāh,<br />

the 35th Jalsa Sālāna of Jama`āt<br />

Germany is starting with my<br />

Friday sermon. <strong>May</strong> Allāh bless this<br />

gathering in every respect. Amīn.<br />

Hudūr aa said: We need to realize<br />

the importance of our pledge of<br />

allegiance to the Promised Messiah as<br />

and keep in mind the objectives<br />

of the Jalsa. <strong>May</strong> we continue to<br />

increase in faith, give preference to<br />

the love of God and His Prophet sa<br />

over all others, advance in<br />

spirituality and treat each other with<br />

love and compassion since these<br />

were a few of the objectives of the<br />

Jalsa Sālāna specifically mentioned<br />

by the Promised Messiah as .<br />

8<br />

Hudūr aa said: Remember the<br />

Pakistani Ahmadīs in your prayers,<br />

for they are being persecuted<br />

with ever increasing cruelty. Also<br />

pray that Allāh may vouchsafe<br />

steadfastness to all Ahmadīs,<br />

strengthen their faith and show<br />

some extraordinary sign on account<br />

of the sacrifices being made by<br />

them.<br />

Hudūr aa said: <strong>The</strong> participants of<br />

the Jalsa should fully cooperate<br />

with the administration and follow<br />

the guidelines issued by them. In<br />

addition, the participants should,<br />

in view of the prevailing security<br />

situation, be vigilant and watch out<br />

for any possible danger. <strong>May</strong> Allāh<br />

keep everyone in His protection<br />

and enable us to attain maximum<br />

benefit from the Jalsa. Amīn.<br />

Hudūr aa said: I would now like to<br />

mention the names of a few more<br />

Ahmadīs who were martyred<br />

in the <strong>Lahore</strong> Attack on 28 <strong>May</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong>, and who, by sacrificing their<br />

lives, opened to us new avenues of<br />

spiritual progress. <strong>The</strong> names and<br />

age of the martyrs are as follows:<br />

• Mr. Khalil Ahmad Solangi<br />

(aged 51); Mr. Ijaz Nasrullah<br />

Khan (83) were martyred at<br />

Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Chaudhry Hafiz Ahmad<br />

Kahloon (83) was martyred at<br />

Baitun Nur, Model Town.<br />

• Mr. Chaudhry Imtiaz Ahmad<br />

(34); Mr. Ijaz-ul- Haq (46); Mr.<br />

Sheikh Nadim Ahmad Tariq<br />

(40); Mr. Aamir Latif Paracha,<br />

and Mr Mirza Zafar Ahmad (56)<br />

were martyred at Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Mirza Mahmood Ahmad<br />

(58) was martyred at Baitun<br />

Nur, Model Town.<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa

“Remember the Pakistani Ahmadīs in your prayers, for they<br />

are being persecuted with ever increasing cruelty. Also pray<br />

that Allāh may vouch safe steadfastness to all Ahmadīs,<br />

strengthen their faith and show some extraordinary sign on<br />

account of the sacrifices being made by them.”<br />

• Mr. Sheikh Muhammad Akram<br />

Athar (66) was martyred at<br />

Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Mirza Mansoor Baig (29);<br />

Mr. Mian Muhammad Munir<br />

Umar (70), a grandson of<br />

Hadrat Khalifatul Masih I were<br />

martyred at Baitun Nur, Model<br />

Town.<br />

• Dr. Tariq Bashir (57) was<br />

martyred at Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Arshad Mahmood Butt (48);<br />

Guidance from Hadrat Khalīfatul Masīh V aa<br />

Mr. Muhammad Hussain Malhi<br />

(68) were martyred at Baitun<br />

Nur, Model Town.<br />

• Mr. Mirza Muhammad Amin<br />

(70) was martyred at Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Malik Zubair Ahmad (61)<br />

was martyred at Baitun Nur,<br />

Model Town.<br />

• Mr. Chaudhry Muhammad<br />

Nawaz (80) was martyred at<br />

Dārul Zikr.<br />

• Mr. Shiekh Mubashir Ahmad<br />

(47) was martyred at Baitun<br />

Nur, Model Town.<br />

Hudūr aa said: <strong>May</strong> Allāh raise the<br />

station of these martyrs, protect their<br />

wives and children and enable their<br />

parents to bear with this tragedy<br />

with patience and steadfastness.<br />

<strong>May</strong> Allāh strengthen the faith of<br />

their new generations and cause<br />

them to be firm in their belief in<br />

Islām and Ahmadīyyat. <strong>May</strong> Allāh<br />

keep all of us under His protection.<br />

Amīn.<br />


Think not of those, who have been slain in the cause of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living, in the presence of<br />

their Lord, and are granted gifts from Him. Jubilant because of that which Allah has given them of His bounty; and<br />

rejoicing for those who have not yet joined them from behind them, because on them shall come no fear, nor shall<br />

they grieve. <strong>The</strong>y rejoice at the favour of Allah and His bounty, and at the fact<br />

the believers to be lost. (<strong>The</strong> Holy Qur’an Chapter 3 - Verses 170-172)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blood <strong>The</strong>se Men was shed<br />

Due to the Sincerity of their Love.<br />

Beneath Swords, as Though it were<br />

Ilyas Ahmad<br />

Qureshi<br />

Muhammad Aslam<br />

Bharwaria<br />

Mahmood<br />

Ahmad Shad<br />

Munir<br />

Ahmad Sheikh<br />

Sajad Azhar<br />

Bharwana<br />

Umair<br />

Ahmad Malik<br />

Ch. Imtiaz Ahmad<br />

Munawar Ahmad<br />

Qaisar<br />

Kamran<br />

Arshad<br />

General<br />

Nasir Ahmad<br />

Khalil<br />

Ahmad Solangi<br />

Munawar<br />

Ahmad<br />

Ch. Ejaz Nasrullah<br />

Khan<br />

Mahmood<br />

Ahmad<br />

Muhammad<br />

Anwar<br />

Asif<br />

Farooq<br />

Abdul<br />

Rehman<br />

Abdul<br />

Rasheed Malik<br />

Sardar<br />

Iftikhar ul Ghani<br />

Mian Munir Umer<br />

Dr. Asghar<br />

Yaqoob Khan<br />

Arshad<br />

Mahmood Butt<br />

Anees<br />

Ahmad<br />

Mirza<br />

Akram Baig<br />

Muhammad<br />

Ashraf Bhullar<br />

Ch. Muhammad<br />

Ahmad<br />

Aamir<br />

Latif Paracha<br />

Malik<br />

Zubair<br />

Nasir<br />

Mahmood Khan<br />

Ch. Muzaffar<br />

Ch. Muhammad<br />

Nawaz Jajja<br />

Ch Mohammad<br />

Maalik<br />

Khawar<br />

Ayub<br />

Sheikh<br />

Sajid Naeem<br />

Ejaz ul Haq<br />

Irfan<br />

Ahmad Nasir<br />

Malik<br />

Ansar ul Haq<br />

Mahmood<br />

Ahmad Mirza<br />

Shaikh<br />

Shamim Ahmed<br />

Lal Khan<br />

Nasir<br />

Masood<br />

Ahmad Bajwa<br />

Mansoor<br />

Ahmad<br />

Malik Mohammad<br />

Yahya Khan

Malik<br />

Maqsood Ahmad<br />

Muhammad<br />

Saeed Dard<br />

Mian<br />

Mubashir Ahmad<br />

Mian<br />

Laeeq Ahmad<br />

Masood<br />

Ahmad Bhatti<br />

Mirza<br />

Mansoor Baig<br />

Prof. Abdul<br />

Wadood<br />

Mubarik<br />

AIi Awan<br />

Mirza<br />

Zafar Ahmad<br />

Sheikh<br />

Muhammad Yunas<br />

Mirza<br />

Mohammad Amin<br />

Ashraf<br />

Bilal<br />

Sheikh Muhammad<br />

Ikram Athar<br />

Mubashir<br />

Ahmad<br />

Haji Muhammad<br />

Akram Virk<br />

Dr. Omer Anas<br />

Muhammad<br />

Hussain Malhi<br />

Muhammad<br />

Hussain<br />

Hassan<br />

Khurshid Awan<br />

Munawar<br />

Ahmad Khan<br />

Syed Laeeq<br />

Ahmad<br />

Shabil<br />

Munir Mirza<br />

Mohammad<br />

Rasheed Hashmi<br />

Capt Naeem uddin<br />

Mirza<br />

Nadeem<br />

Ahmad Tariq<br />

Ch.Hafeez<br />

Ahmed<br />

Ateeq ur Rehman<br />

Tahir<br />

Mahmood Prince<br />

Syed Irshad<br />

Ali<br />

Zafar<br />

Iqbal<br />

Waleed<br />

Ahmad<br />

Mubarik Ahmad<br />

Tahir<br />

Fida<br />

Hussain<br />

Nisar<br />

Ahmad Gill<br />

Noor ul Amin<br />

Muhammad<br />

Shahid<br />

Ejaz<br />

Baig<br />

Saeed<br />

Ahmad Tahir<br />

Ehsaan<br />

Ahmad Khan<br />

Waseem<br />

Ahmad<br />

Malik Waseem<br />

Ahmed<br />

Mansoor<br />

Ahmad<br />

Dr. Tariq<br />


His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

<strong>May</strong> 28, <strong>2010</strong><br />

by Bint e Mahmood<br />

Just an hour ago he had looked and smiled at his<br />

young bride, at his newborn child taking leave<br />

from his aging mother, one last time he had<br />

wished them all goodbye before heading outside<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

Grenades exploded, bullets sprayed,<br />

all this as our brothers prayed<br />

blood, gore, carnage everywhere<br />

yet not a single word of despair<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

<strong>The</strong> attack so sudden, devastating terror<br />

the calm, the bravery fuelled with prayers<br />

the resilience, the fortitude, the courage<br />

these tales I’m sure will be told for years<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

He called his father, his mother, his wife<br />

I’m hurt he said, I may not survive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> phone is ringing no one answers…<br />

Oh Allah, oh Lord please, please keep him alive!<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

Brethren seven seas away pray as they watch in<br />

utter dismay <strong>The</strong>ir fervent midnight cries and<br />

woes for God Almighty to punish the foes<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

Shoes all around, lying unclaimed<br />

<strong>The</strong> house of Allah is blood stained<br />

<strong>The</strong> shattered walls tell amazing stories<br />

of unblemished wills and future glories<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

This is my son, I know his hand<br />

said the mother, barely able to stand<br />

From mine to Allah’s lap he goes<br />

Have you ever heard of courage so grand?<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

<strong>The</strong> only brother of sisters three the father who<br />

fought to keep the nation free the judge, the<br />

general, the doctor was he taken in a wicked<br />

killing spree<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

<strong>The</strong> wrinkled face smiled as the well wishers<br />

filed <strong>The</strong> young widow so composed<br />

as she caressed her unborn child<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

<strong>The</strong> mother weeps, the baby sleeps the sister<br />

sighs, the wife wipes the corners of her eyes<br />

the supplication, the tears, the heart-wrenching<br />

prayers reserved only for the Lord of the earth<br />

and the skies<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />

Farewell, farewell, our martyrs farewell!<br />

You knelt before Him and in His name you fell<br />

In the Gardens of Heaven you shall dwell<br />

Paradise awaits, for you have served Him well<br />

His call came as he knelt in Prayer<br />


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R A M A D A N - U L - M U B A R A K<br />

"Oh people! A great month has come over you; A blessed month!...it is the month of charity, and a<br />

month in which a believer's sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his<br />

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reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all." | Holy Prophet Muhammad sa<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Promised Messiah as<br />

