Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg

Who Owns Pakistan - Yimg


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disprove that bulk of the banking and isurance business was controlled by the 22<br />

families. A supplement on insurance business in daily Dawn of February 19,<br />

1971 said that " the advocate of insurance's nationalization believe that<br />

insurance is in hands of the 22 families and it was not true". Nothing could have<br />

been farther from the truth than this statement, because even today, in 1998, the<br />

general insurance business which was not nationalized is in the hands of the 22<br />

families.<br />

It was to pacify growing social unrest and resentment against the big business<br />

that General Yahya Khan promulgated the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade<br />

Practices, Control and Prevention Ordinance, February 1971, providing for the<br />

setting up of Monopoly Control Authority to " take measures against undue<br />

concentration of economic power and restrictive trade practices". This was a<br />

comprehensive law, clearly spelling out the situation which shall be deemed to<br />

constitute under concentration of economic power, monopoly power and<br />

unreasonable trade practices.<br />

The explanatory note with the ordinance defined the monopoly situations stating<br />

specifically that " creation or maintenance of unreasonable monopoly power in<br />

any market has been prohibited". Market was defined to " mean the geographical<br />

region i which competition in the production or sale of such goods or provision of<br />

services take place.<br />

The law empowered the Monopoly Control Authority to ask the management of a<br />

private limited company to go public if its assets exceeded Rs 50 million.<br />

Similarly all such dealings were prohibited with an associated undertaking which<br />

benefited or were likely to benefit the shareholders of such undertakings, to the<br />

prejudice of another associated undertaking.<br />

Acquisition by one person or undertaking, of the stocks or assets of any other<br />

person where the effects are likely creation of a monopoly power were prohibited.<br />

The law also prohibited financial institutions and insurance companies from<br />

making loans to firms associated with them on terms more favorable to than<br />

those to unrelated firms. The law hit at the various methods which have been<br />

instrumental in the accumulation of capital in few hands. Ironically the key<br />

provisions of this ordinance remained unenforced except during 1972-77, with<br />

the result that caretaker govt of Moeen Qureshi in 1993 had to reincorporate<br />

some of its provisions in another ordinance. This ordinance was also allowed<br />

to lapse.<br />

Bhutto's Nationalization<br />

You can bring the rich to the level of poor overnight but it takes a<br />

lifetime to lift the poor to the level of the rich<br />


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