Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg


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Kohat Cement, Dandot Cement and Thatta Cement and expansion on Javedan<br />

and Mustehkam cement units was undertaken.<br />

Import of tractors in CKD (Completely Knocked Down) condition started in 1973<br />

and I remember Feroz Kaisar, Special Assistant to Prime Minister, proudly<br />

showing me photographs of imported tractors being fitted with seats made in<br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>. It was this small step towards indiginization which has enabled<br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong> today to export tractors which have 90 percent components made in<br />

<strong>Pakistan</strong>.<br />

At the height of agitation against government, Bhutto is reported to have<br />

observed that it was not merely <strong>Pakistan</strong>'s nuclear programme but also his<br />

bid to make country self-sufficient in fertilizers, steel and cement that<br />

turned the Americans against him.<br />

On the eve of 1977 election, the PPP government brought out a comprehensive<br />

document called " Promises and Performance". In its preamble Bhutto proudly<br />

declared that " this administration is going to run on its records. Previous<br />

governments ran away from theirs". The document was a clause by clause<br />

statement of what manifesto had promised and what have been achieved. It<br />

recalled, for exemple that PPP government had nationalized on the ground that<br />

Credit facilities had been monopolised by owners of the banks for setting up their<br />

own industaries. While under previous ownership bank branches were limited to<br />

urban centers, the nationalized banks were asked to open braches in rural areas.<br />

Thus the number of bank branches, including branches abroad rose by 75<br />

percent from 3,295 in December 71 to 5,727 on November 30, 76, covering all<br />

towns and villages with a population of 5,000 in accordance with targets set after<br />

the nationalization of banks. In fact one of the most radical steps taken by Bhutto<br />

government, even before nationalization of banks was the promulgation of Banks<br />

Reform Act 1972 which assigned the State Bank of <strong>Pakistan</strong> the role of<br />

increasing the flow of credit to the agricultural sector. Under the act, State Bank<br />

was empowered to set target for lending to agriculture, imposing penalties for<br />

defaults and ensured a 50 percent subsidy on losses on such lendings. An<br />

Agricultural Credit Advisory Committee was set up to assess credit requirements<br />

of the sector. Agricultural produce rules were promulgated in 1973 which<br />

stipulated that 70% of institutional lending should be for small land holders of<br />

12.5 acres or less, 20% for farmers with holdings between 12.5 and 50 acres and<br />

10% for large farmers.<br />

The Bhutto government's credit allocation policy made it mandatory on banks to<br />

divert credit into areas which otherwise would not have received credit under<br />

normal commercial banking. The rationing of credit might look unreasonable in<br />

1997 but it was revolutionary, considering the situation in 1977 when banks were<br />

serving only industrial clients of a privillaged class.<br />


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