Says About Ramadān<br />

Salāt Purifies the Spirit<br />

and Fast Illuminates the Heart<br />

This verse indicates the greatness of the month of<br />

Ramadān. <strong>The</strong> Sufis have recorded that this is a good<br />

month for the illumination of the heart. One who<br />

observes the fast has frequent experience of visions<br />

in this month. <strong>The</strong> Salāt purifies the spirit and the fast<br />

illumines the heart. <strong>The</strong> purification of the spirit means<br />

that one may be delivered from the passions of the self<br />

that incites to evil; and the illumination of the heart<br />

means that the gates of vision may be opened so that<br />

one may be able to behold God.<br />

[Malfuzāt, Vol. IV, pp. 256-257]<br />

On one occasion I began to reflect on the purpose of the<br />

prescribed expiation of missing a fast and I conceived<br />

that the expiation is prescribed so that one may be<br />

bestowed the capacity and the strength to observe the<br />

fast. God Almighty alone can bestow such strength<br />

and everything should be sought from God Almighty.<br />

He is the All-Powerful; if He so wills He can bestow the<br />

strength for observing the fast on one who is afflicted<br />

[with tuberculosis] ‘<strong>The</strong> month of Ramadān is that<br />

in which the Qur’ān was sent down.’—Al-Baqarah,<br />

2:186. <strong>The</strong> purpose of the prescribed expiation is that<br />

one may be bestowed the strength for the observation<br />

of the fast, and this can be achieved only through the<br />

grace of God Almighty. One should supplicate: Lord!<br />

this is Thy blessed month and I am being deprived of its<br />

blessings. I know not whether I shall be alive next year,<br />

or would find the opportunity of observing the fasts<br />

that I am missing. Do Thou bestow upon me, by Thy<br />

grace, the strength that should enable me to observe<br />

the fast. I am sure that one with such a heart would be<br />

bestowed the needed strength by God Almighty. If God<br />

Almighty so wished He would not have prescribed<br />

limitations for the Muslims as He had prescribed for<br />

earlier peoples; but the purpose of the limitations is<br />

the promotion of the welfare of the people concerned.<br />

According to me the principle is that when a person<br />

supplicate God Almighty with perfect sincerity that he<br />

should not be deprived of the blessings of the month<br />

of Ramadān, he is not so deprived, and if such a one<br />

should become ill during the month of Ramadān his<br />

illness becomes a source of mercy for him, inasmuch as<br />

the value of every action is determined by the motive<br />

that inspires it. It behoves a believer that he should<br />

prove himself brave in the cause of God Almighty. He<br />

who is heartily determined that he would observe the<br />

fast but is held back from doing so on account of illness<br />

while his heart yearns after the observation of the fast<br />

would not be deprived of the bounty resulting from<br />

the observation of the fast and angels would observe<br />

the fast in his place. This is a subtle matter. If a person<br />

finds the observation of the fast difficult on account of<br />

the slothfulness of his spirit and imagines that he is not<br />

in good health, and that if he misses a meal he would<br />

suffer from various types of disorders, such a one,<br />

who imagines that a Divine blessing would sit heavy<br />

on him, would not deserve any spiritual merit. On the<br />

other hand, a person who feels happy at the approach<br />

of the month of Ramadān and is eager to observe the<br />

fast, but is held back by illness from doing so, would<br />

not be deprived of the blessings of Ramadān.<br />

Many people merely seek excuses and imagine<br />

that as they can deceive their fellow beings they<br />

can also deceive God. Such people make their own<br />

14 Ramadān

O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those<br />

before you, so that you may guard against evil. (Holy Qur’an 2:184)<br />

interpretations and deem them correct, but they are<br />

not correct in the estimation of God Almighty. <strong>The</strong><br />

field of such interpretations is vast and a person given<br />

to them might become accustomed to the performance<br />

of the Salāt throughout his life in a sitting posture and<br />

may abstain altogether from observing the fast. But<br />

God is well aware of the motive and design of a person<br />

whose conduct is inspired by sincerity and devotion.<br />

God Almighty knows that his heart is eager and He<br />

bestows plentifully upon him, for the eagerness of<br />

the heart is valuable in the estimation of God. Those<br />

who seek excuses rely on their interpretations, but<br />

such interpretations have no value in the estimation<br />

of God Almighty. On one occasion when I continued<br />

observation of the fast for six months I met a company<br />

of the Prophets in a vision who admonished me against<br />

imposing so much hardship on myself and directed me<br />

to desist. Thus when a person imposes hardship upon<br />

himself for the sake of God, He takes pity on him like<br />

the parents of a child and directs him to desist.<br />

[Malfuzāt, Vol. IV, pp. 258-260]<br />

<strong>The</strong> Purpose of Fasting is Purification<br />

I have already spoken of the Salāt. Next in order is<br />

worship in the shape of the fast. It is a pity that some<br />

who call themselves Muslims at this time desire to<br />

modify these forms of worship. <strong>The</strong>y are blind and<br />

are not aware of the perfect wisdom of God Almighty.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se forms of worship are essential for the purification<br />

of the spirit. <strong>The</strong>se people seek to intervene absurdly in<br />

a sphere of which they have no knowledge and devise<br />

false schemes for the improvement of a territory that<br />

they have not visited. <strong>The</strong>ir lives are devoted to worldly<br />

affairs; of spiritual matters they have no notion. To be<br />

moderate in eating and drinking and to bear hunger<br />

and thirst are necessary for the purification of the spirit<br />

and promote the capacity for visions. Man does not live<br />

by bread alone. To discard all thought of eternal life is<br />

to invite Divine wrath. It should be remembered that<br />

the fast does not mean merely that a person should<br />

abstain from food and drink over a certain period.<br />

During the fast one should be occupied greatly with<br />

the remembrance of God.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Prophet sa occupied himself greatly with<br />

worship during the month of Ramadān. During that<br />

month one should discard one’s preoccupation with<br />

eating and drinking; and cutting asunder from these<br />

needs should address oneself wholly towards God.<br />

Unfortunate is the person who is bestowed material<br />

bread and pays no attention to spiritual bread. Material<br />

bread strengthens the body, and spiritual bread<br />

sustains the soul and sharpens the spiritual faculties.<br />

Seek the grace of God, as all doors are opened by His<br />

grace.<br />

[Speech at Jalsa Salana, 1906, pp. 20-21]<br />

Ramadān<br />


Religious History of Fasting<br />

Zia H Shah MD<br />

“O ye who believe! Fasting is<br />

prescribed for you, as it was<br />

prescribed for those before you,<br />

so that you may guard against<br />

evil.” (Al Qur`ān 2:184)<br />

Explaining this verse, in the<br />

Friday sermon of June 10, 1983<br />

Khalīfatul Masih IV, Hadrat Mirza<br />

Tahir Ahmad rh said, “In this<br />

verse ‘those before you’ implies<br />

that there is no religion in which<br />

fasting was not prescribed, and<br />

this ismentioned and recorded in<br />

historical records. <strong>The</strong>refore, the<br />

Encyclopedia Britannica writes<br />

that all the religions of the world<br />

mention fasting. <strong>The</strong>re is not even<br />

one religion that is without the<br />

concept of fasting. Even though<br />

such research is easy in this day<br />

and age as historical records are<br />

freely available in the book form<br />

but when this verse was revealed<br />

to the Holy Prophet Muhammad sa ,<br />

he did not have any access to the<br />

information about the majority of<br />

the world’s religions. <strong>The</strong>refore, the<br />

first issue that this verse diverts our<br />

attention to is that what a marvelous<br />

prophet and what a spectacular<br />

book is being revealed to him, that<br />

he makes a claim about the whole<br />

world, a claim for which there<br />

is apparently no logical secular<br />

reason present; yet, he with great<br />

confidence makes an assertion and<br />

it is proven to be true over time. So,<br />

what the man of this age is finding<br />

to be the case after major academic<br />

pursuits had been revealed 1400<br />

years ago.” 1<br />

According to the eleventh edition<br />

of the Encyclopedia Britannica<br />

(1911), under the heading of<br />

‘fasting,’ fasting is “of special<br />

interest when considered as a<br />

discipline voluntarily submitted<br />

to for moral and religious<br />

ends. As such it is very widely<br />

diffused. Its modes and motives<br />

vary considerably according to<br />

climate, race, civilization and<br />

other circumstances; but it would<br />

be difficult to name any religious<br />

system of any description in which<br />

it is wholly unrecognized.”<br />

According to Wikipedia:<br />

“Fasting for religious and<br />

spiritual reasons has been a<br />

part of human custom since<br />

pre-history. It is mentioned in<br />

the Bible, in the Old Testament<br />

and the New Testament, the<br />

Qur’ān, the Mahabharata,<br />

and the Upanishads. Fasting<br />

is also practiced in many<br />

other religious traditions and<br />

spiritual practices.”<br />

According to present day<br />

Encyclopedia Britannica online,<br />

“Fasting has been practiced<br />

from antiquity worldwide by<br />

the founders and followers of<br />

many religions. In the religions of<br />

ancient peoples and civilizations,<br />

fasting was a practice to prepare<br />

persons, especially priests and<br />

priestesses, to approach the deities.<br />

In the Hellenistic mystery religions<br />

(e.g., the healing cult of the god<br />

Asclepius), the gods were thought<br />

to reveal their divine teachings in<br />

dreams and visions only after a fast<br />

that required the total dedication<br />

of the devotees. Among the pre-<br />

Columbian peoples of Peru, fasting<br />

often was one of the requirements<br />

for penance after an individual<br />

had confessed sins before a priest.<br />

In many cultures, the practice was<br />

considered a means to assuage<br />

an angered deity or to aid in<br />

resurrecting a deity who was<br />

believed to have died (e.g., a god of<br />

vegetation).<br />

In the religions of traditional or<br />

preliterate peoples, fasting is<br />

often practiced before and during<br />

a vision quest (e.g., among the<br />

North American Indian peoples<br />

of the Great Plains and the Pacific<br />

16 Religious History of Fasting

Northwest). Among the Evenk (also<br />

called Evenki, formerly Tungus)<br />

of Siberia, shamans (religious<br />

personages thought to have the<br />

power to heal and to communicate<br />

psychically) often receive their<br />

initial visions not with a quest but<br />

rather after an unexplained illness;<br />

after the initial vision, however,<br />

they fast and train themselves to<br />

see further visions and to control<br />

spirits. Priestly societies among the<br />

Pueblo Indians of the American<br />

Southwest fast during retreats<br />

before major ceremonies connected<br />

with seasonal changes.<br />

Fasting for special purposes or<br />

before or during special sacred<br />

times is a characteristic of the<br />

major religions of the world. In<br />

Jainism, for example, fasting<br />

according to certain prescribed<br />

rules and practicing certain types<br />

of meditation leads to trances that<br />

enable individuals to disassociate<br />

themselves from the world<br />

and reach a transcendent state.<br />

Buddhist monks of the <strong>The</strong>ravāda<br />

school fast on certain holy days<br />

(uposatha) of the month. In China<br />

prior to 1949, it was customary to<br />

observe a fixed period of fasting<br />

and abstinence before the sacrifice<br />

during the night of the winter<br />

solstice, a time when the heavenly<br />

Yang (positive energy) principle<br />

was believed to begin its new cycle.<br />

In India, Hindu sadhus (holy men)<br />

are admired for their frequent<br />

personal fasts for various reasons.<br />

Among the Western religions,<br />

only Zoroastrianism prohibits<br />

fasting, because of its belief that<br />

such a form of asceticism will not<br />

aid in strengthening the faithful<br />

in their struggle against evil. <strong>The</strong><br />

other Western religions—Judaism,<br />

Religious History of Fasting<br />

Christianity, and Islām—emphasize<br />

fasting during certain periods.<br />

Judaism, which developed many<br />

dietary laws and customs, observes<br />

several annual fast days, primarily<br />

on days of penitence (such as Yom<br />

Kippur, the Day of Atonement) or<br />

mourning. Christianity, especially<br />

Roman Catholicism and Eastern<br />

Orthodoxy, has observed a 40-day<br />

fast period during Lent, a spring<br />

period of penitence before Easter,<br />

and during Advent, a penitential<br />

period before Christmas. Among<br />

Roman Catholics the observance<br />

has been modified since the second<br />

Vatican Council (1962–65) to allow<br />

greater individual choice, with<br />

mandatory fasting only on Ash<br />

Wednesday and Good Friday<br />

during Lent. Protestant churches<br />

generally leave the decision to fast<br />

to individual church members.<br />

<strong>The</strong> month of Ramadān in Islām<br />

is a period of penitence and total<br />

fasting from dawn to dusk.”2<br />

So, the present day Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica online has mentioned<br />

numerous religions including<br />

several religions among the<br />

aborigines of North and South<br />

America that carry the institution<br />

of fasting. However, it has also<br />

mentioned one exception and that<br />

is Zoroastrianism or Parsee religion.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir claim about Zoroastrianism<br />

may be misinformation. For<br />

example, it is mentioned in the<br />

Journal of the Asiatic Society of<br />

Bombay by Asiatic Society of<br />

Bombay, Royal Asiatic Society of<br />

Great Britain and Ireland Bombay<br />

Branch, in the Centenary Memorial<br />

volume, “<strong>The</strong> Desatir, of which we<br />

have spoken above, and which is<br />

considered to be a semi-Zoroastrian<br />

book by some, refers to fasting as a<br />

good institution.” <strong>The</strong> full volume<br />

of this book is available on Google<br />

in the books section. <strong>The</strong> authors<br />

then try to explain away the fact,<br />

but as is said, ‘cat is out of the bag.’<br />

According to Wikipedia, “<strong>The</strong><br />

Dasatir-i-Asmani is an old Persian<br />

work related to Zoroastrian. … It<br />

contains fifteen sections which are<br />

said to have been revealed to<br />

fifteen successive prophets, the<br />

first of whom is Mahabad and<br />

the last Sasan. At the end of each<br />

section, with the exception of the<br />

last one, there is a prophecy about<br />

the next prophet. It is thought<br />

to have influenced Dabestan-e<br />

Mazaheb. A translation of it into<br />

the old Dari dialect of Persian<br />

language is supposed to have<br />

been discovered in Persia early<br />

in the 19th century, and was<br />

edited by Mullah Firuz of Bombay.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dating of the Dari translation<br />

is held to be the time of Khosrau<br />

II (590-628 A.D.). <strong>The</strong> scholars are<br />

divided over its authenticity; some<br />

consider it to be a work by Azar<br />

Kayvan in the period of the Mughal<br />

ruler Akbar.”<br />

As Parsees are fast disappearing<br />

from the world, by attrition, in India<br />

and Iran, it will be worthwhile to<br />

do more detailed research into their<br />

original religious scriptures and<br />

other sources in a timely fashion.<br />


Ahmadī Muslims believe that all<br />

ancient religions were from the<br />

same God so we can find common<br />

theme in all of them if we go to<br />

their very roots. So, fasting is no<br />

exception and this institution is<br />

present in all religions.<br />

18<br />


Zoroastrianism is a major ancient<br />

and pre-Islāmic religion of Iran. For<br />

over a thousand years, from around<br />

549 BCE to 652 CE, the religion<br />

taught by Zarathustra flourished<br />

as the state religion of three mighty<br />

Iranian empires. Amongst the many<br />

subjects of the Achaemenian Empire<br />

were the Jews, who adopted some<br />

of the prophet›s main teachings<br />

and transmitted them in due course<br />

to Christianity.<br />

Zoroastrianism is a religion<br />

founded in ancient times by the<br />

prophet Zarathustra, known to the<br />

Greeks as Zoroaster. «Arising out of<br />

the polytheistic traditions of ancient<br />

India and Iran, he was one of the<br />

early monotheists in the recorded<br />

human history. Zarathustra<br />

preached that there was one God,<br />

whom he called Ahura Mazda.<br />

Ahura means «Lord,» and Mazda<br />

means «Wise,» so Zoroastrians<br />

call God the «Wise Lord.» No one<br />

knows exactly when Zarathustra<br />

lived. <strong>The</strong> modern estimate of<br />

Zarathustra’s date is anywhere<br />

from 1500 to 1000 BC. Desatir or<br />

the Sacred Writings of the Ancient<br />

Persian Prophets in the original<br />

tongue with commentary of the fifth<br />

Sasan by Mullah Firuz Bin Kaus, is a<br />

scarce book which is a collection of<br />

the writings of the different Persian<br />

prophets who flourished from the<br />

time of Mahabad to the time of<br />

fifth Sasan. In the chapter named,<br />

<strong>The</strong> book of Shet Sasan the First, we<br />

read, “Sekander during his reign<br />

translated into Yunani this Great<br />

Book, and afterwards other Books:<br />

and I have here given an extract<br />

from it that the young student<br />

might understand it, and know his<br />

God (Dadar) by proofs deduced<br />

from reason. Let him afterwards,<br />

with God›s assistance, go onto the<br />

large commentary which I have<br />

written on the respected Desatir,<br />

and draw all his knowledge from<br />

it: after which let him, with the<br />

grace of Ized devote himself to the<br />

worship of Yezdan and by means<br />

of seclusion and watchfulness,<br />

and fasting and meditation on<br />

Yezdan, let him see Yezdan and<br />

those who are nigh onto the Most<br />

Just (Dadar).”<br />


In his epic making book, Revelation,<br />

Rationality, Knowledge and Truth,<br />

Hadrat Khalāfatul Masih IV rh writes,<br />

“Although many Chinese consider<br />

it to be a religion on the pattern of<br />

other divinely revealed religions<br />

of the world, there are others<br />

among them who view it as a mere<br />

philosophy.” He adds, “From an indepth<br />

study of classical Confucian<br />

literature, it is not difficult to prove<br />

that Confucianism is not a manmade<br />

philosophy at its origin. It did<br />

embrace the idea of one immortal<br />

God, from Whom its teachings<br />

originated and Who is believed to<br />

govern the universe. «Heaven» is<br />

a manifestation of that God, and<br />

as such sometimes He Himself is<br />

referred to as Heaven.”<br />

According to Stanford<br />

Encyclopedia of Philosophy,<br />

“Book X of the Analects consists<br />

of personal observations of how<br />

Confucius comported himself as a<br />

thinker, teacher, and official. Some<br />

have argued that these passages<br />

were originally more general<br />

prescriptions on how a gentleman<br />

should dress and behave that<br />

were relabeled as descriptions of<br />

Confucius. Traditionally, Book X<br />

has been regarded as providing an<br />

intimate portrait of Confucius and<br />

has been read as a biographical<br />

sketch. <strong>The</strong> following passages<br />

provide a few examples. When<br />

fasting in preparation for sacrifice<br />

he must wear the Bright Robe, and<br />

it must be of linen. He must change<br />

his food and also the place where<br />

he commonly sits. He does not<br />

object to his rice being thoroughly<br />

cleaned, or to his meat being finely<br />

minced. (Lunyu 10.7, 10.8)” 3<br />

According to <strong>The</strong> Analects,<br />

attributed to Confucius, 551-479<br />

BCE, “Confucius, in his village,<br />

looked simple and sincere, and as if<br />

he were not able to speak.…..On the<br />

first day of the month he put on his<br />

court robes, and presented himself<br />

at court. When fasting, he thought<br />

it necessary to have his clothes<br />

brightly clean and made of linen<br />

cloth. When fasting, he thought it<br />

necessary to change his food, and<br />

also to change the place where he<br />

commonly sat in the apartment. 4<br />

Religious History of Fasting


Prior to attaining Buddhahood,<br />

prince Siddhartha (Buddha)<br />

practiced a regime of four years<br />

of strict austerity during which he<br />

consumed very little food. <strong>The</strong> two<br />

major Sanskrit works on the life<br />

of Buddha that mention this are<br />

Lalitavistara and Buddhacharita.<br />

Buddhist monks and nuns following<br />

the Vinaya rules commonly do<br />

not eat each day after the noon<br />

meal. This is not considered a fast,<br />

but rather a disciplined regimen<br />

aiding in meditation. Fasting is not<br />

practiced by lay Buddhists because<br />

it is seen as a deviation from the<br />

Middle Path.<br />

According to <strong>The</strong> Complete Idiot’s<br />

Religious History of Fasting<br />

Guide to Fasting by Eve Adamson<br />

and Linda Horning, “Buddhism<br />

has many different branches, but<br />

most of them include fasting in<br />

their spiritual practices. For some,<br />

fasting occurs on full moon days<br />

or Buddhist holidays. On these<br />

days they abstain from all solid<br />

foods. ...Buddhists fast for several<br />

reasons. ... Some Buddhists fast to<br />

help free the mind from the world<br />

of the senses so it can more easily<br />

comprehend ultimate truth. In this<br />

way, fasting becomes a partner in<br />

meditation.”<br />



<strong>The</strong> fasts of Jesus Christ before his<br />

receiving the heavenly Call are<br />

mentioned in the Bible. (Matt 4:2)<br />

Lent in the Christian church is a<br />

period of penitential preparation<br />

for Easter. In Western churches it<br />

begins on Ash Wednesday, 61/2<br />

weeks before Easter, and provides<br />

for a 40-day fast (Sundays are<br />

excluded), in imitation of Jesus<br />

Christ’s<br />

fasting in the wilderness. In Eastern<br />

churches Lent begins on the<br />

Monday of the seventh week before<br />

Easter and ends on the Friday that<br />

is 9 days before Easter. This 40-day<br />

“Great Lent” includes Saturdays<br />

and Sundays as relaxed fast days.<br />

According to Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica online, “Lent is since<br />

apostolic times a period of<br />

preparation and fasting that has<br />

been observed before the Easter<br />

festival. It was a time of preparation<br />

of candidates for baptism and a time<br />

of penance for sinners. In the early<br />

centuries fasting rules were strict,<br />

as they still are in Eastern churches.<br />

One meal a day was allowed in the<br />

evening, and meat, fish, eggs, and<br />

butter were forbidden. <strong>The</strong> Eastern<br />

Church also restricts the use of wine,<br />

oil, and dairy products. In the West<br />

these fasting rules have gradually<br />

been relaxed. <strong>The</strong> strict law of<br />

fasting among Roman Catholics<br />

was dispensed during World War<br />

II, and only Ash Wednesday and<br />

Good Friday are now kept as Lenten<br />

fast days. However, the emphasis<br />

on penitential practice remains.”5<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are several mentions of<br />

fasting in the Bible. On three<br />

occasions in the Bible, people<br />

fasted for forty days. This is not<br />

a prescribed practice; these were<br />

very unusual circumstances. <strong>The</strong><br />

first occasion was when Moses<br />

received the Ten Commandments.<br />

(Exodus 34:28) <strong>The</strong> next occasion<br />

was when Elijah encountered God<br />

before the anointing of Elisha. (1<br />

Kings 19:8) <strong>The</strong> third occasion for<br />

such a fast was when Jesus was in<br />

the wilderness. (Matthew 4:2)<br />

Abstaining from food is the typical<br />

kind of fast. (Daniel 6:18) <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are occasions when people abstain<br />

from both food and drink, though<br />

this is not common. (Ezra 10:6)<br />

Typically, fasts are one day in<br />

length. (Judges 20:26) Sometimes,<br />

they are three days (Esther 4:16),<br />

or even seven days; “And they took<br />

their bones, and buried them under<br />

a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven<br />

days. (1 Samuel 31:13)<br />

Distressing or difficult times are<br />

reasons for fasting. Fasting is a<br />


way of communicating feelings<br />

of fear, anxiety, distress or grief<br />

to God. Self-denial is one way<br />

of expressing genuineness or<br />

sincerity. It’s also a way of making<br />

a spiritual contribution to relieving<br />

the situation, a way of showing<br />

God a willingness to do our part<br />

and asking Him to make up the<br />

difference. (See Esther 4:3) Fasting<br />

is sometimes used as a sacrifice<br />

when asking God to intervene in<br />

a situation. “But as for me, when<br />

they were sick, my clothing was<br />

sackcloth: I humbled my soul with<br />

fasting; and my prayer returned<br />

into mine own bosom.” (Psalms<br />

35:13)<br />

Bereavement was once a common<br />

reason for fasting, though it is not<br />

so much anymore. <strong>The</strong> fasting may<br />

have been incidental in some cases<br />

but was often a way to feel closer to<br />

God during a particularly difficult<br />

time. “And it came to pass, when I<br />

heard these words, that I sat down<br />

and wept, and mourned certain<br />

days, and fasted, and prayed before<br />

the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1:4)<br />

Fasting can also be a way of<br />

expressing sorrow or regret for sin.<br />

God doesn’t ask us for this sacrifice<br />

but He is pleased by it. “And they<br />

gathered together to Mizpeh, and<br />

drew water, and poured it out<br />

before the LORD, and fasted on that<br />

day, and said there, we have sinned<br />

against the LORD…”(1 Samuel 7:6)<br />

When this kind of sacrifice is made<br />

as a sincere gesture of sorrow or<br />

penitence, it is accepted by God.<br />

When Christians seek guidance<br />

from God fasting may be an action<br />

that is helpful. <strong>The</strong> idea is to use the<br />

time we spend on food to spend<br />

with God instead. It provides extra<br />

time to spend in prayer, worship<br />

20<br />

and listening. It is also a way of<br />

preparing for a spiritual event or<br />

change. It’s an act of submission, a<br />

way to get our desire out of the way<br />

in order to allow the spirit to work.<br />

(Acts 13:1-3)<br />

Fasting can be a form of worship.<br />

“And she was a widow of about<br />

fourscore and four years, which<br />

departed not from the temple,<br />

but served God with fasting and<br />

prayers night and day.” (Luke 2:37)<br />

Surrendering comfort as an act of<br />

worship is not necessary but it is<br />

pleasing to God if it is sincere. It is<br />

much like saying, “Thank you God<br />

for giving Your Son for me. Let me<br />

be a little uncomfortable for Your<br />

sake.” Here again fasting is an act<br />

of sacrifice. Moses fasted for forty<br />

days and forty nights while he was<br />

on the mountain with God. (Exodus<br />

34:28)<br />

<strong>The</strong> people of Nineveh in response<br />

to Jonah’s prophecy fasted to<br />

avert the judgment of God (Jonah<br />

3:7). <strong>The</strong> Jews of Persia, following<br />

Mordechai›s example, fasted due<br />

to the genocidal decree of Haman.<br />

Queen Esther declared a three-day<br />

fast for all the Jews prior to risking<br />

her life in visiting King Ahasuerus<br />

uninvited (Esther 4). <strong>The</strong> Pharisees<br />

in Jesus› time fasted regularly, and<br />

asked Jesus why his disciples did<br />

not. Jesus answered them using<br />

a parable (Luke 5:33-39, Matthew<br />

9:14-15, Mark 2:18-20, see also Mark<br />

2).<br />

Jesus also warned against fasting<br />

to gain favor from men. He warned<br />

his followers that they should fast<br />

in private, not letting others know<br />

they were fasting (Matthew 6:16–<br />

18).<br />


<strong>The</strong> Prophet Moses fasted prior to<br />

receiving the Ten Commandments.<br />

(Exod 34:28 and Deut 9:9) Fasting for<br />

Jews means completely abstaining<br />

from food and drink, including<br />

water. Brushing teeth is forbidden<br />

on the major fast days of Yom<br />

Kippur and Tisha B›Av (See below),<br />

but permitted on minor fast days.<br />

Taking medications is generally not<br />

permitted, except where a doctor›s<br />

orders would forbid abstaining.<br />

Observant Jews fast on up to six<br />

days of the year. With the exception<br />

of Yom Kippur, fasting is never<br />

permitted on Shabbat, for the<br />

commandment of keeping Shabbat<br />

is biblically ordained and overrides<br />

the later rabbinically-instituted<br />

fast days. Yom Kippur is the only<br />

fast day which is ordained in the<br />

Torah. Yom Kippur is considered<br />

to be the most important day of the<br />

Jewish year and fasting as a means<br />

of repentance is expected of every<br />

Jewish man and boy above the age<br />

of bar mitzvah and every Jewish<br />

woman and girl above the age of<br />

bat mitzvah. It is so important to<br />

fast on this day, that only those who<br />

would be<br />

put in danger by fasting are exempt,<br />

such as the ill, elderly, or pregnant<br />

or nursing women, as endangering<br />

one›s life is against a core principle<br />

of Judaism. Those that do eat on<br />

this day are encouraged to eat as<br />

little as possible at a time and to<br />

Religious History of Fasting

avoid a full meal. For some, fasting<br />

on Yom Kippur is considered more<br />

important than the prayers of this<br />

holy day. If one fasts, even if one is<br />

at home in bed, one is considered<br />

as having participated in the full<br />

religious service. In addition to<br />

fasting and prayer, Yom Kippur -- as<br />

the «Sabbath of Sabbaths» – has the<br />

same restrictions regarding work as<br />

the Sabbath, such as striking a fire,<br />

carrying objects outside the home,<br />

using tools, and so on. Traditionally,<br />

leather shoes are not worn on this<br />

day.<br />

It is traditional for a bride and<br />

groom to fast on their wedding<br />

day before the ceremony as the day<br />

represents a personal Yom Kippur.<br />

In some congregations, repentance<br />

prayers that from the Yom<br />

Kippur service are included<br />

by the bride and groom in the<br />

service before the ceremony.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second major day of<br />

fasting is Tisha B’Av, the<br />

day nearly 2000 years ago<br />

on which the Romans<br />

destroyed the Holy Temple<br />

in Jerusalem and the Jews<br />

were banished from their<br />

homeland. Tisha B›Av ends a<br />

three-week mourning period<br />

beginning with the fast of the<br />

17th of Tammuz. Unlike the<br />

fast of Yom Kippur, there are<br />

no restrictions on activities,<br />

although one should try to<br />

avoid doing regular work<br />

the first part of the day, sit in<br />

a low chair or on the floor, and wear<br />

no leather shoes. This is also the day<br />

when observant Jews remember the<br />

many tragedies which have befallen<br />

the Jewish people, including the<br />

Holocaust. <strong>The</strong> atmosphere of this<br />

holiday is serious and deeply sad.<br />

Religious History of Fasting<br />

Both of these holy days are<br />

considered major fasts and are<br />

observed from sunset to sunset the<br />

following day by both men and<br />

women. <strong>The</strong> remaining four fasts<br />

are considered minor and fasting<br />

is only observed from sunrise to<br />

sunset. Men are expected to observe<br />

them, and women should observe<br />

them, but a rabbi may often give<br />

dispensions if the fast represents<br />

too much of a hardship to a sick or<br />

weak person.<br />

On the two major fast days sexual<br />

relations are also forbidden. Aside<br />

from these official days of fasting,<br />

Jews may take upon themselves<br />

personal or communal fasts, often<br />

to seek repentance in the face<br />

of tragedy or some impending<br />

calamity. For example, a fast is<br />

sometimes observed if the scrolls of<br />

the Torah are dropped. <strong>The</strong> length<br />

of the fast varies, and some Jews<br />

will reduce the length of the fast<br />

through tzedakah, or charitable<br />

acts.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are several references to<br />

fasting in the Old Testament<br />

including, Isaiah, 58:1-13; Joel, 2:12-<br />

18; Leviticus, 23:27,29,32; Numbers,<br />

29:7; Leviticus, 26:14- 41; Esther,<br />

4:3,16; Jonah, 3:7 and Isaiah 66:10.<br />


In Hinduism fasting is commonly<br />

practiced on New Moon days and<br />

during festivals such as Shivaratri,<br />

Saraswati Puja, and Durga Puja<br />

(also known as Navaratri). Women<br />

in North India also fast on<br />

the day of Karva Chauth. <strong>The</strong><br />

style and intensity of fasting<br />

depends on the individual.<br />

Fasting may involve 24 hours<br />

of complete abstinence from<br />

any food or drink, but is more<br />

often an elimination of solid<br />

foods, with an occasional<br />

drink of milk or water.<br />

According to Wikipedia:<br />

“Fasting is a very integral<br />

part of the Hindu religion.<br />

Individuals observe different<br />

kinds of fasts based on<br />

personal beliefs and local<br />

customs. Some are listed<br />

below.<br />

Some Hindus fast on certain<br />

days of the month such<br />

as Ekadasi or Purnima. Certain<br />

days of the week are also set<br />

aside for fasting depending on<br />

personal belief and favorite deity.<br />

For example, devotees of Shiva<br />

tend to fast on Mondays, while<br />

devotees of Vishnu tend to fast on<br />


Fridays or Saturdays. Thursday<br />

fasting is very common among<br />

the Hindus of northern India. On<br />

Thursdays devotees listen to a<br />

story before breaking their fast. On<br />

the Thursday fasters also worship<br />

Vrihaspati Mahadeva. <strong>The</strong>y wear<br />

yellow clothes, and meals with<br />

yellow color are preferred. Women<br />

worship the banana tree and water<br />

it. Food items are made with<br />

yellow-colored ghee.<br />

Fasting during religious festivals<br />

is also very common. Common<br />

examples are Maha Shivaratri<br />

or the 9 days of Navratri (which<br />

occurs twice a year in the months<br />

of April and October/November<br />

during Vijayadashami just before<br />

Diwali, as per the Hindu calendar).<br />

Karwa Chauth is a form of fasting<br />

unique to the northern part of India<br />

where married women undertake a<br />

fast for the well-being, prosperity,<br />

and longevity of their husbands.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fast is broken after the wife<br />

views the moon through a sieve<br />

after sunset.<br />

In the state of Andhra Pradesh, the<br />

month of Kaarthika, which begins<br />

with the day after Deepavali is<br />

often a period of frequent (though<br />

not necessarily continuous) fasting<br />

for some people, especially women.<br />

Common occasions for fasting<br />

during this month include Mondays<br />

(for Lord Shiva), the full-moon day<br />

of Karthika and the occasion of<br />

Naagula Chaviti.<br />

Methods of fasting also vary widely<br />

and cover a broad spectrum. If<br />

followed strictly, the person fasting<br />

does not take any food or water<br />

from the previous day›s sunset<br />

until 48 minutes after the following<br />

day›s sunrise. Fasting can also<br />

mean limiting oneself to one meal<br />

22<br />

during the day and/or abstaining<br />

from eating certain food types and/<br />

or eating only certain food types. In<br />

any case, even if the fasting Hindu<br />

is non-vegetarian, he/she is not<br />

supposed to eat or even touch any<br />

animal products (i.e. meat, eggs)<br />

on a day of fasting. (Milk is an<br />

exception for animal products).”<br />


According to Wikipedia:<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many types of fasting in<br />

Jainism. One is called Chauvihar<br />

Upwas, in which no food or water<br />

may be consumed until sunrise the<br />

next day. Another is called Tivihar<br />

Upwas, in which no food may<br />

be consumed, but boiled water is<br />

allowed. <strong>The</strong> main goal of any type<br />

of Fasting in Jainism is to achieve<br />

complete Non-Violence (ahimsa)<br />

during that period. Fasting is<br />

usually done during Paryushana<br />

but can be done during other times.<br />

If one fasts for the eight days of<br />

Paryushana, it is called Atthai,<br />

and when it is for One Month, it<br />

is known as Maskhamana. Also, it<br />

is common for Jains not to fast but<br />

only to limit their intake of food.<br />

When a person only eats lentils and<br />

tasteless food with salt and pepper<br />

as the only spices, the person is said<br />

to do Ayambil. This is supposed to<br />

decrease desire and passion. Selfstarvation<br />

by fasting is known as<br />

Sallekhana and is supposed to<br />

help shed karma according to Jain<br />

philosophy.<br />



According to <strong>The</strong> Complete Idiot’s<br />

Guide to Fasting by Eve Adamson<br />

and Linda Horning, “In North<br />

America the Native Americans<br />

have traditionally used fasting as a<br />

sacred ritual. Young boys sent off on<br />

their vision quests in the wilderness<br />

alone would fast, and fasting was<br />

a part of other ceremonies and<br />

observations. Other native cultures<br />

around the globe have also used<br />

fasting as a way to purify the body,<br />

prepare it for visions, or to honor<br />

the creator.”<br />

According to present day<br />

Encyclopedia Britannica online:<br />

“Among the pre-Columbian<br />

peoples of Peru, fasting often<br />

was one of the requirements for<br />

penance after an individual had<br />

confessed sins before a priest.<br />

In many cultures the practice<br />

was considered a means to<br />

assuage an angered deity or to<br />

aid in resurrecting a deity who<br />

was believed to have died (e.g.,<br />

a god of vegetation).<br />

In the religions of traditional<br />

or preliterate peoples, fasting<br />

is often practiced before and<br />

during a vision quest (e.g.,<br />

among the North American<br />

Indian peoples of the Great<br />

Plains and the Pacific<br />

Northwest). Among the Evenk<br />

(also called Evenki, formerly<br />

Tungus) of Siberia, shamans<br />

(religious personages thought<br />

to have the power to heal and<br />

Religious History of Fasting

to communicate psychically)<br />

often receive their initial visions<br />

not with a quest but rather after<br />

an unexplained illness; after<br />

the initial vision, however,<br />

they fast and train themselves<br />

to see further visions and to<br />

control spirits. Priestly societies<br />

among the Pueblo Indians of<br />

the American Southwest fast<br />

during retreats before major<br />

ceremonies connected with<br />

seasonal changes.”6<br />


Indeed, We have sent thee<br />

(Muhammad) with the truth, as<br />

a bearer of glad tidings and as a<br />

Warner; and there is no people<br />

on earth in any age who did not<br />

receive a Warner from God. (Al<br />

Qur’ān, 35:25)<br />

As all prophets, be they Buddha,<br />

Krishna, Ram, Zoroaster,<br />

Confucius, Jesus, Moses or the<br />

prophets in North and South<br />

America or Australia are from God,<br />

so it is possible to trace a common<br />

thread between all religions at their<br />

sources. However, the details of<br />

worship may differ to some degree,<br />

as is mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān,<br />

“For every people We have appointed<br />

ways of worship which they observe;<br />

so let them not dispute with thee in the<br />

matter of the Islāmic way of worship;<br />

and call thou the people to thy Lord, for,<br />

surely, thou art on the right guidance.’’<br />

(Al Qur’ān, 22:68)<br />

According to Khalīfatul Masih IV rh ,<br />

in his epic making book Revelation,<br />

Rationality, Knowledge and Truth,<br />

in the chapter, <strong>The</strong> Concept of God<br />

among the Aborigines of Australia:<br />

“Australia is a continent whose<br />

culture, social and religious history<br />

can be traced back to at least<br />

Religious History of Fasting<br />

twenty-five thousand years. Many<br />

scholars extend it to forty thousand<br />

years or beyond. According to<br />

some researchers, however, this<br />

period could extend even to a past<br />

as remote as one hundred and<br />

thirty thousand years of unbroken,<br />

unadulterated and undisturbed<br />

growth of religion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Australian continent is not only<br />

unique in having been completely<br />

broken off from the rest of the world,<br />

it is also unique in containing within<br />

it hundreds of social islands, each<br />

comprising tribes that remained<br />

entirely isolated from each other. It<br />

is known that between five hundred<br />

to six hundred such tribal units had<br />

their own independent history of<br />

social and religious development,<br />

throughout an age of twenty-five to<br />

forty thousand years, in complete<br />

isolation from each other except for<br />

occasional marginal contacts at the<br />

boundaries of their territories.”<br />

So, the diversity of Australia<br />

provides a very fertile area of<br />

research for us on the topic under<br />

discussion and the related subjects,<br />

especially on the subject of there<br />

being only one God and not three!<br />

Stressing other aspects of the main<br />

verse under discussion, in the<br />

Friday sermon of October 7, 2005,<br />

Khalīfatul Masih V, Hadrat Mirza<br />

Masroor Ahmad aa highlighted our<br />

responsibilities in Ramadān, and<br />

how it should inculcate fear of God<br />

in our lives. He said:<br />

“In this Ramadān we should<br />

reflect upon whether we<br />

have maintained the spiritual<br />

development we attained<br />

during the previous Ramadān<br />

or not? We need to analyze if<br />

we have drifted away from<br />

the gains made in goodness in<br />

the previous year. If we have<br />

lost the gains of the previous<br />

Ramadān then where is the<br />

advantage? What can we hope<br />

to achieve from this or any<br />

future Ramadāns? Whereas,<br />

Allah has said that He has<br />

prescribed fasting, so that<br />

we can grow in piety and<br />

righteousness and come closer<br />

to Him; but, what is this that we<br />

have not progressed in morality<br />

and spirituality? Allah’s claim<br />

cannot be wrong. <strong>The</strong> fault lies<br />

with man! So, the fact of the<br />

matter is that vulnerability is<br />

ours. Either we did not benefit<br />

from the Ramadāns that have<br />

passed away or earned only<br />

temporary benefit and over the<br />

year drifted back to square one.<br />

What is expected of a believer is<br />

that whatever stations of piety<br />

and Taqwa he achieved in the<br />

previous Ramadān the next<br />

Ramadān should incrementally<br />

take him to a higher station of<br />

morality, piety and Taqwa.”<br />

1 http://www.alIslām.org/archives/<br />

2 “fasting.” Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica Online. 22<br />

Aug. 2008 .<br />

3 http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/<br />

confucius/<br />

4 http://www.international.ucla.<br />

edu/eas/documents/lunyuCh10.<br />

htm<br />

5 “Lent.” Encyclopedia Britannica.<br />

2008. Encyclopædia Britannica<br />

Online. 26 Aug. 2008<br />

.<br />

6 “fasting.” Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia<br />

Britannica Online. 22 Aug. 2008<br />

.<br />


46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong><br />

Zaid Ebrahim, General Secretary Ahmadīyya Muslim Jamā’at South Africa<br />

By the grace of Almighty Allāh,<br />

Jamā’at Ahmadīyya South Africa<br />

held their 46 th Jalsa Sālana on<br />

Friday & Saturday, April 2-3, <strong>2010</strong><br />

in the College hall of Cape Town,<br />

Crawford campus, Kromboom<br />

Road, Athlone. <strong>The</strong>re were four<br />

sessions and 13 speeches delivered.<br />

Lajna Imā`illah, also held one<br />

session on Saturday morning, where<br />

four speeches were delivered. <strong>The</strong><br />

approximate attendance was a little<br />

over 200 people.<br />

It is important to remember that the<br />

Promised Messiah as has invited us<br />

to the Jalsa Sālana, therefore, while<br />

at Jalsa we will remain the guests of<br />

the Promised Messiah as . It is only<br />

through the blessings of the prayers<br />

of the Promised Messiah and<br />

Mahdi as that Jamā`ats throughout<br />

the world have been achieving<br />

successful Jalsa Sālanas.<br />

All praise belongs to Allāh; our<br />

Jalsa Sālana of <strong>2010</strong> was a great<br />

success. <strong>The</strong> program included<br />

recitations of the Holy Qur’ān with<br />

English translation, Urdu poems<br />

with English translation, speeches<br />

dealing with aspects of Allāh the<br />

Living God, the Holy Prophet<br />

Muhammad ’s , Islām, the System<br />

of Khilāfat, Qur’ānic Prophecies,<br />

Upbringing of Children, Rights &<br />

Obligations of Women, Concept of<br />

Salvation, etc. <strong>The</strong> program also<br />

included a Question and Answer<br />

session.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Friday program started with<br />

Tahajjud prayer, followed by Fajr<br />

prayer and Darsul Qur’ān in the<br />

headquarter of the Ahmadīyya<br />

Muslim Jamā`at South Africa at<br />

Masjid Baitul Awwal, Cape Town.<br />

Friday April 2, <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> first session started with<br />

recitation of the Holy Qur’ān with<br />

English translation, by Mr. Rayaan<br />

Allom. After that an Urdu poem<br />

was presented by 5 children of<br />

the Atfal-ul-Ahmadīyya, Safeer<br />

Ahmed, Muhammad Hashim,<br />

Abdul Qayyum, Ihsaan Said and<br />

Tariq Said.<br />

First Session<br />

<strong>The</strong> National President &<br />

Missionary in charge, Ahmadīyya<br />

Muslim Jamā’at South Africa,<br />

Maulana Zahir Ahmed Khokhar<br />

Sahib delivered his opening<br />

address, after which he led silent<br />

prayer. His opening speech dealt<br />

with the institution of the Jalsa<br />

Sālana by the Promised Messiah as<br />

and the spiritual importance of<br />

attending it. Mr. Badruddin Jafar,<br />

Senior Vice President AMJ South<br />

Africa continued the first session as<br />

chairman.<br />

Inspirational speeches dealing with<br />

various subjects were delivered<br />

during this session. Mr. Nazeer<br />

Hargey spoke on the topic of, ‘Our<br />

God is a Living God.’ He quoted<br />

a number of extracts from the<br />

writings of the Promised Messiah as<br />

to establish that Our God, Allāh, is<br />

indeed a Living God. A speech on<br />

the Future of Islām relating to the<br />

System of Khilāfat was delivered<br />

by Mr. Tahir Ahmed Hargey. He<br />

beautifully outlined how the future<br />

of Islām is related to the system of<br />

Khilāfat. He laid emphasis on how<br />

true Allāh is to His promise and<br />

that the system of Khilāfat will be<br />

reestablished and ultimately will<br />

ensure the victory of Islām.<br />

Guest Speaker -<br />

<strong>May</strong>or of Cape Town<br />

<strong>The</strong> Friday morning program was<br />

also graced with the presence of a<br />

very important person of the city of<br />

Cape Town, the Executive <strong>May</strong>or<br />

of Cape Town, Mr. Alderman<br />

Dan Plato. We were indeed very<br />

grateful to the <strong>May</strong>or for spending<br />

a few precious hours with us. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>May</strong>or also addressed the Jamā’at<br />

with a few heartwarming and<br />

inspirational words. One of the<br />

encouraging items he mentioned in<br />

his address was that he assured us<br />

that the Ahmadīyya Jamā’at played<br />

24 46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong>

a very meaningful and progressive<br />

role in Cape Town, even though we<br />

might be unaware of it.<br />

Another pleasant item was the<br />

rendering of the National Anthem<br />

of South Africa in three languages<br />

(Xhosa; English; Afrikaans) by about<br />

twenty children of the townships,<br />

where Tablīgh is being done on<br />

a regular basis. <strong>The</strong>se children<br />

and their parents were invited<br />

to attend our Jalsa Sālana. Some<br />

of these families have accepted<br />

Islām Ahmadīyyat. <strong>The</strong> <strong>May</strong>or in<br />

particular enjoyed the rendering<br />

of the National Anthem by these<br />

children. He<br />

appreciated the<br />

idea that we<br />

had opened up<br />

our Jalsa Sālana<br />

program to give<br />

these children an<br />

opportunity to<br />

participate and<br />

contribute to the<br />

program of the<br />

Jalsa Sālana.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next item<br />

in the program<br />

was Friday and<br />

‘Asr prayers,<br />

after which lunch was served. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>May</strong>or also sat in the Friday prayer,<br />

and later enjoyed lunch with the<br />

Jamā’at and with this, the first<br />

session ended.<br />

Second Session<br />

This session began with the live<br />

broadcast of the Friday Sermon<br />

of Hadrat Khalīfatul Masih V aa at<br />

Basharat Mosque from Pedro Abad,<br />

Spain.<br />

April 3, <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Saturday program also started<br />

with Tahajjud prayer, Fajr prayer<br />

and Darsul Qur’ān as usual in<br />

Baitul Awwal Mosque.<br />

Third Session<br />

<strong>The</strong> third session started with<br />

recitation of the Holy Qur’ān<br />

with English translation, by Tahir<br />

Ahmed Hargey. <strong>The</strong> session was<br />

chaired by Mr. Abbas Bin Sulaiman,<br />

Missionary of Swaziland. Dr. Irfān<br />

Hargey delivered a speech on<br />

the great role the Holy Prophet<br />

Muhammad sa exemplified against<br />

the extreme obstacles which were<br />

placed in the way of truth by the<br />

opposition. Mr. Dawood Sadique<br />

Arthur, Missionary of Lesotho,<br />

<strong>The</strong> last speech of this session was<br />

delivered by Mr. Zaid Ebrahim on<br />

the Economic System of Islām. <strong>The</strong><br />

speech concentrated on the Qur’ānic<br />

teachings that wealth must remain<br />

in constant circulation among all<br />

sections of the community, thus<br />

securing the widest and most<br />

beneficent distribution of wealth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> speech also highlighted the<br />

divine guidance vouchsafed to<br />

the Promised Messiah as as laid out<br />

in his book Al-Wasiyyat, as the<br />

nucleus of a fool-proof system that<br />

offers a real solution to the global<br />

economic crisis.<br />

Question and Answer Session<br />

<strong>The</strong> session concluded with a<br />

Question and Answer session. A<br />

panel consisting of the National<br />

President & Missionary in charge,<br />

Maulana Zahir Ahmed Khokhar<br />

Sahib, Mr. Dawood Sadique Arthur,<br />

Missionary of Lesotho and Mr.<br />

Nazeer Hargey<br />

conducted this<br />

session.<br />

<strong>The</strong> third session<br />

ended with the<br />

combining of<br />

Zuhr and `Asr<br />

prayer. After<br />

that, lunch was<br />

served.<br />

Ladies Session<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lajna<br />

session, was<br />

held on Saturday<br />

National Anthem with <strong>May</strong>or Cape Town<br />

m o r n i n g<br />

spoke on the concept of salvation as exclusively for women. <strong>The</strong><br />

laid down by the beautiful teachings chairperson was the Naib Sadr<br />

of Islām compared to the teachings Lajna Imaillah South Africa,<br />

of other religions. After that, a short<br />

prayer in the Xhosa language was<br />

presented by two Xhosa speaking<br />

children.<br />

Sister Zuleigha Said Sahiba. Sister<br />

Amatul Wadūd Sahiba opened the<br />

session with recitation of the Holy<br />

Qur’ān and Sister Gafsa Abdullatief<br />

Sahiba read the English translation.<br />

Sister Saira Sahar Ahmed Sahiba<br />

rendered an Urdu poem and its<br />

English translation.<br />

Three speeches were presented<br />

in this program. <strong>The</strong> first speech,<br />

Righteousness and Youth, was<br />

delivered by Sister Naazia Said<br />

46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong><br />


Sahiba. <strong>The</strong> second speech which<br />

was delivered by Sister Aziza Jafar<br />

Sahiba, dealing with Qur’ānic<br />

prophecies as a guide for the future<br />

of mankind. <strong>The</strong> third speech,<br />

Rights and Obligations of Women,<br />

was delivered by Sister Ragiema<br />

Jaffer Sahiba.<br />

silent prayer.<br />

Fourth and Final Session<br />

<strong>The</strong> National President &<br />

Missionary in charge, Maulana<br />

Zahir Ahmad Khokhar Sahib,<br />

chaired the final session. <strong>The</strong><br />

session began with the recitation<br />

of the Holy Qur’ān followed by<br />

morally, mentally and spiritually<br />

stable human beings, and thereby<br />

establishing future communities of<br />

a high moral and spiritual fiber. He<br />

also laid stress on the role parents<br />

play in molding the moral and<br />

spiritual character of the child.<br />

A very informative and interesting<br />

After these speeches, a Qaseeda<br />

and its English translation was<br />

rendered by Sister Saleema Dawry<br />

Sahiba. <strong>The</strong> session concluded with<br />

the rendering of an Urdu poem by<br />

Sister Durre Sameen Sahiba with a<br />

few other Lajna members. Finally<br />

the chairperson, Mrs. Zuleigha Said<br />

gave a few words of thanks to the<br />

Lajna. After this, she requested the<br />

special guest of this session, Mrs.<br />

Tahira Hadi, wife of Mr. S.H. Hadi<br />

Sahib, Editor of Ahmadīyya <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

<strong>Canada</strong>, to end the program with<br />

26<br />

its English translation by Mr. M. S.<br />

Dawry.<br />

After that Mr. Rayaan Allom,<br />

Barrister delivered a very<br />

inspirational speech, Upbringing<br />

of Children with Islāmic Teachings<br />

in Western societies. His speech<br />

dealt with extracts from the book,<br />

the Way of the Seekers, by Hadrat<br />

Khalīfatul Masih II ra . He expounded<br />

26 principles and beautiful<br />

teachings of Islām with regard to<br />

the upbringing of children into<br />

item was included in this session.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program included the<br />

Editor of the Ahmadīyya <strong>Gazette</strong><br />

<strong>Canada</strong>, Mr. Hidayatullah Hadi,<br />

who shared with us the founding<br />

and establishment of Jamā`at<br />

Ahmadīyya in <strong>Canada</strong> and how it<br />

developed in many regions of the<br />

country, with the establishment of<br />

mission houses, prayer centers and<br />

the beautiful building of mosques,<br />

and the growth of the community’s<br />

population. Mr. Hadi was also very<br />

kind in supplementing his speech<br />

46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong>

with a PowerPoint presentation<br />

with vivid pictures. He explained<br />

in chronological order from year<br />

one up to present day development,<br />

progress and achievements of<br />

Jamā`at Ahmadīyya <strong>Canada</strong>. Mr.<br />

Hadi’s presentation was indeed<br />

very informative, interesting and it<br />

served as an encouragement to the<br />

members of South Africa Jamā’at.<br />

This was followed by a speech<br />

by Mr. Abbas Bin Sulaiman,<br />

Missionary of Swaziland, under<br />

the title, Philosophy of the Pillars of<br />

Islām. He beautifully outlined, one<br />

by one the five pillars<br />

of Islām, namely, the<br />

profession of faith<br />

(Kalima Shahādah),<br />

prayer (Salāt),<br />

almsgiving (Zakāt),<br />

fasting (Saum), and<br />

pilgrimage (Hajj).<br />

Concluding Address<br />

<strong>The</strong> program was<br />

concluded with the<br />

National President<br />

and Missionary-incharge<br />

of South Africa,<br />

Maulana Zahir Ahmad<br />

Khokhar Sahib,<br />

delivering his closing<br />

address in the form of<br />

a very inspirational<br />

speech. <strong>The</strong> speech<br />

laid emphasis on the<br />

need of Islām the true<br />

religion, the Perfect<br />

Reality of Islām as<br />

well as the blessings of<br />

Islām. <strong>The</strong> speech was<br />

beautifully structured<br />

upon the writings of the<br />

Promised Messiah as as<br />

recorded in the Essence<br />

of Islām expounding<br />

the verse of the Holy<br />

46th Jalsa Sālāna South Africa – <strong>2010</strong><br />

Qur’ān in Surah Al-Maida, “This<br />

day have I perfected your religion<br />

for you and completed My favour<br />

upon you and have chosen for you<br />

Islām as religion” (5:4), as well<br />

as certain prophecies of previous<br />

scriptures like in the Torah,<br />

Deuteronomy 18:18, which sets<br />

out God’s commandment that, “I<br />

will raise them up a Prophet from<br />

among their brethren, and put My<br />

words in his mouth and whosoever<br />

will not hearken unto My words<br />

I will require it of him.”, and the<br />

Gospels, John 16:12-13, “I have yet<br />

many things to say, but ye cannot<br />

bear them now but that when the<br />

Paraclete is come he will lead you<br />

to the whole truth.”<br />

Maulana Zahir Ahmad Khokhar<br />

Sahib then finally led the silent<br />

prayer. After this, light refreshments<br />

were served. All praise belongs to<br />

Allāh that our 46 th Annual Jalsa<br />

concluded with great success.<br />


A Tabligh Trip to Northern Ontario<br />

In compliance with the instruction<br />

of Hadrat Khalifatul Masih aa , a team<br />

consisting of 11 members visited<br />

five towns of Northern Ontario<br />

including Sudbury; Sault Saint<br />

Marie; Terrace Bay; Thunder Bay;<br />

and Timmins. <strong>The</strong> objectives of this<br />

trip were to meet dignitaries like<br />

mayors, police chiefs and media;<br />

to distribute flyers in these towns;<br />

and to explore the opportunities to<br />

establish a centre of Jama`āt in these<br />

towns. <strong>The</strong> team endeavored to<br />

pave the way for holding inter-faith<br />

seminars in these towns; to dispel<br />

myths and misunderstandings<br />

about Islām; and to convey the<br />

message of Islām/Ahmadīyyat. This<br />

team included 8 Jamia students:<br />

Faran Rabbani; Mujib Ahmad;<br />

Yousaf Khan; Mudassir Salam;<br />

Shahrukh; Hammad Ahmad;<br />

Nadeem Ahmad; and Asfand<br />

Suleman Ahmad. Team, headed by<br />

Ansar Raza, missionary and editor<br />

Ahmadīyya <strong>Gazette</strong>, also included<br />

Muhammad Hanif Sahib, Secretary<br />

Tabligh Brampton Flower Town,<br />

Rizwan Rabbani and Ataul Waheed<br />

Shakir. All arrangements of this<br />

tour, appointments with mayors<br />

and media were exceptionally<br />

made by Rizwan Rabbani Sahib.<br />

28<br />


On July 13, <strong>2010</strong> the team reached<br />

Sudbury and met <strong>May</strong>or John<br />

Rodrigus in his office. Introduction<br />

of AMJ and purpose of our visit<br />

was presented to the <strong>May</strong>or.<br />

He welcomed the team and<br />

appreciated that AMJ has taken this<br />

step to create peace and harmony<br />

among the followers of different<br />

religions. He assured of his full<br />

support. <strong>May</strong>or Rodrigus provided<br />

information about a multi-cultural<br />

association in Sudbury and a<br />

Christian radio-station. <strong>The</strong> office<br />

of multi-cultural association was<br />

visited and information left for its<br />

president, as he was not available.<br />

Later, the president, Mr. Meho<br />

Hilimich called and offered his<br />

support for inter-faith seminars.<br />

Similarly, radio-station was<br />

contacted but no progress was<br />

made due to unavailability of the<br />

president. After this team members<br />

scattered in the city and distributed<br />

flyers.<br />


Team left Sudbury on July-14,<br />

<strong>2010</strong> for Sault Saint Marie where<br />

a meeting with a reporter, Mike<br />

Pervus, of a newspaper, Sault Star,<br />

was scheduled at 2 pm. <strong>The</strong> purpose<br />

of our visit and the background of<br />

AMJ was explained to the reporter.<br />

This news-item appeared the same<br />

day on the website of Sault Star with<br />

a picture of team members and next<br />

day appeared in print form with<br />

positive remarks. After this, team<br />

members went to different areas of<br />

the town and distributed flyers.<br />


Our next destination was Terrace<br />

Bay which is 6-hours drive away<br />

from Sault Saint Marie. We left at<br />

4 am in the morning as a meeting<br />

with the mayor of Terrace Bay was<br />

scheduled on July-15, <strong>2010</strong> at 10 am.<br />

<strong>The</strong> police chief of the town also<br />

attended the meeting. Introduction<br />

of AMJ and the purpose of our visit<br />

was explained. Both of them were<br />

very excited about our visit and<br />

thanked us for picking Terrace Bay.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y assured us of their full support<br />

and cooperation. <strong>May</strong>or told us<br />

that city has bought a Catholic<br />

school which is being renovated<br />

as community Hall and library. He<br />

said that this community hall can<br />

be used to hold inter-faith seminar.<br />

Later, he, along-with one of his<br />

assistants, gave us a tour of the<br />

site and explained all the facilities<br />

available there. After this meeting,<br />

team members distributed flyers in<br />

different parts of the town.<br />


Team left Terrace Bay the same<br />

day for Thunder Bay and reached<br />

A Tabligh Trip to Northern Ontario

here in the evening. On July-16,<br />

<strong>2010</strong> meeting with Deputy <strong>May</strong>or<br />

and Deputy Police Chief was<br />

scheduled. Representatives of<br />

local TV, TB TV were also present<br />

there. Introduction of AMJ and the<br />

purpose of our visit was explained.<br />

Deputy <strong>May</strong>or and deputy chief<br />

of police welcomed the team and<br />

assured us of their full support.<br />

Local TV not only covered the<br />

meeting but also interviewed Ansar<br />

Raza. This coverage and interview<br />

was played that day at least five<br />

times in the local news segments.<br />

CBC radio also interviewed Ansar<br />

Raza and played it the same day.<br />

After this the team members<br />

distributed flyers in the city. Some<br />

local people to whom flyers were<br />

given, mentioned the interview.<br />

CBC interviewer provided the<br />

contact info of Lakehead Unitarion<br />

Fellowship and recommended<br />

Ansar Raza to meet them as they<br />

provide their forum to people of<br />

different denominations to speak<br />

about themselves. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

contacted and prospects of future<br />

seminars were discussed. While<br />

the team members were offering<br />

Juma prayer in a park beside Lake<br />

Superior, an old lady came and said<br />

that pray for her recently deceased<br />

husband and also for herself. A<br />

mosque of non-Ahmadī Muslims<br />

was visited. <strong>The</strong> mosque was open,<br />

but no one was there, even at 1.30 pm<br />

on Friday. Another visit of mosque<br />

was made later. An Arab man, Mr.<br />

Noori, was met and the purpose<br />

of our visit was explained to him.<br />

He asked to come again at Maghrib<br />

time at 10 pm. Team reached there<br />

at that time. More than 40 people<br />

gathered for prayer. After the prayer<br />

Mr. Noori introduced the team to<br />

congregation. This humble one<br />

explained the purpose of our visit<br />

and requested the congregation<br />

and the office-bearers of Muslim<br />

association to cooperate with us<br />

to hold joint sessions. Association<br />

agreed in principle but a couple<br />

of belligerent members of their<br />

congregation severely attacked<br />

Ahmadīyyat. A senior member and<br />

Imam-us-Salāt stopped them. <strong>The</strong><br />

president of the association told<br />

us that he listened our program on<br />

CBC radio as well as watched us on<br />

TB TV. On Saturday, tea members<br />

distributed flyers in the city the<br />

whole day. Some more people<br />

mentioned that they watched us on<br />

TV and listened our radio program.<br />


On Sunday July 18, <strong>2010</strong>, the<br />

team left for Timmins at 8 am and<br />

reached Timmins at 5 pm. After an<br />

hour an so, team members started<br />

distributing flyers in the town<br />

till 9.30 pm. Next day team was<br />

divided in two parts: one part led<br />

by Rizwan Rabbani Sahib went<br />

to distribute flyers and the other<br />

team headed by Ansar Raza, went<br />

to meat Media and the <strong>May</strong>or<br />

of the town. Representative of<br />

the newspaper, Timmins Daily<br />

Press, interviewed leader of the<br />

group, took pictures and recorded<br />

video. She also joined the team at<br />

the meeting with the <strong>May</strong>or and<br />

took pictures. <strong>The</strong>se details were<br />

uploaded on the website of the<br />

newspaper. <strong>May</strong>or assured the<br />

team of his fullest cooperation and<br />

assistance to hold seminars. After<br />

the successful completion of tour,<br />

the team reached home on July-19,<br />

<strong>2010</strong>.<br />

A Tabligh Trip to Northern Ontario<br />


In the Press...<br />

Dispelling Myths<br />

Article featured in “Timmins Daily<br />

Press” By Kate McLaren<br />

A backlash from the 2001 attack on<br />

the World Trade Center has seen<br />

Muslims mistakenly tarred with the<br />

same brush as violent extremists.<br />

"Muslims are not terrorist people,"<br />

Ansar Raza, a member of the<br />

Ahmadīyya Muslim Community<br />

which is the leading Islāmic<br />

organization to categorically reject<br />

terrorism in any form. "In our<br />

community, we do not believe in<br />

holy war."<br />

Members of the Ahmadīyya Muslim<br />

Community visited Timmins on<br />

Monday to spread their message of<br />

peace and unity.<br />

"We want to introduce our<br />

community and also dispel the<br />

myth that religion is the root of<br />

all evil, and it can be used to unify<br />

different faiths and cultures," said<br />

Raza.<br />

As part of a Northern Ontario<br />

tour with stops in Sudbury, Sault<br />

Ste. Marie, Terrace Bay, Thunder<br />

Bay and Timmins, 12 Ahmadīyya<br />

members met with community<br />

leaders and law enforcement<br />

representatives.<br />

Raza explained the group's<br />

secondary goal while touring the<br />

North is to educate people about<br />

the Islāmic culture.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re are so many commonalities<br />

between the faith we practise and<br />

other religions such as Judaism and<br />

Christianity."<br />

Based in Maple, Ont., the<br />

Ahmadīyya community practises<br />

"jihad by the pen" to defend<br />

Islām, teaching moderation and<br />

restraint, not violence, in the face of<br />

opposition.<br />

While in Timmins, the group met<br />

with <strong>May</strong>or Tom Laughren to<br />

discuss holding future seminars in<br />

the city.<br />

"I give them a lot of credit for<br />

doing what they're doing," said<br />

Laughren. "We talked a lot about<br />

multiculturalism in Timmins<br />

and I think their message is one<br />

that people would definitely be<br />

receptive of."<br />

He added that learning about<br />

different cultures and religions is a<br />

good thing.<br />

"We would have no problem if they<br />

wanted to come back and help to<br />

educate people about this."<br />

Seminars are designed to dispel<br />

myths about religion, present the<br />

Islāmic faith and values and prove<br />

that people of different faiths can<br />

give together in harmony.<br />

Raza explained the group's<br />

Northern tour was an important<br />

step in laying the groundwork for<br />

future visits.<br />

"We wanted to visit, to talk to<br />

30 In <strong>The</strong> Press

leaders, talk to the authorities and<br />

let them know why we're here and<br />

what we're doing.<br />

"People see a bunch of Muslim<br />

guys in a small town and they often<br />

wonder what they're doing here."<br />

He said aside from the Islāmic<br />

culture being linked to terrorism,<br />

the biggest misconception is their<br />

treatment of women.<br />

Muslim Missionaries<br />

Seek to Dispel Myths,<br />

Promote Harmony<br />

Article featured in “<strong>The</strong> Sault Star”<br />

By Michael Purvis<br />

Five Muslim men made their way<br />

to Sault Ste. Marie on Wednesday<br />

on a mission to dispel myths about<br />

Islām and promote harmony with<br />

other faiths.<br />

Ansar Raza, an Ahmadīyya<br />

missionary leading the group, said<br />

he is trying to teach Canadians<br />

of other faiths that Islām is not a<br />

"religion of terrorism," while at the<br />

same time pointing out common<br />

ground with other faiths.<br />

"We try to tell them this is not what<br />

Islām says, this is what (some)<br />

Muslims say to other people when<br />

"People think that our religion<br />

causes us to suppress women -and<br />

this is totally wrong. We work<br />

shoulder to shoulder with women.<br />

"In some Third World countries,<br />

yes, women are mistreated but<br />

that's because of the culture, not the<br />

religion."<br />

With the Ahmadīyya community<br />

expanding over the past few years,<br />

the group has not visited Northern<br />

Ontario before. Raza said fears of<br />

they are in power," said Raza.<br />

<strong>The</strong> missionaries, members of the<br />

Ahmadīyya Muslim Community,<br />

which has its national headquarters<br />

in Maple, Ont., are on a Northern<br />

Ontario tour, speaking with<br />

mayors, police chiefs and members<br />

of other religions.<br />

Having met with officials in the<br />

Sault in September, Raza said he<br />

expected Wednesday's visit to focus<br />

on the multi-faith community.<br />

Part of the reason for the trip is<br />

to try to shore up support in the<br />

West for members of the minority<br />

Ahmadīyya Muslim community<br />

in Pakistan and other countries,<br />

where they are often denounced by<br />

other followers of Islām.<br />

Raza said Ahmadis face persecution<br />

in their home territories, where<br />

mixed reactions from the various<br />

towns visited went unfounded.<br />

"We've had a great response and full<br />

co-operation from everyone. People<br />

have welcomed us with open arms.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> communities we've visited are<br />

absolutely beautiful. We've taken<br />

lots of snapshots. Now the plan is<br />

to go back down south and make<br />

a plan to come back and host some<br />

seminars."<br />

their activities are officially banned<br />

and their teachings prohibited. In<br />

<strong>May</strong>, an attack on an Ahmadīyya<br />

mosque in <strong>Lahore</strong>, Pakistan, killed<br />

more than 100 people.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> snipers killed more than 86<br />

people while they were gathered<br />

for prayer," said Raza.<br />

He said Ahmadis are also trying to<br />

point out the many commonalities<br />

that exist between faiths.<br />

"We need to tell the Christian<br />

priests and Jewish rabbis that we<br />

have so many things in common,"<br />

said Raza.<br />

Raza's group met with Sudbury<br />

<strong>May</strong>or John Rodriguez on Tuesday<br />

and were to arrive in Terrace Bay,<br />

Ont. on Thursday to meet with<br />

officials there.<br />

First <strong>The</strong>y Came...<br />

By Martin Niemoller<br />

In <strong>The</strong> Press<br />

First they came for the communists,<br />

and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they came for the socialists,<br />

and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they came for the trade unionists,<br />

and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they came for the Jews,<br />

and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they came for me -<br />

and there was no one left to speak out for me.<br />


Les Dires du Messie Promis as<br />

L’aide divine te sera accordée et Dieu honnira et humiliera tes adversaires<br />

Tu domineras et ta communauté s’imposera sur ses adversaires.<br />

Les véridiques qui émanent de Lui, revivent même après leur mort, car ils jouissent toujours la main des grâces<br />

divines. L’esprit de vérité réside chez eux. Ils ne sont point détruits même si le monde entier complote contre eux<br />

pour les anéantir. Même s’ils sont écrasés par les épreuves et rendus comme de la poussière et même si les gens<br />

les maudissent de partout. Pourquoi ne sont-ils pas écrasés ? C’est grâce au vrai attachement qu’ils ont avec le<br />

véritable Bien Aimé. Dieu les éprouve plus que tous les autres, non pas pour les détruire mais pour qu’ils fructifient<br />

davantage. C’est la loi de la nature que chaque élément qui a du potentiel, encaisse d’abord les chocs…. depuis<br />

l’antiquité la même pratique divine se fait à l’endroit des hommes choisis de Dieu. C’est-à-dire qu’ils subissent<br />

des ennuis démesurés, mais non pour les submerger par des chagrins mais plutôt pour qu’ils puissent avoir<br />

accès aux perles et aux diamants qui se trouvent au fond de la mer de l’unicité divine. Ils sont jetés dans le feu<br />

mais non pas pour être calcinés plutôt pour manifester les pouvoirs divins. Ils subissent des moqueries, les gens<br />

les maudissent, ils sont martyrisés et fatigués de toutes les manières. Ils sont maltraité et des propos absurdes<br />

leurs sont lancés. Les soupçons leurs sont attribués à tel point que beaucoup n’ont même pas la moindre idée de<br />

leur véracité. Mais celui qui les persécute et les martyrise pense faire une chose de grand mérite divin. Bref, cela<br />

dure ainsi pendant assez longtemps. Si quelque fois, à cause de la faiblesse humaine, une impatience s’installe,<br />

Allah les conforte en disant : « Aie patience comme ont eu ceux qui t’ont précédés.» Il dit : « Je suis avec toi,<br />

J’entends tout et Je vois tout.» Alors, il demeura dans la patience. Jusqu’à ce que l’affaire destinée touche à son<br />

destin. C’est à ce moment-là que la jalousie divine se manifeste en faveur de ce pauvre et d’un seul coup brise<br />

tous les ennemis en morceaux. De ce fait le premier tour est pour les adversaires et le tour final L’appartient.<br />

De même, Dieu m’a fait comprendre à plusieurs reprises que la moquerie aura lieu, les gens maudiront et<br />

martyriseront mais en fin de compte l’aide divine m’appartiendra. Dieu rendra les adversaires dominés et les<br />

honnira […] Dieu, à travers des milliers de révélations répétées et de visions, m’a fait clairement savoir, comme les<br />

rayons du soleil, « la victoire finale, Je te l’accorderai. Je te blanchirai de toute accusation, tu auras la prépondérance<br />

et ta communauté prévaudra sur les autres jusqu’à la fin du monde.» Il dit : « Je ferai éclater ta véracité à travers<br />

les assauts extrêmement puissants». Retenez bien que ces révélations ne sont pas écrites afin qu’on les accepte<br />

subitement mais parce que chaque chose appartient à un temps donné. Lorsque le temps de ces révélations se<br />

manifestera, à ce moment là ces écritures susciteront la foi, la tranquillité et la certitude pour les esprits potentiels.<br />

(Anwarul Islam Rouhani Khazaïne vol 9 page 52 à 54)<br />

32 Les Dires du Messie Promis as

Direction de Hadrat Khalifatul Messie V aa<br />

Les Ahmadis ont offert leurs vies pour la cause divine en implorant Allah et en<br />

invoquant les bénédictions (Daroud) sur le Saint Prophète sa<br />

Traduit par Abdul Rashid Anwar,<br />

Missionnaire <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> à Montréal, <strong>Canada</strong><br />

Le Khalifatul Massie aa prononça le<br />

sermon du vendredi 4 juin <strong>2010</strong> à la<br />

mosquée de Modern Baitoul Futouh<br />

à Londres. Le sermon fut diffusé en<br />

direct par les canaux de la MTA en<br />

différentes langues.<br />

Houdhour Anwar récita et traduisit<br />

les versets 31 à 33 du chapitre Hamim<br />

sajda du Saint Coran. Il a ensuite<br />

mentionné que la semaine dernière il<br />

avait reçu plusieurs milliers de lettres<br />

qui exprimaient les sentiments des<br />

fidèles sur les sacrifices extraordinaires<br />

des Ahmadis pour la cause divine.<br />

Hudhour ajouta qu’il recevait<br />

toujours des lettres similaires de tous<br />

les pays du monde. Il ajouta qu’il a<br />

personnellement téléphoné chez les<br />

familles des martyrs pour essayer de<br />

partager leurs douleurs et qu’il trouva<br />

que les veuves, les enfants, les frères,<br />

les mères et les pères de ces martyrs ne<br />

se plaignaient pas de la volonté divine.<br />

En quelque sorte, ils déclaraient que<br />

ces sacrifices à part, la dernière goutte<br />

de leur sang est prêt à être versée pour<br />

la communauté du Messie Promis as .<br />

Hudhour Anwar déclara : « les martyrs<br />

se sont présentés auprès d’Allah<br />

en faisant preuve d’une résistance<br />

exemplaire et jouissent d’une vie<br />

éternelle. Ces vaillants membres de la<br />

Jama’at ont fait offrande de leurs vies<br />

en implorant Allah et en invoquant les<br />

bénédictions sur le Saint Prophète sa ».<br />

Hudhour Anwar ajouta que dans les<br />

Direction de Hadrat Khalifatul Massih V aa<br />

versets récités au commencement de<br />

ce sermon, il est dit : « ceux qui font<br />

preuve de résistance au moment des<br />

souffrances, les anges les réconfortent<br />

et ils jouissent de la protection divine<br />

». Ils méritent les bonnes nouvelles de<br />

la victoire et du soutien divin. Mais<br />

une persévérance s’impose. Bénis sont<br />

les gens de <strong>Lahore</strong> qui ont fait preuve<br />

de fermeté. Le Messie Promis as avait<br />

eu une révélation : « Nous avons de<br />

vertueux membres à <strong>Lahore</strong> » «Et Nous<br />

avons des gens angéliques qui nous<br />

sont chers». (Tadhkira p.482). Hudour<br />

Anwar en s’adressant aux Ahmadis<br />

de <strong>Lahore</strong> dit : «C’est votre distinction<br />

vous devez la préserver».<br />

Hudhour Anwar déclara que les<br />

adversaires n’avaient pas uniquement<br />

l’intention de causer des dégâts<br />

physiques, ils avaient aussi d’autres<br />

objectifs tel que semer la terreur au<br />

sein des Ahmadis mais ils ont voué à<br />

l’échec. Ils ignoraient que par la grâce<br />

d’Allah, les Ahmadis sont des gens<br />

qui implorent l’aide d’Allah à travers<br />

la patience et ne cherchent que la<br />

protection divine. Nous ne confions<br />

nos affaires qu’à Dieu seul.<br />

En citant les histoires inspirantes des<br />

sacrifices courageux des martyrs et<br />

ensuite en détaillant les sentiments<br />

des ainés, des mères, des sœurs, et<br />

des frères, Hudour dit : « Ce sont<br />

des gens, ce sont des mères, qui ont<br />

été élevés par le Messie Promisas.<br />

Ils forment un exemple parfait du<br />

sacrifice. Elles ne se soucient pas de<br />

l’état de leurs enfants qui se sont<br />

donnés pour la cause divine, elles ne<br />

font qu’invoquer les supplications<br />

à l’endroit de la communauté toute<br />

entière. En interpellant les mères<br />

Ahmadies Hudour Anwar dit : «ô les<br />

mères Ahmadies, ne laisser jamais<br />

faner ce zèle et ces sentiments nobles<br />

et purs. Aussi longtemps que ce zèle<br />

restera intact aucun ennemi ne pourra<br />

faire le moindre mal à la jama’at ».<br />

Houdhour Anwar poursuivit en disant<br />

« le média pakistanais aussi a fait<br />

mention de ces actes de barbarisme.<br />

Qu’Allah les récompense aussi et<br />

que dorénavant aussi II leur donne le<br />

courage de dire la vérité. On a aussi<br />

reçu les déclarations et les messages<br />

de condoléances de plusieurs pays.<br />

Qu’Allah leur accorde, à tous, une<br />

récompense extraordinaire. Hudhour<br />

Anwar indiqua aussi quelques<br />

invocations à pratiquer constamment.<br />

Hudhour Anwar attira également<br />

l’attention sur les prières à l’endroit des<br />

blessés. Il ajouta que ce matin Dr Oumar,<br />

qui faisait parti des blessés, a rendu<br />

l’âme pour la cause divine. Hudhour<br />

Anwar apporta une correction quant à<br />

la lettre d’un Ahmadi. Il détailla aussi le<br />

sacrifice de Monsieur Naimatoullah de<br />

Nārowāl et l’état critique de son enfant<br />

blessé. Hudhour Anwar motiva les<br />

gens à prier pour l’élévation du rang de<br />

tous les martyrs et pour une prompte<br />

guérison de tous les blessés. Il officia<br />

aussi la prière funèbre (janaza Ghaib)<br />

de tous les martyrs après la prière du<br />

Jumu’ah.<br />


Au nom d’Allah le Gracieux le Miséricordieux<br />

Le Renouvellement du pacte de fidélité<br />

A la suite des événements tragiques de <strong>Lahore</strong>, nous, membres de la Jama’at islamique<br />

<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> du <strong>Canada</strong>, présentons nos regrets et nos condoléances à l’endroit de notre bien<br />

aimé chef, le Khalifatul Messie le V ab , En cette occasion, nous renouvelons l’engagement<br />

de notre fidélité, en proclamant que nous offrons nos vies, nos biens, nos occupations,<br />

notre honneur dans la voie de l’Islam. Si cette voie de fidélité exige d’avantage de sang,<br />

nous resterons attentifs à cette offrande. Nous promettons, Insha’Allah (si Dieu le veut),<br />

d’avancer avec plus de zèle, d’enthousiasme et de certitude pour rehausser le drapeau de<br />

l’Islam, celui du Saint Prophètesaw, et aussi les couleurs du Messie de Mohammad sa . Nous<br />

croyons avec une ferme conviction que c’est l’<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> seule qui représente le vrai<br />

Islam. C’est elle seule qui est la voie du Saint Prophètesaw et aussi des musulmans des<br />

premiers siècles. C’est le statut du martyrium qui avait été convoité par les prophètes et<br />

par ses véritables serviteurs. Nous sommes certains que l’<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> vaincra finalement<br />

et infailliblement. Et, Insha’Allah, (si Dieu le veut), l‘ennemi ne ferra que vouer l’échec.<br />

Nous déclarons sincèrement et certainement, de manière humble, que nous sommes<br />

offusqués certes, mais nous ne sommes pas abattus. Nos yeux pleurent, mais nous ne sommes pas<br />

pitoyables. Nous sommes chagrinés par le départ de nos frères, mais nous ne nous<br />

lamentons pas. Sous le commandement du Califat de l’<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong>, notre courage est à beau fixe,<br />

notre certitude est immuable, notre détermination est renforcée et nos pas sont<br />

plus fermes que jamais. Sous l’auspice du Califat, nous combattrons à la droite<br />

de notre bien aimé Imam, et à sa gauche. Nous braverons l’adversaire, devant et<br />

derrière notre Imam à travers les flèches des prières, les javelots des mœurs et les<br />

épées sous forme des plumes dont nous nous servirons pour rehausser le drapeau<br />

de l’Islam. Nous réussirons sans aucun doute, car c’est la promesse de Dieu.<br />

Nous supplions notre Dieu, notre Seigneur le Miséricordieux et le<br />

Compatissant, de nous rendre tenaces et de ne pas nous laisser dévier de la voie de la fidélité.<br />

Accorde-nous le pouvoir de tout sacrifier pour le rehaussement de la religion de<br />

Mohammadsaw. Fais de nous de vaillants soldats de l’armé du Messie et Mahdi des<br />

derniers temps. Compte-nous parmi de véritables dévoués du Califat de l’<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong>. Amin.<br />

O notre Dieu, Miséricordieux et Compatissant, grâce aux martyrisés de l’Islam<br />

<strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> et grâce à leur progéniture, ouvre nous les portes de Tes Grâces et de Tes<br />

immenses bénédictions. Fasse que nous soyons des témoins oculaires de la victoire de l’Islam<br />

et accorde nous le pouvoir de hisser le drapeau de Mohammad plus haut que tout autre drapeau.<br />

Ô Dieu, qu’il en soit ainsi, ô Notre cher Dieu, fais que cela soit ainsi. O Maitre de tous les<br />

mondes, fais que cela soit ainsi. Amine thumma Amine.<br />

Nous sommes les membres de la Jama’at Islamique <strong>Ahmadiyya</strong> du <strong>Canada</strong>.


Building a Future...<br />

Humanity First is building a multi-service, neighbourhood-based Community Center that<br />

provides a range of programs and services, including a gymnasium with a recreational facility for:<br />

Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton and other indoor sports. Programs and services include:<br />

• Health & Education<br />

• Social Activities<br />

• Counseling<br />

• Newcomer Orientation<br />

• Language Classes<br />

• Information Workshops<br />

• Resume Writing & Job Search<br />

• Volunteer Programs<br />

• Computer Training<br />

DONATE<br />

TODAY !<br />

<strong>The</strong> Humanity First Community Center will be located in the heart of a multi-cultural community at: 10610 Jane<br />

Street, Maple, Ontario. Humanity First Community Center will serve the community by providing counseling<br />

services, conducting sports and other recreational programs for youth, elderly, women and children, as well as<br />

various services for newcomers and the unemployed.<br />

In support of this project the Federal and Provincial Governments of <strong>Canada</strong> have given a grant of $2.2 million. We<br />

need your help to raise the remaining funds necessary to build this much needed facility in the City of Vaughan. We<br />

request businesses and individuals to support this project by donating generously. Please complete the donation<br />

form provided on the back. Thank you for your generosity!<br />

To donate: CALL , CLICK or COME !<br />

416.440.0346<br />

www.humanityfirst.ca<br />

Restoring Communities, Building a Future<br />

Charity Registration No: 87254 1040 RR0001<br />

245 Bowes Rd., Concord, ON L4K 1H8<br />

Tel/Fax: 416.440.0346<br />

Email: info@humanityfirst.ca<br />

Web: www.humanityfirst.ca<br />

Humanity First is a registered international non-profit charitable and humanitarian relief<br />

organization that aims to mitigate hunger, poverty and disease among the less privileged<br />

human beings around the world and strives to reduce peoples sufferings caused by natural<br />

disasters or human conflicts. Humanity First provides support to communities at a national<br />

and international level. Our organization invests in issues that matter the most, in order to<br />

strengthen communities and give humanity a chance to exceed their potential and help build<br />

for a brighter future.

<strong>2010</strong><br />

Think not of those,<br />

who have been slain in the cause of Allah, as dead.<br />

Nay, they are living, in the presence of their Lord<br />

<strong>The</strong> Holy Qur’an - Chapter 3 - Verse 170

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